Renowned AI scientist Lee Kai-Fu resigned from Vizzio Technologies' board amid revelations that CEO Jon Lee falsely asserted a computer science doctorate from the University of...
Singaporean resident Wang, linked to 185 companies, faces cancellation of qualified individual status by Acra due to anti-money laundering violations. Nine of these companies have direct...
Lim Tean, PV Chief, queries the prosecutor's decision to drop nine charges against S Iswaran. Initially facing 36 charges, only 27 proceeded, with the Chief Prosecutor...
Online community voices waning trust in “competitive ministerial pay” after Iswaran's court charges. Demands for a thorough review of high ministerial salaries intensify in the discourse.
Ex-PAP Minister Iswaran faces 27 charges, including corruption. He's accused of obtaining over S$384,000 in "valuable things" from Billionaire Ong Beng Seng, including tickets to shows,...
Progress Singapore Party commends S Iswaran for returning his pay collected during CPIB investigation, says MPs or ministers suspended under corruption investigation should take no-pay leave.
WP MP Assoc Prof Jamus Lim urges a comprehensive approach to restore trust in Singapore's digital systems. Proposing an upper limit to consumer liability, he emphasizes...
S Iswaran resigned, vowing to return all pay since CPIB probe in July 2023. In Sept 2023, NCMP Hazel Poa's motion to suspend his MP allowance...
AGC will decide on investigations into billionaire Ong Beng Seng post-Iswaran's case completion. Emphasizing CPIB's scrutiny of others, AGC awaits the culmination of evidence against Ong...
Former Transport Minister S Iswaran, facing 27 charges, staunchly maintains innocence, vehemently denying all allegations. He expressed his focus on clearing his name in a statement...