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Indonesian President urges global action to combat rising Earth temperatures at G20 Conference

Indonesian President, Joko Widodo, urges G20 leaders for radical climate action, emphasizing the need for global standards to combat greenwashing and collaboration between nations.



Indonesian President Joko Widodo, commonly known as Jokowi, delivered a poignant address at the inaugural session of the India G20 Summit on Saturday (9 Sep).

President Jokowi highlighted several crucial initiatives to combat the anticipated rise in global temperatures over the next five years.

Addressing the leaders of G20 nations at Bharat Mandapam, IECC, Pragati Maidan, New Delhi, Jokowi expressed deep concern about the state of our planet. He noted that in July of this year, global temperatures reached an alarming peak, with projections indicating a continued upward trajectory.

“Our Earth is ailing. Last July, the world’s temperature reached its highest point and is predicted to continue rising over the next five years. This will be difficult to contain unless the world confronts it massively and radically,” President Jokowi stated, citing the official statement from the Presidential Secretariat.

Recognizing the gravity of the situation, President Jokowi stressed the need to accelerate the transition to a low-carbon economy, an economic system aimed at enhancing social well-being while significantly reducing carbon emissions and environmental risks.

He criticized the limited progress in emissions reduction, emphasizing that commitments from developed nations often remain rhetorical and unfulfilled.

“The funding commitments from developed countries remain largely rhetorical and on paper, be it the climate funding of USD100 billion per year or the financing facilities for loss and damage,” President Jokowi asserted.

Furthermore, President Jokowi underscored the crucial role of technology transfer and green investments in expediting global emissions reduction.

He emphasized the necessity for financial support and collaboration between governments and the private sector.

“Last year in Bali, Indonesia initiated the G20 Bali Global Blended Finance Alliance, and this Just Energy Transition Partnership (JETP) scheme should be expanded and enlarged,” he expressed.

President Jokowi also stressed the importance of establishing global standards, like taxonomy, to counter deceptive practices such as greenwashing, where products or companies falsely claim to be environmentally friendly. He called for reforms within Multilateral Development Banks to ensure equitable representation of member nations.

In his address, President Jokowi called upon G20 leaders to take tangible steps to protect the Earth, emphasizing the shared responsibility of safeguarding the planet for current and future generations.

“We all must walk the talk because we only have one earth,” he urged, adding, “One earth, for everybody. One earth, for us and for our future generation.”

Highlighting Indonesia’s commitment to environmental preservation, Jokowi cited actions taken to reduce deforestation and restore mangroves. In 2022, Indonesia achieved a remarkable reduction of 91.5 million tons in emissions.

“The rate of deforestation has been reduced by 104 thousand hectares. Forests and lands have been rehabilitated over an area of 77 thousand hectares, and mangroves have been restored over an area of 34 thousand hectares,” Jokowi stated.

President Jokowi delivered a presentation during the first session of the G20 India Summit at Bharat Mandapam, IECC, Pragati Maidan, New Delhi, India, on Saturday (9/9/2023). (Photo: Presidential Secretariat Press, Media, and Information Bureau)

In his concluding remarks, President Jokowi called upon all stakeholders to assume responsibility and commitment to maintaining Earth’s sustainability.

“Let us fulfill our collective responsibility and commitment to keeping our planet sustainable,” he concluded.

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It is so easy to say do something about climate change. It is already more than 10 years of the same narrative. Did any government done anything about it?

The only thing government could do was increasing tax, but situation remains the same, if not worse!
