Unraveling the Saga: Pritam Singh's legal battle stems from allegations made by a former Workers' Party MP, previously caught lying to Parliament, marking a pivotal moment...
After experiencing a severe cardiac episode and undergoing two angioplasty procedures, Aljunied GRC MP and Workers’ Party vice-chairman, Mr Faisal Manap, has made a commendable return...
Workers’ Party MP and Vice Chair Mr Muhamad Faisal bin Abdul Manap, was discharged from hospital on Friday (28 July) following a cardiac episode. Now recuperating...
Muhamad Faisal bin Abdul Manap, Member of Parliament for Aljunied GRC and Workers’ Party (WP) vice-chairman, was hospitalized due to a cardiac condition on Monday (24...
Faisal Manap, Aljunied GRC's Workers' Party vice-chairman, was admitted to the ICU for a cardiac condition, leaving the party's representation in Aljunied GRC down to three...