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SDP Chairman stresses significance of PE2023 in sending clear message to Singapore’s ruling party

Prof. Paul Ananth Tambyah, SDP Chairman, lends his perspective to the Singapore Presidential Election discourse.

He highlights the crucial role of PE2023 in allowing Singaporeans to send a decisive message to the ruling party.



SINGAPORE: As the 2023 Presidential Election campaign nears its conclusion on Cooling-off Day (31 Aug), Professor Paul Ananth Tambyah, Chairman of the Singapore Democratic Party (SDP), has also contributed his perspective to the discourse.

He expressed the view that the upcoming PE2023 holds significant importance for Singaporeans to convey a clear message to the ruling party.

If you want to bring the ruling party down to earth, send a message with your vote this presidential election. Vote for someone who is not chosen by the ruling party.

As a Senior Consultant in the Division of Infectious Diseases at the National University Hospital (NUS), Prof Tambyah undoubtedly possesses a greater understanding of urinary tract infections and respiratory viral infections than most Singaporeans.

However, Prof Tambyah indicated that in matters concerning the presidential election or the selection of the nation’s head of state, he considers his opinions to be as important as the men in the street.

“That is the beauty of democracy. One man, one vote. You should make up your own mind. I’m just giving you my opinion.”

In a video posted on Facebook on Tuesday (29 Aug), Prof Tambyah emphasized that authorities have consistently conveyed to Singaporeans that the president holds very limited substantive authority.

The president can only act on the advice of the Cabinet, and even in the three specific areas where the President retains some influence, there exists the potential for overrule.

For example, the drawdown of past reserves, the appointment of keyholders such as the Attorney General, and certain investigations such as the CPIB investigations.

The President can be overruled by the Council of Presidential Advisers, and a supermajority in Parliament.

Out of the total of eight nominees, the President only selects three members of the Council of Presidential Advisers (CPA).

Given the President’s constrained authority and susceptibility to override, a question arises: why do Singaporeans continue to dedicate time to the presidential election and observe a public holiday for it?

However, Prof Tambyah refutes this notion, asserting that this particular presidential election is of utmost significance, as it presents an opportunity for Singaporeans to communicate their sentiments to the ruling party.

“We have heard in the last few weeks that the Prime Minister thinks that he leads The Garden of Eden, and that the major alternative to the CPIB reporting to him is to report to God.”

During an exclusive interview with Singapore media outlet CNA, Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong likened Singapore to a “Garden of Eden state,” stating, “You are here, it’s marvellous. You may not always feel great, but please be aware this is the Garden of Eden.

“Because if you come out from it, you can’t go back in again.”

Consequently, Prof Tambyah urges Singaporeans who wish to hold the ruling party accountable to convey their message through their vote in this presidential election.

He advises voting for a candidate not endorsed by the ruling party.


Singaporeans to cast their vote on 1 September

The Singapore Presidential Election 2023’s Polling Day is set for 1 September, designated a public holiday by the Ministry of Manpower (MOM).

There are a total of 2,709,455 eligible voters in the updated voter rolls – an increase of over 55,000 people from the 2,653,942 electors in GE2020.

Singaporeans will be voting to elect their ninth president from three candidates: the former GIC investment chief, Mr Ng Kok Song (75); former People’s Action Party senior minister, Mr Tharman Shanmugaratnam (66); and the former NTUC Income chief, Mr Tan Kin Lian (75).

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Secure yourself, Yeeloon, my bro. SG when I looked back, is mine.
It can be yours as well.
We Love People.

Both Tharman and Ng Kok Song are PAP’s candidates (Ng Kok Song having been endorsed by Ho Ching). Tan Kin Lian is the only candidate not affiliated to the PAP. Heed Prof Tambyah’s advice and vote for Tan Kin Lian for a better future for our country and our people.

Pinky probably needs to be educated by Vivian Balakrishnan who claimed to be a christian. It was in the Garden of Eden that Adam sinned against God. In this Garden of Eden state, this dishonourable son of LKY had sinned not just against God, but also against his own father thru the OxleyGate. Vivian, go speak the truths like a christian, will you?

Loud and Clear

This is not ” COMPLEX “

Soon Lee’s Arabi friends will be running to hide inside their sand dunes.
I hope they bring him along.

Need to know is there a moment the ballot from the overseas and local polling stations go out of sight from Our Polling Agents? If there is, is there ar risk? I not saying swup.

Locals got BALLS and STEEL conviction with iron in them to send such message to the PAP?
If got..I will chop my ku ku bird or else Thambi…err…I mean Thamyah chop his lan jiao rather than every time talk cock and sing song!😆😆😆😆
