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Israeli Government proposes sanctions against Haaretz over Gaza war coverage

Israeli Communications Minister Shlomo Karhi, a member of Prime Minister Netanyahu’s Likud Party, has proposed sanctions against Haaretz, a leading Israeli news publication, over its coverage of the ongoing Gaza conflict.

It is noteworthy that this move by the Israeli government follows Haaretz’s report on a tragic incident at the Supernova rave on 7 October, where an Israeli military helicopter shot civilians at the Supernova rave where Israel says 364 people were killed on 7 October.



ISRAELI: Israeli Communications Minister Shlomo Karhi, a member of Prime Minister Netanyahu’s Likud Party, has proposed imposing sanctions on the Israeli news publication Haaretz due to its coverage of the ongoing Gaza war.

The proposed sanctions, which would sever all ties between the Israeli government and Haaretz, include halting state employee subscriptions, advertisement agreements, and ceasing all communication with the newspaper.

Haaretz, a left-leaning publication offering content in both English and Hebrew, has been openly critical of the Israeli government.

In a letter to Cabinet Secretary Yossi Fuchs, Karhi criticized Haaretz’s “offensive line,” accusing it of undermining the war’s objectives and disparaging the military’s efforts. He even alleged that some of Haaretz’s publications could be considered criminal under wartime penal codes.

In response, Haaretz has reinforced its commitment to independent journalism, promoting its subscription service with a message that challenges the government’s attempt to silence its reporting.

It is noteworthy that this move by the Israeli government follows Haaretz’s report on a tragic incident at the Supernova rave on 7 October, where an Israeli military helicopter shot civilians at the Supernova rave where Israel says 364 people were killed on 7 October.

However, the report does not specify the number of festival attendees who were killed or injured by the helicopter. The report also highlighted that Hamas fighters, who crossed into Israel that day, were unaware of the nearby music festival and only found out about it through drones and those flying in via parachutes.

The Union of Journalists in Israel and the Journalists’ Association of Jerusalem have expressed support for Haaretz, criticizing Karhi’s proposal as populist and devoid of logic. They emphasize that media companies in Israel have the right to operate freely under the law, without economic coercion based on their published opinions.

This sentiment was echoed by the Journalists’ Association of Jerusalem, which stated, ‘We can only emphasize that every media company in Israel has the right to exist according to law, without being subjected to economic siege because of the opinions it publishes”.

Karhi, who assumed his ministerial role in December 2022, has been known for his aggressive stance against the press. His actions include the closure of the West Bank offices of the Lebanese TV channel Al Mayadeen and an attempt to shut down Al Jazeera’s operations in Israel.

The attack by Hamas in Israel on 7 October resulted in approximately 1,200 deaths, mostly civilians, and led to the capture of about 240 hostages, including children and the elderly. In retaliation, Israel launched a severe bombing campaign and ground offensive in Gaza. According to the Hamas government, this response has resulted in over 15,000 deaths, many of whom are children.

After weeks of intense negotiations, led by Qatar and coordinated with the US and Egypt, an agreement was reached. This agreement stipulates the release of 50 civilian hostages from Gaza in exchange for Palestinian prisoners. Additionally, it includes a four-day truce and provisions for access to humanitarian aid.

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want not very “MSM” news? then watch this. “64% of palestine refugee in Denmark have criminal records”. think deeper.

Sanctions? just fire them lah. they wanna talk cock and suppork Hamas, they can do so WITHOUT tax money from the people.

1000 BC King David conquer Israel

Palestine never was a country. never existed

603 Romans conquer part of Israel land.

Romans rename Judah or Judea to Palestine.

So Land still belongs to Israel.

Radicals have no place in the world stage.

2 millions of Palestinians have been under the rule of PLO.

PLO was a terrorist organization. By now most of the Palestinians are radicalized. sad truth.

Anyone accepting Palestinians? Egypt ? Turkey? Iran ?

The Western medias around the world covering of the Hamas hostages is racist and one sided. At left , right and centre its always about Israeli hostages showing many pictures of them and their loved ones. Not once did I hear from these news medias ever mentioning the Thais and Filipino and their loved ones and how they are coping up. White skin are more important and take prominance than Asian yellow skin. These western medias are sympathetic only to the Israeli hostages held by Hamas in their own backyard but for the Asians away from home thousand of kilometers,… Read more »

All the Israeli govt needs is POOFMA laws like ours 🙂

World Press Freedom index (2022/2023):

  • Israel = 87/97
  • SG = 139/129
  • Switzerland = 14/12 (aka Swiss Standard)

Out of about 180 countries ranked.

It takes 2 hands to clap in any peaceful resolution. Anyone has any surveys/news/support among the Israelis/Jews on how they see a possible/realistic solution to the conflict in their region? ———————————– Q. Are the Palestinian people genuinely open to peace and reconciliation? There has been a recent study conducted by Arab World for Research and Development (AWRAD) among Palestinians living in Gaza and the West Bank, and the results are profoundly depressing. AWRAD is an internationally respected research and consultancy agency based in Palestine. Rejection of peace and reconciliation The great majority are against peace with Israel on any terms: 75% support… Read more »

The Israeli cabinet seems to be Zionist extremists. The Jews have to remove this group if they wish to work out a two state solution.
