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Singapore hospitals prepare for COVID-19 surge amid rising infections

Singapore’s healthcare groups, NUHS and SingHealth, prepare to increase capacity amid a surge in COVID-19 cases, emphasizing vigilance and resource optimization.



The National University Health System (NUHS) and SingHealth, two leading healthcare groups in Singapore, have announced their readiness to increase hospital capacity in response to the recent surge in COVID-19 cases.

According to the Ministry of Health (MOH), there has been a notable increase in infections, with 32,035 cases reported in the last week of November, up from 22,094 in the previous week.

Despite the rising numbers, MOH reassured that the current hospitalisation and ICU rates are not as alarming as during the peak of the pandemic.

Additionally, there is no evidence to suggest that the circulating variants are more transmissible or lead to more severe illness. However, the increase in cases is putting a strain on hospital resources.

NUHS, overseeing the National University Hospital, Ng Teng Fong General Hospital, and Alexandra Hospital, is proactively monitoring the situation. “We continue to remain vigilant and maintain surge capacity in our inpatient facilities, including our intensive care and isolation facilities,” said a NUHS spokesperson. The spokesperson also confirmed that elective procedures remain unaffected at the moment.

Similarly, SingHealth, which operates several hospitals and specialty centers, is on high alert.

Deputy group CEO Fong Kok Yong stated that their hospitals are well-prepared to expand capacity to care for COVID-19 patients as necessary.

SingHealth said that it has implemented measures like same-day admission, day surgeries, and initiatives to reduce hospital stays, such as pre-operative rehabilitation and early mobilisation of post-surgery patients.

NUHS mentioned that it would redeploy and increase manpower to support high attendance at its emergency departments. The group also highlighted the use of senior emergency physicians to review cases for admission to avoid unnecessary hospital stays.

NUHS and SingHealth are also promoting alternative arrangements, including home recovery programs, teleconsultation, and remote prescription services, to manage patient flow efficiently.

They urge the public to seek emergency department services only for serious or life-threatening conditions, such as chest pain, breathlessness, and uncontrollable bleeding.

For non-emergencies, the public is advised to visit general practitioners or 24-hour clinics.

“No beds available in the wards as they were fully occupied”

The Straits Times reported the experience of an unnamed retiree in her late 70s, who was discharged from Singapore General Hospital (SGH) after a three-night stay for lung infection. This occurred in the last week of November, coinciding with 2023’s peak week for COVID-19 infections.

She recounted that while initial triage and tests at SGH’s Emergency Department (ED) at 9:30 AM on 25 November were “fast and efficient,” the wait for a ward bed was “painful.”

The retiree observed patients on trolley beds along the corridors outside the ED observation rooms as she was wheeled to the holding area.

“I was told there were no beds available in the wards as they were fully occupied. I was then placed in a large unisex hall near Outram Community Hospital. It felt like being at Grand Central Station in New York City, with a constant flow of patients being wheeled in from the emergency room and others heading to their wards,” she explained.

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When the frontline staff are inadequately paid and working to fight a disease of which they may succumb to, what do you think they will do for survival…….
Pawn their golds and silvers. Is the medal gold or silver…….maybe can get a few dollars, why begrudge them?

Do you want to consider rewarding them monetarily just maybe half or 1/4 of your pay?

This article written by a ‘Staff writer’.
The moment some article here appears like this…101% is FAKE MADE UP NEWS.


Maybe for these losers , article writer as well as readers, their REAL LIVES ARE ALSO FAKE!

Or welcome to DEEP FAKE!😆😆😆🤣🤣😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆

Singapore’s front and rear doors all wide open by the white termite colony, hang tight all Singaporeans, here may come another round of covid-19 tsunami soon!
Lets welcome 移灵易死。

i still remember vividly OYK saying …
… and Singapore will be one of the safest place to live.

OYK/MoH says that Singapore has one of the lowest “excess mortality” rates in the world. But this article on zerohedge says otherwise:

One of them is not telling the truth. Given the record of the PAP govt (remember the Hep C case?), I’m inclined to believe the latter. So, do we really want to jab ourselves even more with mRNA Covid vaccines?

Hotels are not fully booked now… drop in bookings.
Can use hotels…

Our EDs are all full. There are not enough beds since over 2years. The govt. lies and covers up all the short comings of the State. Once again the increase in population policy must be stopped or there are going to be premature deaths due to people being unable to get medical care when they need it.

Cull the 60

No wonder celebrities change age to 40 plus. All reaching 60 the pattern come out liao … No hope loh

Is the quick surge in population creating more problems for the healthcare sectors with insufficient capacities as population can increase over 600,000 in just 2 to 3 years?

Same goes for housings, car COE, etc
