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Pawkins Singapore ceases operations after tragic death of corgi Fendi

Following the tragic death of Fendi the corgi, who reportedly hanged itself after being left unattended, Pawkins Singapore expressed deep sorrow and condolences. The business has ceased operations and is offering refunds upon request. However, the statement did not include an apology for the incident.



SINGAPORE: Following the tragic death of a corgi, which reportedly hanged itself after being left unattended, Pawkins Singapore, the pet grooming service provider, issued a statement expressing their “deep sorrow and condolences to those who loved Fendi.”

The business owner announced that they have ceased operations and are offering refunds for any outstanding packages upon request.

Since the incident, Pawkins has updated its status on Instagram to “closed.”

In a statement issued on Thursday afternoon (25 July), the business owner expressed that “everyone at Pawkins is distraught over the unfortunate incident involving Fendi the Corgi.”

“We sincerely hope that all those who loved and cared for Fendi can accept our deepest and most heartfelt condolences and sympathies. ”

The statement highlighted that they had groomed and cared for Fendi for approximately two years and that they were deeply saddened and affected by her passing.

“We have reached out to Fendi’s owner. We are looking into the matter and will cooperate with the authorities.”

However, the statement did not include an apology for the incident or address the distress experienced by the pet owner.

On 24 July, Fendi the corgi and her sibling Hades were under the care of Pawkins Singapore.

An Instagram user, a friend of Fendi and Hades’ owner, reported that the two dogs were left unattended in the grooming room with other animals.

The user shared a distressing scene, including CCTV footage that revealed the tragic event.

According to the footage, Fendi was secured by a short leash on the left grooming table. At 13:42:09, the CCTV shows that Fendi slipped off the grooming table.

The poor dog struggled desperately as the noose tightened around her neck.

Other unattended dogs can be seen frantically barking and jumping, trying to draw attention to Fendi’s plight and seeking help.

Heartbreakingly, Hades, Fendi’s sibling, was also left unattended on a short leash at the adjacent table and barked loudly in an attempt to alert the groomers to Fendi’s distress.

After one minute, Fendi is seen motionless.

According to the Instagram user, there were three groomers present, but none attended to the dogs.

Before the incident, Pawkins described itself on Instagram as a Singapore Kennel Club Certified “professional” pet groomer.

Following the exposure of the incident, netizens have flooded Pawkins Singapore’s Instagram account, criticizing the alleged negligence and demanding an explanation from the company.

Some urge authorities to investigate and take appropriate measures against the business owner, advocating for harsher penalties for animal cruelty.

According to MustShareNews, Fendi’s owner, 24-year-old Sonia Tan, revealed that Pawkins had been her regular groomer prior to this incident. She was unaware of the business’s methods for securing pets during grooming.

“It is my first time knowing that when they leash the dog on the table, the arm isn’t looped in, just the neck,” she said.

Ms Tan reported that Pawkins informed her of Fendi’s death several hours after the incident, by which time the corgi had already been pronounced dead by the vet.

Pawkins allegedly told her that all three groomers on shift were away for a lunch break when the tragedy occurred.

Ms Tan was offered coverage for the grooming charges, vet fees, and cremation expenses. However, she also reported the tragic event to the police, National Parks Board (NParks), and Animal & Veterinary Service (AVS).

SPCA calls for legislation to strengthen animal welfare and enhance industry standards

In a statement, the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (SPCA) confirmed that they were alerted to the troubling video by a concerned member of the public.

The SPCA noted that there are currently no licensing requirements for pet grooming services in Singapore.

Although the Code of Animal Welfare (for the Pet Industry) specifies some minimum standards, failure to comply is not considered an offence.

“While breaches of the code can be used to support prosecution or enforcement action, the resulting penalties may not serve as effective deterrents. ”

The SPCA recommends choosing groomers who allow observation of the grooming process, ensure safety measures are in place, and have a good reputation through trusted word-of-mouth recommendations.

The SPCA emphasized the urgent need for stronger legislation in animal welfare and has been actively lobbying the government on multiple issues to better protect animals, including upholding high standards of animal welfare within the pet industry.


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Totally unacceptable, grossly incompetent and negligent behaviour on the part of Pawkins. Such unproffesionalism MUST NOT go unpunished. Pawkins must be subjected to civil litigation and lawsuit and if found guilty negligent incompetency must be duly punished to the fullest. An animal’s life was lost. What if it was yours in a hospital setting?

Anti climax end. Probably typical script SG style.

So Sad

