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Outrage over driver transporting babies in car trunk sparks safety concerns and police action in Indonesia

Indonesians netizens express outrage as videos surface showing infants peacefully sleeping in an open car trunk, without doors, sparking concerns for their safety.



babies in car trunk

CENTRAL JAVA, INDONESIA: The actions of the driver of a black Low Cost Green Car (LCGC) have stirred anger among netizens. This disapproval stems from the fact that the driver was transporting two babies in the trunk of the car, where they were only secured in a bouncer.

Adding to the concern, the trunk door was visibly damaged and left open during the journey.

The incident was captured and shared via a video uploaded on the Instagram account @lowslow.indonesia.

The location of this unsettling occurrence was around Pasar Gede Surakarta, and the recording took place on Monday (13 Nov), at approximately 2:53 p.m. local time.

The brief 27-second video provides a glimpse of the LGCC car navigating a fairly busy road.

Within the trunk, the two babies can be seen peacefully sleeping in the bouncer, positioned to face the street.

However, what exacerbated the outrage among netizens was the compromised safety of the infants due to the damaged and open trunk door.

As of the time of reporting, the motive behind the driver’s decision to transport two babies in such a precarious manner remains unknown.

Repeated instances of babies in open car trunks using bouncers

The Child Seat Safety Advisor as revealed in her Instagram Story, highlighted that this recent incident is not an isolated occurrence for the driver in question.

Expressing concern about the repeated nature of such actions, she urged the Mayor of Surakarta, Gibran Rakabuming, for assistance in investigating the matter promptly.

In her plea directed at Mayor Gibran Rakabuming, the account owner underscored the urgency of the situation.

She stated, “Sir @gibran_rakabuming please. This car has brought children like this many times. Sorry, Sir, if it’s happened in another county, it could be charged with child abuse and result in child murder.”

babies in car trunk

This sentiment resonated with several netizens who echoed similar concerns in the comments section of the Instagram post.

The alarming recurrence of such incidents was further corroborated by comments from netizens who claimed to have witnessed the same car in similar conditions on multiple occasions.

One netizen shared her experience of encountering the car while picking up her son from school, emphasizing the widespread nature of the issue.

babies in car trunk comment

Additionally, another netizen mentioned receiving a video depicting the same car with its trunk without a door on 6 November, further indicating a pattern of unsafe practices by the driver.

babies in car trunk comment

These collective accounts and appeals for action underscore the gravity of the situation and the need for immediate intervention to ensure the safety and well-being of the children involved.

Netizens express concerns and offer safety insights on video of babies in car trunk without a door

The Instagram account also shared a video depicting a baby peacefully sleeping in a bouncer within a trunk lacking a door.

This footage stirred confusion and concern among netizens, prompting discussions about the driver’s perplexing behavior.

One observant netizen noted a crucial distinction, highlighting that the infants were placed in a bouncer, not a car seat.

The netizen emphasized that while car seats require secure fastening with a seat belt, a bouncer should ideally be positioned on the floor, not inside a moving vehicle.

This netizen urged parents to familiarize themselves with the warnings and instructions accompanying such products.


Other netizens drew attention to the potential dangers posed by the driver’s actions.

Concerns were raised about the risk of the babies bouncing if the car braked suddenly, posing a threat to their safety.

Additionally, the exposure of infants to exhaust gases from nearby vehicles was emphasized as a significant hazard in this unconventional setting.


Further discussions among netizens focused on the damaged trunk, with some suggesting that if the trunk was indeed compromised, someone should be present inside to supervise the babies.


This collective sentiment underscored the consensus among netizens that leaving the infants without adequate supervision, especially in such precarious circumstances, was unacceptable.

The ongoing dialogue on social media platforms reflects a shared concern for the safety and well-being of the infants involved, with many advocating for responsible and informed parenting practices.

Safety guidelines for transporting toddlers: Insights from Indonesia’s Safety Defensive Consultant

The Training Director of Safety Defensive Consultant Indonesia (SDCI), Sony Susmana, has deemed the incident captured in the video as perilous and emphasized the immediate need to cease such practices.

In response to inquiries from on Monday (13 Nov), Sony stressed the heightened vulnerability of children to injuries, not just during accidents but also when a car undergoes sudden braking or maneuvers.

Sony proceeded to outline essential safety guidelines for transporting toddlers in cars.

He emphasized the necessity of utilizing a child seat or booster seat, ensuring the use of a safety belt, and positioning the child in the middle row.

Additionally, active child locks on doors are crucial, and precautions should be taken to keep children away from potentially harmful objects.

Sony recommended the inclusion of a “children inside” sticker and advocated for maintaining a maximum vehicle speed of 60 km per hour on the freeway.

According to Sony, these precautions are imperative as they reflect a parent’s responsibility and expression of love for their child.

Leaving children unrestrained in the car cabin is equated to exposing them to danger, given the unpredictable nature of accidents.

Sony emphasized the importance of recognizing the potential risks and taking proactive measures to protect children from harm while traveling in vehicles.

Patrols lead police to discover a vehicle transporting a baby in the trunk without doors

The Head of the Surakarta City Police Traffic Unit, Police Commissioner Agung Yudiawan, acknowledged his awareness of the incident and actively engaged in verifying the car’s identity.

Addressing the viral video, he reported that the license plate traced back to Sukoharjo.

Agung disclosed, “We have coordinated with the Sukoharjo Resort Police according to the domicile of the motor vehicle owner, based on the police number to give advice,” during a statement on Wednesday (15 Nov).

The Head of the Sukoharjo Resort Police Traffic Unit, Adjunct Police Commissioner Betty Nugroho, played a pivotal role in the follow-up actions.

She confirmed that the vehicle belonged to Rudi Setiyawan, residing in Ngruki, Sukoharjo.

Betty disclosed that Rudi had not resided at that address for approximately one year, further revealing that he was currently separated from his wife.

Intriguingly, a disparity emerged regarding the vehicle’s color. According to the Motor Vehicle Registration Certificate (STNK), the car was officially registered as white.

This revelation starkly contrasted with its appearance in the viral video circulating on social media.

Betty affirmed the commitment of the police, stating, “We will continue to patrol when we find the vehicle in question for our staff to take action.”

This proactive approach underscores their dedication to addressing the public’s safety concerns, ensuring ongoing vigilance, and swiftly responding to potential issues as they arise.

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