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Malaysian netizens demand stricter action against policeman in viral assault video

Malaysian authorities under fire for temporarily transferring a police officer exposed for allegedly assaulting a suspect. Public dissatisfaction grows on social media, questioning the perceived leniency of the consequences.



MALAYSIA: On 12 January, a video depicting a Malaysian policeman assaulting a suspect who had allegedly broken into a local eatery surfaced on X (formerly Twitter) and rapidly gained widespread attention.

In response to the viral video, Johor police chief Kamarul Zaman Mamat clarified that the involved policeman, a sergeant major stationed at Sri Gading police station, would be temporarily transferred to a unit where he wouldn’t interact with the public.

According to a report by Free Malaysia Today, Kamarul revealed that the incident captured in the video occurred on 15 April 2023, the same day the suspect was apprehended for the break-in.

Kamarul condemned the actions of the policeman as unacceptable and announced the initiation of an investigation under the Penal Code for voluntarily causing harm.

Additionally, a disciplinary inquiry would be conducted.

It was reported that the police became aware of the incident only on the day the video went viral, prompting swift action against the implicated officer for his conduct during the arrest.

The video displayed the officer forcefully confronting the suspect, pulling his hair, and repeatedly slapping him.

However, the decision by the Royal Malaysia Police (PDRM) to temporarily transfer the officer during the investigation has not been well-received by netizens.

Many expressed their dissatisfaction on social media platforms, questioning the severity of the consequences.

Comments under the X post reflected disbelief, with netizens suggesting that the officer should face more substantial repercussions for his actions.

Some raised concerns about the lack of immediate disciplinary action, while others questioned why the officer was not suspended pending the investigation.

Furthermore, there were suggestions that, given his rank as a sergeant major, he should at least be demoted to a regular rank as a consequence of his behaviour.

Some comments speculated that meaningful actions might only be taken against him after the investigation has been completed.

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