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Massage parlours raise concerns in Jurong East HDB estate

The Jurong East HDB estate has seen a rise in massage parlors, sparking community concerns, particularly regarding the nature of services offered.



SINGAPORE: The Jurong East HDB estate, bordered by Jurong East Avenue 1 and Jurong East Street 31, has experienced a significant increase in massage establishments, with over ten such businesses now in operation.

This surge has elicited a mix of concern and scrutiny from both residents and authorities, particularly due to the sensitive nature of some services offered.

A recent investigation by Shin Min Daily News into this area unveiled a troubling scene. Women, often dressed in revealing clothing, were seen at the entrances of these establishments, apparently soliciting passersby, especially men, to enter.

Local residents, especially those with families, have expressed their unease. One resident, speaking to Shin Min, voiced her concerns about the potential impact on the community’s youth.

The situation becomes more complex when considering the experiences of legitimate massage business owners.

One traditional Chinese massage parlour owner shared her distress with Shin Min, discussing the challenges of operating next to establishments with questionable practices. Her business faces unwarranted associations, with men regularly inquiring about illicit services and her staff subjected to undue scrutiny.

Massage stablishments in Jurong East

Gutzy’s investigation highlighted a range of services offered by these parlours, varying from standard massages to explicit sexual services.

During an inquiry on Wednesday night, one employee stated they only offered massages for S$50, while another explicitly offered a handjob for the same price.

Conversations with industry insiders revealed to Gutzy that many masseuses, typically foreign nationals from China or Vietnam, work for as little as S$15 per hour on 12-hour shifts, receiving a low base pay with no additional compensation when there’s no business. They often feel compelled to offer additional services to repay their hefty agent fees.

In some instances, masseuses collaborate to rent a shop, employing a ‘fall guy’ or ‘dua pek gongs’ to front the illegal businesses. This allows them to provide services without having to pay a boss.

While prostitution in Singapore is not illegal, related activities such as public solicitation, living off the earnings of a prostitute, and maintaining a brothel are criminalized. In this context, offering services like handjobs, although not illegal per se, could violate the Massage Establishments Rules 2018.

According to Section 12 of these rules, licensees of massage establishments must ensure that their employees do not offer sexual services, engage in indecent acts, dress indecently, or solicit business outside the premises.

Violating these rules can result in severe penalties, including fines of up to S$5,000 for first-time offenders and up to S$10,000 or imprisonment for repeat offenders.

The Member of Parliament overseeing the area is Ms Grace Fu, Member of Parliament for Yuhua SMC, who also serves as the Minister for Sustainability and the Environment.

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they moved to HDB because the mall and office rents are too high. and these sex massage shops will get raided for sure. too obvious. the “discrete” health centres don’t “pull customers” in public. it’s all word of mouth and vague online ads. Ask sammyboy & old skool cheongsters.

Oh my mistake, when I saw the bottom most photo, I thought grace fu was involved.

So what?
Cannot let these MGs and PGs release ‘some steam’ within walking distance to their HDB pigeon hole?
You want them to head to Geyland instead?
Many of such MGs and PGs got mobility problems ,you know?
Although their ‘third leg’ still can stand but need pipe ‘clearing’ every now and then when their old wives cannot or would no longer do it for them!😆😆😆😆😆

So they’ve turned our heartlands into a cesspit now.
Very sad days the G is not bothered to clamp down on such blatant activities.

And where is the Kurt Tay article ?!? Only Massage Women get harrass? Where is the article for Men like him who go around doing this kind of intimidation?!?

The PAP Administration focus on cheap labour to drive the economy, mass admission of sub standard quality people to be PRs in order to have massive quantity over drive – this is the PAP way to go.

Productivity is in the BACK BURNER – over the years since when, for eg. the times when Winchester Hard Disk Drives, like Maxtor, Seagate, Western D, pack their bags.

And when birth rates fall they open legs wide enough for Boeing 737 Dreamliners to pass thru.

The Govt :
1. They are legitimate business.
2. We regularly monitor their operations.
3. We have measures in place.
4. But we cannot guarantee we check on them every 24 hours.
5. We have better things to do esp to fix the opposition, like withsrawing permits to them speaking in our public educational institutions bcz of stoking political tensions.


This has been going on in other vicinities for donkey years. Who lets them in? Minister of Law. Who abets him? Minister of Labour. Who approves both appointments? The PM. Same as all the vices in Singapore. Gambling, money laundering, safe residence for arms dealers and families of criminals etc.
