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A heartwarming tale of compassion: One bus captain’s inspiring act

In a bustling world, an SBS Transit bus captain’s small act of compassion resonates. Amid his daily route, Senior Bus Captain Ngui Soon Peng aided an elderly passenger with an injured leg, lifting him gently onto the bus, illuminating the power of simple kindness.



SINGAPORE – In a world bustling with life’s demands, it’s easy to overlook the small gestures that can create ripples of positivity. Yet, a recent incident involving an SBS Transit bus captain has shown us that even the simplest acts of kindness can make a profound impact.

Amid his daily route, senior bus captain Ngui Soon Peng witnessed something that stirred his compassionate spirit. An elderly gentleman with an injured left foot in a cast was struggling to board the bus he was piloting.

The man was limping slowly towards Service 65 at the bus stop along Bedok Reservoir Road. Without hesitation, Ngui stepped into action.

Guided by empathy, Ngui placed his hands beneath the elderly man’s arms and lifted him gently, helping him into the bus, creating an uplifting moment of connection between strangers.

the 35-year-old escorted the senior passenger to a seat, making sure he was comfortable for the journey ahead.

As he arrived at the destination, Ngui’s heartwarming dedication continued to shine. He once again left the driver’s seat to assist the senior passenger. He gingerly placed the elderly man’s arm over his shoulder before helping the man alighting the bus.

But the story doesn’t end there. After ensuring the elderly man’s safe exit from the bus, Ngui’s kindness extended further. Patiently and tenderly, he ensured the gentleman found his place on a bench at the bus stop before resuming his duties.

On Friday (25 Aug), SBS Transit shared a Facebook post praising Ngui for his wholesome gesture.

This touching incident came to light when another passenger on the bus shared the tale with SBS Transit. The company acknowledged Ngui’s exceptional display of humanity, and rightfully so.

Photo from SBS Transit’s Facebook

In a world where individual actions often get lost in the noise, Ngui’s story reminds us of the immense power each of us holds to create positive change. He demonstrated that the spirit of inclusivity and kindness is not confined to grand gestures, but can be found in the simple acts of lifting another’s burden and offering a helping hand.

Ngui’s inspiring deed serves as a testament to the fact that we all possess the ability to contribute to a better world, one small action at a time. His story encourages us to see beyond the ordinary, to embrace compassion, and to weave a tapestry of unity through the threads of our shared humanity.

“Well done Soon Peng! You make us so proud and are indeed an exemplary role model for us all”, SBS Transit wrote in its Facebook post commending Ngui.

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