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Malaysia’s former PM Datuk Seri Najib Razak marks one year of imprisonment with poetic reflection on Facebook

Datuk Seri Najib Razak marked a year in Kajang Prison with a poignant Facebook poem.

His verses conveyed his prison routine, the passing days, and his yearning for strength.

On 23 August last year, Najib Razak was sentenced to 12 years in prison after being convicted of embezzling funds from a state investment fund.



MALAYSIA: Datuk Seri Najib Razak, former Prime Minister of Malaysia marked a year of imprisonment at Kajang Prison by sharing a poem on his Facebook account on Wednesday (23 Aug).

In his poetic verses, he portrayed his emotions and daily routine during his period of imprisonment, illustrating the gradual flow of days as daylight shifted into the night.

Simultaneously, he yearned for the resilience to sustain his patience and endure his circumstances.

The poem came in the form of a four-stanza composition, detailing Najib’s emotions and actions throughout the past year of his incarceration.

The poem recalled how 365 days had passed, highlighting the solitude he experienced with Allah being his sole companion.

“When daytime finally turns into night, I would read the Koran in the silent and tranquil at night,” he wrote.

Before sharing the poem, he also uploaded a poster on his Facebook, with the caption stating “It’s been a year (since he had been) in prison.”

A poster uploaded on FB, “Najib has been oppressed for a full year” (Photo: Facebook/Najib Razak)

On 23 August last year, Najib Razak was sentenced to 12 years in prison after being convicted of embezzling funds from a state investment fund.

Najib is currently serving a 12-year jail term and has been fined RM210 million after being found guilty of abuse of power, criminal breach of trust, and money laundering in the SRC International Sdn Bhd case.

Malaysian had waited for 4 years after Najib was first charged in 2018 to the date the Federal Court finally rejected his final appeals on 23 August 2022.

Following the verdict, he was transported to Kajang Prison, located on the outskirts of the Malaysian capital, Kuala Lumpur.

Netizens express sympathy 

The post has received over 84,000 reactions, 7,400 comments, and 1,500 shares as of the current viewing.

Numerous online users expressed their sympathy in the comments, displaying their compassion for Najib and encouraging him to remain resilient.

“To “Bossku,” I am sure many are waiting for your release. I hope you will continue to stay strong,” one user commented.

Similarly, many others also hoped that God would ease his challenges and affairs in life.

“May you always be patient and have your affairs eased,” a netizen said.



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A crook is a crook..end of.
He’s playing on the heartstrings of the citizens. But where was he when the poor and homeless were down and out? He didn’t care for anything except plundering the stolen wealth?
Unfortunately he’s got some dirt on the current administration as a joker card that helped him reduce his time. I have a feeling he’ll sing upon his release to throw the others under the bus.

He should wear the orange jumpsuit like all the other prisoners. He should return all the monies he stole from the rakyat. He should accept ALLAH’s punishment for his criminal activity and stop trying to pull the judiciary down to win the balance of his cases. He is hoping for a royal pardon and this “sad” posts are targetted at the royals and his supporters to pressure the present govt. to work on his pardon. A deceitful man who is using ISLAM to gain sympathy to overlook the crimes he has committted.
