In Malaysia, a conscientious kindergarten teacher has raised concerns over the adverse consequences of "Skibidi Toilet" on young children. This animated video series contains violent scenes...
PM Lee's announcement of Minister Iswaran's salary slashed to 8,500 has sparked intense social media debates among Singaporeans. Concurrently, PM Lee addressed WP MP Dennis Tan's...
Seven individuals, spanning from teenagers to individuals in their twenties, were apprehended following their involvement in a disruptive restaurant brawl at Ampang, Kuala Lumpur. The fight...
The famed Oyen of Malaysia's National Zoo once again captures social media's attention, this time sharing the limelight with a serene female calico cat named 'Ompok.'...
Tommy Koh, Singapore's Ambassador-at-large, aptly exposes the financial motives behind business groups opposing the ban on transporting migrant workers via lorries. He rebukes the business group's...
As the trend of charging for disposable carriers gains momentum, hawker stalls and minimarts have joined in due to the growing demand for free bags. Netizens...
A coalition of 25 business bodies cited "complexities" as a reason to reject the banning of transporting workers on lorries. Some netizens express disappointment with business...
A Singaporean spotted a puzzling error on a National Day T-shirt being sold at a major retailer, FairPrice Xtra outlet. The T-shirt, with the red-and-white National...
In a recent podcast interview with CNA, DBS CEO Piyush Gupta dismissed the concept of work-life balance as "baloney." Some defend his perspective, while others question...
The death of a Bengal tiger cub, Cenora, under the care of popular Indonesian YouTuber, Alshad Ahmad, has ignited public debate over the ethics of owning...