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Malaysian man takes matters into his own hands to fix potholes amidst government inaction, paints ‘My money’ onto road

Malaysian man takes matters into his own hands to fix potholes after authorities failed to promptly address the problem. The man funded this effort with his own money, and painted the freshly tarred road to prevent any claims that the repair was the result of official action.



MALAYSIA: In Malaysia, potholes have become a common concern for road users, often leading to accidents, some of which have been fatal.

A recent video, circulating online since 9 January, captures a local man’s frustration with the issue. In the footage, he can be seen using bright yellow paint to mark the words “DUIT SAYA” (my money) on freshly tarred sections of a road.

Addressing the camera, the man emphasizes that he funded this effort with his own money, distinct from the funds allocated to elected representatives.

He intended to prevent any claims that the repair was the result of official action.

Sources reveal that the man took it upon himself to rectify a pothole in the video, which had recently been tarred, as the local assemblyperson failed to promptly address the problem.

Reports indicate that a motorcyclist had allegedly suffered an accident due to the neglected potholes.

The video, shared on social media, included a caption that complained about the lack of action despite previous complaints to the Taman Sentosa assemblyperson.

Y.B. Tuan Dr. Gunarajah A/L R George, the assemblyperson for the area, responded to the issue via his Facebook page on 10 January.

He explained that the road in question frequently sustains damage from heavy rainfall and the constant use of the area by large vehicles.

Gunarajah also said he informed the Klang Municipal Council (MPK) about the issue, but no actions were taken.

He further revealed that the term of the current council members had concluded, and the new council members would commence their duties on 15 January 2024.

Gunarajah then expressed his gratitude to the man who took the initiative to fix the road.

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Is this the reason why so many Malaysians are driving on Singapore roads and bring with them driving skills from their home country?
