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Baby switch scandal unfolds in Indonesia: DNA test confirms infant mix-up

An Indonesian baby switch case emerged in Bogor, West Java, where a newborn was accidentally swapped with another couple’s child at a hospital. After a year, DNA testing confirmed the baby was not biologically related to its caretaker, prompting police involvement. The investigation continues.



INDONESIA: A baby in Indonesia was reported to have been switched at a hospital in Bogor, West Jawa, on 18 July 2022.

The mother, Siti Mauliah, revealed that her baby had been accidentally switched with another couple’s baby, born on the same day in the same hospital.

This situation persisted for a year until a DNA test finally established that the baby was not biologically hers.

Subsequently, she opted to bring the matter to the attention of the police.

Wrong bracelets

Siti’s attorney, Rusy Ridho, explained that Siti underwent a caesarean section at a hospital in Bogor to give birth to her son. She began breastfeeding her baby on the first day without any issues.

However, on the second day, Siti grew suspicious and felt “odd” when she held the baby and attempted to breastfeed him.

On the third day post-delivery, a nurse approached Siti, inquiring about the baby’s name.

This interaction led to the revelation that the baby’s identification bracelet did not match the correct identity.

In Indonesia, hospitals commonly provide identification bracelets for newborns, featuring the parents’ names to prevent mix-ups.

The nurse informed Siti that the identification bracelet could be incorrect either due to it falling off or being inadvertently swapped with another patient’s bracelet.

When Siti requested her original identification bracelet back the following day, she realized that she had been given a bracelet bearing a different patient’s name.

During this time, the hospital assured that only the identification bracelet had been switched.

DNA Test

Two months ago, the baby under Siti’s care underwent a DNA test, as stated by Rusdy.

This test ultimately confirmed that the baby in Siti’s care is not her biological child.

“Yes, the one held by our client is someone else’s baby.” Rusdy Ridho said.

“We asked the hospital to take responsibility,” Rusdy said. “We [also] tried to bring in the other (affected) party, but they didn’t want to do a DNA rest.”

Siti Mauliah, the woman whose baby was swapped. (Pic source: detiknews)

Siti Mauliah admit that she began to grow suspicious that her baby was not her biological child after noticing distinct physical characteristics.

“Right from the start, I felt something was off. When I was about to leave, I had this strong feeling that the baby’s physical features were noticeably different. It changed from the one I had been holding before,” Siti told reporters at her residence on Friday, Aug (11).

At that moment, Siti observed significant physical differences in the baby she was holding compared to before. She noticed differences in the baby’s hair and skin color.

She did express her suspicion to her husband. However, Siti’s husband attempted to reassure her that the baby she was holding was indeed their biological child.

Ultimately, they made the choice to return home. During this period, they believed it is wiser to avoid prolonging the matter.

They reported the case to the Women and Children Service (PPA) Unit of the Bogor Police to seek a resolution from the police.

The police confirmed receipt of the report.

Iptu Desi Triana, the Head of Public Relations at the Bogor Police, stated that the investigation of the case is currently underway.

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Meanwhile arson loon wants more of them to come here and work
