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Viral video shows Malaysian delivery rider restrained in chokehold

A video of a delivery rider in Malaysia restrained in a chokehold outside a building sparked outrage. The incident led to a police investigation and ignited discussions about excessive force and language-related prejudice.



MALAYSIA: The incident of a delivery rider being placed in a chokehold by an individual has gained significant attention on various social media platforms in Malaysia.

The video captured a man in a maroon blazer restraining the delivery rider. The altercation reportedly arose after the rider had a verbal dispute with a security guard who denied him entry to the Tun Razak Exchange (TRX) building in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, for a customer delivery.

The video, originally shared on X (formerly Twitter), has garnered 5.8 million views since its upload on 3 November, has sparked widespread public outrage.

As reported by WeirdKaya, the situation began when the security guard summoned a man in a maroon blazer, leading to a physical altercation.

While the rider was held in a chokehold by the man in the maroon blazer, a woman can be heard pleading with him to release the delivery rider.

In a separate video, the woman admitted to requesting the delivery rider to enter the area for a quick delivery and claimed responsibility, as she was unaware that delivery riders were prohibited from entering the building’s lobby.

The man in the maroon blazer questioned the rider about his nationality and accent, with the rider explaining that he is from Sabah, one of Malaysia’s states.

The man alleged that the rider had assaulted the security guard after his entry request was denied, but the woman asserted that the security guard had provoked the rider first.

Bystanders eventually moved the delivery rider to sit against a wall after he was released by the man in maroon blazer.

Police is investigating the issue

According to Kosmo!, the police have initiated an investigation into the viral video, responding promptly to a report received on Friday (3 Nov).

Superintendent Nazrin Abdul Yusof, the Deputy Chief of Dang Wangi District Police, revealed that the incident took place on Thursday (2 Nov) at 3.20 pm.

He mentioned that the case is being investigated under Section 323 of the Penal Code and that five individuals have been summoned to assist in the inquiry before potential legal actions.

“As of now, five individuals have been summoned to assist in the investigation before being referred to the Deputy Public Prosecutor for further action,” he said in a statement.

Furthermore, he urged the public not to engage in any unlawful activities that breach the law’s provisions.

Viral video stirs outrage and triggers various reactions and differing opinions among Malaysian netizens

Many have criticized the use of excessive force, highlighting that the man in the maroon blazer need not have restrained the delivery rider with such intensity.

An X user commented that actions such as engaging in fights, yelling, pushing and shoving should not justify excessive force, such as using a chokehold.

The user also elaborated that the right to self-defense, on the other hand, is applicable only when there is an immediate and imminent threat to life or property.

“However, the degree of force used must be reasonable, and the right to self-defense is revoked when the danger is no longer immediate and imminent.

It is inappropriate to employ excessive force, especially in situations where the other party is unarmed, and there is no immediate and imminent threat to life.”

There are also netizens who believe that the woman who ordered the delivery rider should be held accountable for this incident.

They note that customers often request riders to enter, and security guards are merely carrying out their duties, while the riders are responding to customer requests and earning their livelihoods.

“Customers are the primary reason for riders being compelled to enter even when the security guard does not permit entry.

Blaming security guards is not justified, as they are simply carrying out their duties.

Similarly, delivery riders should not be blamed either because customers request their entry, and if they do not perform their job, they will not earn money.”

Moreover, some netizens have used this incident to advocate for hiring security guards who can communicate effectively in local languages to avoid misunderstandings.

“Perhaps it’s time to reconsider hiring foreign guards. The majority of them don’t have any understanding of either the Malay or English language. It’s a simple issue, but the outcome becomes like this due to communication problems. Furthermore, they tend to act like they have the ultimate authority in the building.”

This incident further fueled outrage among internet users, primarily in response to the comments made by the man in the maroon blazer, who questioned the delivery person about his nationality upon hearing his Sabahan accent.

“We Sabahans are saddened when we witness the actions of the building security personnel who, solely based on the differences in accent, jump to negative conclusions about the arrival of the rider at the building without conducting a thorough investigation beforehand.”

Sabah Member of Parliament responds to incident

Datuk Seri Madius Tangau, a Member of Parliament representing Tuaran, Sabah, voiced his disappointment about the incident through his TikTok account.

In a reshared viral video, he questioned the perplexing reality, “After six decades, why are there still citizens unaware that Sabah is one of Malaysia’s constituent regions?”

He also expressed his astonishment, stating, “I was truly taken aback when I watched the viral video showing a Sabahan rider being physically assaulted in front of a bank, despite his lack of resistance.”

“What’s even more baffling is that when the rider tried to explain that he hails from Sabah, the assailant insisted that Sabahans are foreigners.

This is not the first time we have been mistaken for foreigners when we are on the Peninsula.”

“Could there be differences in the curriculum between Sabah, Sarawak, and the Peninsula?

“If not, why do so many still not know? Understanding the states within Malaysia is a fundamental concept taught at the primary school level.”

He concluded by expressing his hope that such incidents can be prevented in the future.

Man in maroon blazer files police report after videos of him go viral

The individual in the maroon blazer, who goes by the name Nazz Hairie, filed an incident report on the same day the video began circulating.

In his report, Nazz claimed that he had to take action when the delivery rider allegedly attempted to assault a security guard at his workplace.

Nazz asserted that his decision to file a police report was driven by the need to address the viral video, which he believed was misleading.

Within his report, he also identified a woman who was responsible for sharing the video on Facebook.

According to Nazz Hairie’s account, the video failed to provide an accurate representation of the entire situation.

He described a heated verbal dispute between the security guard and the rider, which escalated when the rider reportedly attempted to physically assault the security guard by placing his hand on the guard’s neck.

Nazz emphasized that he intervened to prevent further escalation and clarified that the matter was ultimately resolved amicably between the rider and the security guard.

He went on to explain that his decision to file a police report was motivated by concerns about potential repercussions on his personal life, family, and career due to the misleading video.

A copy of Nazz Hairie’s police report, along with a photograph believed to feature the young man identified as the delivery rider in the viral video, was publicly disclosed on X.





You can watch the video here.


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