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Malaysian netizens urge action against foreigners treating TBS bus terminal as ‘home’

Malaysian authorities face urgent calls to address foreigners turning TBS bus terminal into a ‘home.’ Facebook posts documenting the issue gain online traction, fueling local outrage and demands for swift action.



MALAYSIA: Concerned Malaysians are urging authorities to swiftly address the issue of foreigners using the Terminal Bersepadu Selatan (TBS) bus terminal as a makeshift resting and sleeping place.

On 20 January, images depicting foreigners sleeping and lounging inside the bus terminal area were shared on the Facebook group KAMI ANTI PATI, garnering widespread attention from netizens.

The post, accompanied by the caption “They live comfortably. No need to pay rent, no need to pay taxes, no need to pay electricity, and they even have air conditioning,” highlighted the alleged privileges enjoyed by these individuals.

The post also mentioned that the foreigners could even avail themselves of free showers at the bus terminal.

The concerned individual behind the post called on authorities, particularly the auxiliary police in the area, to closely monitor the situation.

Expressing disbelief, the individual questioned how the staff did not notice the recurring presence of the same foreigners sleeping at TBS, suggesting that they may be intentionally avoiding renting homes.

The individual further criticized the seemingly illogical and suspicious actions of foreigners who frequent the integrated bus terminal every night.

In a separate YouTube short video, it was revealed that refugees, homeless individuals, and foreigners have been using TBS as a makeshift “home,” even hanging their clothes to dry on the railings.

The video uploader expressed concern that these actions could potentially ruin Malaysia’s image, especially when tourists visit the bus terminal.

“They are happy and comfortable, they do not need to rent places to stay, they just need to come to TBS and treat this place like their home,” remarked the person filming the video.

Netizens voiced their dissatisfaction, pointing out the apparent double standard.

They argued that if locals were to stay or relax overnight while waiting for their bus, they would likely be immediately chased away, unlike the foreigners.

One netizen suggested that the auxiliary police, being foreigners themselves, might be reluctant to enforce the rules against their fellow foreigners, creating a perception of mutual protection.

Expressing disappointment, another netizen remarked that the rules in Malaysia seem to be selectively applied, benefiting Malaysians while potentially overlooking the actions of foreigners.

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