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Indonesian local authorities investigating recent student brawl video in West Java

In Indonesia, student altercations have become distressingly common, often originating from school disputes. A recent incident, shared on Instagram, underscores this concerning behaviour.

Such conflicts, occasionally escalating to life-threatening situations, disturb residents and risk bystanders.



student brawl

WEST JAVA, INDONESIA: Student brawls have sadly become a familiar occurrence in Indonesia, often stemming from disputes and rivalries among students within school settings.

These conflicts can, at times, escalate to life-threatening situations. These public street brawls not only disrupt the peace but also pose risks to unsuspecting residents who may find themselves inadvertently caught up in the turmoil.

A recent incident on Jalan Raya Puncak in the Cisarua District, Bogor Regency, West Java, garnered attention on Instagram.

The video, shared by the account “radar_bogor” on Monday (30 Oct), depicted a group of students on motorbikes, apparently in a convoy.

The caption indicated that these students were planning to engage in a brawl that afternoon.

The video captures these students traveling together, with some in pursuit of rival groups across the street.

Information from the “radar_bogor” Instagram page suggested that these students might have concealed sharp weapons in their attire, aimed at attacking students from other schools.

The targeted students were seen fleeing, with the crowded road preventing the aggressors from reaching their intended victims.

Consequently, they continued on their way, occasionally brandishing belts that seemed intended for combat.

Netizens expressing concerns about disturbing trends

This video, viewed more than 125,000 times, provoked responses from netizens.

A netizen expressed concerns that the student’s conduct could spell trouble for their parents since any problems or injuries resulting from these brawls would become their parents’ responsibility.


Other online users characterized the students’ actions as primitive, drawing a parallel between their behavior and that of forest animals.


A netizen remarked that if the police were to apprehend the students involved in the brawl, they might consider it a badge of honor. In the netizen’s opinion, the fitting consequence should be their expulsion from school and inclusion on a school blacklist.


One netizen suggested an alternative approach involving the Bogor police, proposing the creation of a designated space where students could channel their energy and adrenaline without the need to flee. In this way, any injuries, whether major or minor, would be the responsibility of the students and their respective parents.

student brawl

Frustratingly, this incident was not an isolated one; a netizen complained of frequent brawls around their residence, from junior high school to senior high school, often continuing late into the night during school holidays.

student brawl

Investigation unveils student convoy plotting brawl in Bogor

When seeking verification regarding the video, Adjunct Police Commissioner Eddy Santosa, the Head of the Cisarua Sector Police, explained that his team promptly conducted an initial inspection of the location.

Upon their arrival, they encountered a peaceful situation.

“I’m in communication with our team, and the latest information from our personnel on-site indicated a state of calm,” Eddy clarified.

Nevertheless, his team continues to conduct a comprehensive investigation into the incident, including efforts to determine the originating school.

Eddy stated, “We are presently conducting inquiries into the school involved and gathering information from local residents. This event unfolded rapidly, and no victims have been reported.”

Eddy further emphasized, “Our personnel are actively engaged in the ongoing investigation.”

Stern consequences for those involved in student brawls

Students involved in brawls, whether individually or in groups, will face legal consequences in accordance with established regulations.

If their involvement in a fight is proven, they will be held accountable for their actions and subjected to legal sanctions.

The newly enacted Criminal Code of Indonesia, effective since 6 December 2022, has established punitive measures, including fines and imprisonment, for those involved in group fights or brawls, as specified in Article 472 concerning Group Attacks and Fights.

Perpetrators of such brawls can face imprisonment for up to two years in the case of causing severe injuries and up to four years if a fatality occurs.

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