In a heartwarming TikTok video, a couple embraces their situation despite challenges. Their newly purchased but unfurnished home becomes the setting for a touching moment as...
Nisshaa Muniandy, a determined 27-year-old with dystonia and epilepsy, seeks financial aid for life-changing surgery. Within three weeks, the community's overwhelming response surpassed the initial RM...
Former social media influencer, Xia Kaixuan, now known as "Doghead Lolita," garners praise from Chinese netizens for her dedication selling traditional breakfast wraps on the street....
Recently, an alleged Twitter account of Jocelyn Chia's father declared disownment of the comedian, expressing disappointment in her actions. Jocelyn responded, denouncing the account as 'fake,'...
In a heartbreaking tale, a Taiwanese woman's unwavering trust in her mother led her to hand over nearly all her salary for 12 years, aiming to...
Two women apologizes to the Indonesian Catholic community for the controversial 'Royal Wedding' of their dogs, clarifying it was a pet blessing ceremony.
Amid a heartwrenching scene in Thailand's Khao Yai National Park, a mother elephant's desperate attempt to seek help for her trapped calf went unheeded by oblivious...
Singaporean influencer, Nicole Wong, faced distress after moving into her Sengkang HDB flat due to disputes with an elderly couple downstairs. Accused of disturbances, she sought...