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Controversial segregation: Malaysian laundromat sparks debate as TikTok reveals separate washers for Muslim and non-Muslim users

A TikTok video from Malaysia reveals a laundromat segregating washers for Muslims and non-Muslims.

The controversial move elicits mixed reactions, with some questioning its necessity, while others commend the establishment’s empathetic approach.



MALAYSIA: A recent TikTok video from Malaysia captured the surprise of a TikToker upon discovering a laundromat that segregated washers and dryers for Muslim and non-Muslim patrons.

In the brief 11-second video shared on the TikToker’s page, the washing machines were visibly marked with signs indicating whether they were designated for Muslim or non-Muslim use.

Notably, the footage suggested a higher number of washers and dryers allocated for Muslim users compared to non-Muslims.

The video’s caption questioned the situation, stating, “What’s happening in Malaysia?

Even washing machines now have notices for Muslim and non-Muslim users.

Is this instruction issued by the Department of Islamic Development Malaysia (JAKIM)?

Perhaps in the future, there will be separate money for Muslims and non-Muslims.”

Majority of comments question necessity of segregating washers and dryers at the Laundromat

The majority of comments in the section question the necessity of segregating washers and dryers in the laundromat.

One user expressed their thoughts, stating, “I regularly donate blood, and honestly, I consume a significant amount of alcoholic beverages and even eat pork. So, what’s the deal?”

Another comment suggested a straightforward solution, saying, “Just go to other laundromats. It’s simple.”

A different TikToker highlighted hearing complaints about the segregation, specifically mentioning issues related to Muslims and non-Muslims sharing facilities.

They remarked, “People nowadays seem to have a lot of problems; I don’t even know what to say anymore.”

Some comments suggest that they are unnecessarily complicating straightforward matters.

However, amidst the criticism, there were individuals who commended the laundromat for implementing such segregation.

“It’s commendable that they follow this practice; perhaps some non-Muslims have clothes that have come into contact with their dogs.

“It’s beneficial to have laundromats like this; customers can wash without any worries.”

Some individuals recognized and praised the laundromat owner’s understanding and commitment to customer satisfaction.

One comment noted, “There have been numerous complaints about sharing between Muslims and non-Muslims, even regarding mall trolleys. “

”This demonstrates that the laundromat owner is empathetic and cares about the customers’ feelings,” the TikToker claimed.

Controversy erupted in 2015 over proposed introduction of Halal trolleys in Malaysian supermarkets

Malaysia found itself embroiled in a contentious debate in 2015 over the proposed introduction of halal trolleys in supermarkets.

The Minister of Domestic Trade, Co-operatives, and Consumerism, Hamzah Zainuddin, suggested implementing laws to segregate trolleys based on colors, designating red for non-halal products, as reported by Utusan Malaysia on 6 November 2015.

However, this proposal faced criticism.

Independent Muslim preacher Wan Ji Wan Hussin argued against the necessity of mandating separate trolleys for non-halal products, citing that such items are already kept in segregated sections within supermarkets.

Wan Ji also highlighted that non-halal food items are packaged, ensuring they do not come into direct contact with the trolleys.

“The issue of segregation does not need to arise from this angle because the segregation to buy alcohol and pork already exists.”

“Muslims will not buy pork in supermarkets,” Wan Ji stated to Malay Mail Online, emphasizing that existing measures effectively address concerns related to halal and non-halal products in supermarkets.

You can watch the full clip here:

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Blood type A+ can give A+
B+ to B+
O can give every type
So how now if they need blood in emergency?
Non muslim blood can give muslim?
Stupidity has no boundaries with some of these spiteful people.

religion of peace

Internet got a lot of dirty pictures, dirty porn videos. Can don’t use the internet? What do you think?

Researchers and surgeons are using pig organs such as pig hearts to replace our human hearts.

hmm……. ok Can we will labeled the pig hearts as for non-Muslims?. thank you.

Why no one likes to or instigate religious practices of various groups – some common senses need to prevail, esp when practicalities are abound necessarily.

Why NOT try to separate or divide the oxygen that Muslims and others breathe – possible?

I kinda agreed with the trolley thing but washer?

How about handphone? Need to be halal and non halal?

Only in Malaysia do you find that non Muslims are not allowed to use some words like Allah; a word that has been used by Christians even before Malaysia was formed. And in Malaysia you would NEVER find a Malay/Muslim being prosecuted for uttering provocative words against other races and religions. And they claim Islam is a just and peaceful religion. By their behaviour, they are actually slandering Islam. Also, only in Malaysia do you find a definition of a Malay ie Article 160 defines a Malay as someone born to a Malaysian citizen who professes to be a Muslim,… Read more »

Since Anwar became PM, the Islamisation is reaching new levels. Even other races have to wear long clothes to enter the police station or hospitals. Removed English from schools and replaced with learning Hadiths. So far, nothing is in the interest of the Public. The criminals have all escaped jail terms after the hard work of Mahathir and Tommy Thomas. Only NR remains maybe in jail or some hidden resort. Have never seen him in the orange prison uniforms but in expensive suits.

MalayueSIA spiralling downwards to being a FAILED state – governed by OTAK UDANGs.

Ah yes, the slippery slope down to puritanism.

What exactly are Muslims in Malaysia taught? Scared of residual contact with dogs? Is that in the Qur’an or are they pulling stuff out of their asses to justify irrational fears.
