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Pawkins Singapore under scrutiny after dog allegedly left unattended tragically hangs itself

A pet grooming service provider in Singapore is under scrutiny after a corgi allegedly hanged itself while left unattended. Distressing CCTV footage shared on Instagram has sparked criticism from netizens, urging authorities to investigate the incident and impose harsher penalties for the alleged negligence and animal cruelty.



SINGAPORE: Pawkins Singapore, a pet grooming service provider, is under scrutiny following an incident where a corgi allegedly hanged itself after being left unattended.

The distressing scene was shared on Instagram by user @jude.thefrenchbulldog, with CCTV footage revealing the tragic event.

According to the post, on 24 July, Fendi, a four-year-old Corgi, and her sibling Hades were under the care of Pawkins Singapore.

The user, who is a friend of Fendi and Hades’ owner, reported that the two furkids were left unattended in the grooming room with other dogs.

Fendi was secured by a short leash on the left grooming table by herself.

The CCTV footage shows that at 13:42:09, Fendi slipped off the grooming table.

The poor dog struggled desperately as the noose tightened around her neck.

Other unattended dogs can be seen frantically barking and jumping, trying to draw attention to Fendi’s plight and seeking help.

Heartbreakingly, Hades, Fendi’s sibling, was also left unattended on a short leash at the adjacent table and barked loudly in an attempt to alert the groomers to Fendi’s distress.

After one minute, Fendi is seen motionless.

According to the Instagram user, there were three groomers present, but none attended to the dogs.

Pawkins describes itself on Instagram as a Singapore Kennel Club Certified “professional” pet groomer.

Following the exposure of the incident, netizens have flooded Pawkins Singapore’s Instagram account, criticizing the alleged negligence and demanding an explanation from the company.

They condemned the decision to leave the grooming area unattended for a lunch break, which led to the tragic death of the family dog.

Additionally, users are urging authorities to investigate and take appropriate measures against the business owner, advocating for harsher penalties for animal cruelty.

Facebook user Elizabeth Goh shared the heart-wrenching account of Fendi’s owner, Sonia.

Ms Goh highlighted the harrowing final moments captured on video, where Fendi struggled and eventually passed away while other furkids, including her sibling Hades, watched helplessly.

The post criticized the groomers for their negligence and questions the lack of care and concern in the pet grooming business.

“Why? Why get into a pet-related business if you have no care or concern for these furkids? Does an apology help? Will compensation help?”

Ms Goh empathized deeply with Sonia’s grief and the lasting pain she will endure from this loss, urging pet owners to cherish their pets and offering condolences to Sonia and a tribute to Fendi.

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Be prepared to close shop and personal law suits against this establishment.
License revoked and lots of compensation coming out.

This is the sad state of our once-valved workforce – workers/bosses, employees/employers all got bo-chap attitude, aiming just to do the minimal of standard. Because our role models are first world million$ ministers delivering third-world standards. So much dilution of the locals’ previous sense of doing a good job due to massive influx of foreign workers, whose culture is to do the minimal work for each day, get paid, then bye-bye SG when they have earned enough. No sense of loyalty, no sense of pride in work, just get paid to generate GDP so someone can look good. And who… Read more »

What are the protocols or Standard Operating procedures for pet grooming..?
Where do people get their training or technical knowledge for pet grooming?

This owner and the employees must face a private legal suit.
The NEA or Government does not want to get involved as they are business friendly.
Unless the owner is a staunch and obvious opposition to PAP, then the Gov will act.
Otherwise they will ignore.
The SPCA must file a legal suit against them
No negotiations, No out of court settlement.

Human beings must stand up against human beings.

National No Blame Culture. Work is an act of a likeness of commodity in exchange for money.

The No Blame Culture exonerate accidents, mistakes, and ‘excusable’ humans unintentional deeds while working, and when it is not considered as an active act of destruction – I believe this interpretation is the definition intended by PAP defending mistakes.

sad . RIP .

Isn’t this a repeat incident which was shown a while back?!?
