Unraveling the Saga: Pritam Singh's legal battle stems from allegations made by a former Workers' Party MP, previously caught lying to Parliament, marking a pivotal moment...
WP Chief Pritam Singh has reaffirmed his commitment to fulfill MP duties in light of the two charges filed against him. In a statement, he acknowledges...
WP Chief Pritam Singh is facing two charges of lying to a parliamentary committee on Tuesday, pleading not guilty. He sought a four-week adjournment for legal...
Renowned dim sum spot, Bee Kee Hong Kong Thiam Sim, closing after 42 years in Bedok. Devoted patrons express sadness, reminiscing about cherished childhood memories and...
Eric Chua, SPS for MSF, defended the disclosure of an elderly couple's finances in a POFMA correction to "set the record straight in the public interests."....
MCI Minister Josephine Teo disclosed SPH Media Trust falling short of specific KPIs, leading to incomplete funding. Yet, MCI allocates about $260 million for SPH Media...
Pritam Singh challenges DPM Wong's claim of opposition's intent to deplete reserves, stressing their careful financial prudence. He emphasizes sustainable growth for Singapore's future.
WP Chief Pritam Singh challenges PAP MP Murali Pillai on transparency in Singapore's reserves. WP MP Jamus Lim disagrees with Pillai's stance on budget information adequacy,...
Workers' Party chief advocates for interest-free SkillsFuture loans in Budget 2024, aiming to bridge the gap between aspirations and reality.
In the Budget debate, Pritam Singh noted PAP's adoption of WP proposals in Budget 2024. He urged PAP to be open and inclusive, accommodating diverse views...