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CCTV footage shows child dangerously tossing rock and bicycle from seventh-floor corridor in Ang Mo Kio HDB

The playful curiosity of two children in an Ang Mo Kio HDB residence turns perilous as a CCTV captures them launching a rock from their building.

Soon after, they mischievously toss a neighbour’s bicycle from the seventh floor, leaving in a hurried retreat.




SINGAPORE: In an intriguing incident captured by a CCTV camera, a young boy was observed playfully tossing both a stone and a small bicycle from the corridor of an HDB residence in Ang Mo Kio.

Notably, he was accompanied by an older girl.

The CCTV footage, which has left many in disbelief, was widely circulated on the Instagram page @sgfollowsall.

Within the footage, two youthful individuals engage in playful antics within the HDB corridor.

This incident unfolded on the afternoon of Tuesday (10 Oct), at precisely 1:38 pm, in the vicinity of Block 244 AMK Avenue 1, as indicated by the timestamp on the video.

According to a report from Shin Min Daily News, the older girl is nine years of age, while the boy, who happens to be her younger brother, is merely seven years old.

The resident who owns the surveillance camera resides on the seventh floor, the very location where these young children appear in the footage.

The video demonstrates the boy hoisting a substantial rock and casting it off the building, while both children curiously inspect its landing spot, with the girl gesturing downward.

Following their moment of amusement, they make a move to depart. However, the boy’s attention is drawn to a new target—the bicycle belonging to a neighboring child.

Without hesitation, he retrieves the bicycle from a pile of miscellaneous items.

His sister even turns around, sharing a mischievous grin with the camera, implicitly encouraging him to expedite the act.

Without further ado, the boy raises the neighbour’s child’s bicycle and sends it plummeting from the seventh floor.

In haste, the two children vanish from view.

Later on, the neighbour discovered the destroyed bicycle on the ground floor, leading to a review of the CCTV footage that exposed the young culprits.

Netizens rally behind reporting the reckless incident

In light of the potentially grave consequences associated with such reckless behaviour, numerous netizens fervently urged the property owner to promptly report the incident to the authorities.

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Their collective hope was for the school and the parents of the children to take proactive measures in educating them, thus averting any potential accidents.

Parents extend apologies and compensation for their children’s actions

Subsequently, it was reported in Shin Min Daily News that the children’s parents had extended their apologies to the bicycle owner and offered compensation for the damages incurred.

Furthermore, they pledged to instil a sense of responsibility and proper conduct in their children through education.

Anna, the owner of the damaged child bicycle, expressed, “I thought I was being targeted and was concerned about my family’s safety, so I was considering reporting it to the police.”

“I understand the challenges of single-handedly caring for a child, but I hope he will firmly discipline the child and prevent the recurrence of such incidents,” she added.

She also mentioned that the boy’s father pledged compensation and emphasized his commitment to educating the child.

“Actually, whether there’s compensation or not is irrelevant. The crucial aspect is for the child to learn from this.”

The Ang Mo Kio Town Council affirmed their awareness of the situation, removed the bicycle subsequently, and reminded residents to keep the corridor clear for safety reasons, urging them not to leave any items there.

Moreover, the police have confirmed that they are currently investigating the incident.

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Bad upbringing, luckily no one is hurt.

Guess these are well tan village kids having fun with what they would without any concern do back home.So sad🙄🙄🙄

Pappies Ward.

Go look for Pappies !
