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Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu addresses US Congress amid Gaza conflict

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu addressed Congress amid U.S. political upheaval and calls for a ceasefire with Hamas. He praised U.S. support in the conflict of over nine months and called for a regional alliance to counter Iran’s influence. The claims in his speech, however, run contrary to observations and findings made by international human rights groups.



Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu addressed a joint session of the United States Congress on Wednesday amid significant political upheaval in the United States over recent events and the upcoming presidential election, as well as increasing domestic and international pressure on his administration to negotiate a ceasefire with Hamas over the conflict which has carried over nine months, with over 39,000 killed and millions displaced from their homes since 7 October last year.

Congressional leaders invited Netanyahu in May, showcasing bipartisan unity despite deep political divides over the war across the U.S.

While Republicans have unequivocally backed Netanyahu, Democrats have been divided over providing additional support to the longtime U.S. ally.

US Vice President Kamala Harris, along with approximately 80 House Democrats and several Democratic senators, skipped Netanyahu’s speech, according to sources and public statements. Instead, Harris will meet with the Israeli leader on Thursday.

Democrat Senator Bernie Sanders, who was also not present for the speech, decrying Netanyahu as a war criminal a day earlier, said, “This invitation to Netanyahu is a disgrace and something that we will look back on with regret.”

Historic Address and Crossroads of History

In his speech, Netanyahu emphasized the shared interests and threats faced by both Israel and the United States. “Our enemies are your enemies. Our fight is your fight. And our victory will be your victory,” Netanyahu proclaimed, receiving a standing ovation from the packed House chamber.

He assured the lawmakers, “As we defend ourselves on all fronts, I know that America has our back.”

Netanyahu expressed his gratitude to congressional leaders and lawmakers for the “profound” honour of addressing Congress.

He spoke of a world in turmoil, with Iran’s “axis of terror” confronting the US, Israel, and its Arab allies. “This is not a clash of civilization,” he stated. “It is a clash between those who glorify death and those who sanctify life. For the forces of civilization to triumph, America and Israel must stand together.”

The Israeli leader recalled the Hamas attacks on southern Israel on October 7, describing the day as one when “heaven turned into hell.”

Gratitude to President Biden and Denouncement of Protesters

Netanyahu thanked President Joe Biden for his “heartfelt” support following the October 7 attacks, noting their longstanding friendship spanning over 40 years.

Netanyahu expressed deep appreciation for the unwavering support from the United States, highlighting the substantial military aid approved by Congress in April.

The US had promised to provide up to US$26 billion in military aid, including US$9.1 billion for humanitarian needs.

This assistance, he stated, underscores the enduring bond and strategic partnership between the two nations.

“America’s commitment to Israel’s security is a testament to our shared values and common goals,” Netanyahu said, praising the bipartisan effort to support Israel during its time of need.

He criticized anti-Israel protesters outside the Capitol, suggesting they were possibly funded by Iran.

“For all we know, Iran is funding the anti-Israel protests that are going on right now, outside this building,” he claimed, dismissing their slogans as ill-informed.

Controversial Claims and International Criticism

Netanyahu reiterated controversial claims about Hamas’s actions on October 7, which investigations have found to be unsubstantiated. He stated that men were beheaded and babies burned alive. However, these gruesome stories have been widely questioned, with little evidence to support such assertions.

Moreover, Haaretz revealed that the Hannibal Directive, which involved Israeli soldiers being ordered to kill civilians and soldiers to prevent their capture by Hamas, was issued.

A U.N. fact-finding team found “reasonable grounds” to believe that some of those who stormed southern Israel on Oct. 7 had committed sexual violence, including rape and gang rape. However, the absence of forensic evidence and survivor testimony made it impossible to determine the scope of such violence. Hamas has denied its forces committed sexual violence.

Netanyahu also condemned the International Criminal Court (ICC) prosecutor’s accusations that Israel is deliberately starving civilians in Gaza, calling them “utter, complete nonsense.”

Despite his denial, numerous rights groups and UN human rights experts have accused Israel of conducting a “targeted starvation campaign” in Gaza, resulting in the deaths of numerous Palestinian children.

Reports indicate that Israeli forces have systematically cut off supplies of food and water, displaced more than 90 per cent of the population, and wiped out entire neighbourhoods.

Reports of Famine and Starvation

On 9 July, a group of independent experts reported that famine has spread across the entire Gaza Strip, evidenced by recent child fatalities due to hunger and malnutrition.

The determination of famine conditions rests with the Integrated Food Security Phase Classification (IPC), a UN-backed global monitor, which previously warned of high famine risk in Gaza due to the ongoing war and restricted aid access.

As of last month, more than 495,000 people in Gaza, over a fifth of the population, were experiencing the most severe level of food insecurity.

International Arrest Warrants and War Crimes

In May this year, the ICC sought arrest warrants for several key figures, including Hamas leader Yahya Sinwar and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, citing war crimes and crimes against humanity related to the October 7 attacks on Israel and the subsequent conflict in Gaza. The charges include causing extermination and starvation as warfare methods, including denying humanitarian aid and deliberately targeting civilians.

Calls for a Regional Alliance and Post-War Vision

Netanyahu called for a regional alliance to counter Iran’s influence, suggesting it be named the “Abraham Alliance.” He expressed confidence in achieving “total victory” over Hamas and outlined a vision for a demilitarized and de-radicalized post-war Gaza, likening it to the reconstruction of Germany and Japan after World War II.

“Israel does not seek to settle Gaza. But for the foreseeable future, we must retain overriding security control there to prevent the resurgence of terror, to ensure that Gaza never again poses a threat to Israel,” he said.

Reactions and Ongoing Conflict

Hamas senior official Sami Abu Zuhri responded to Netanyahu’s remarks, asserting that they demonstrate his lack of interest in ending the war. “Netanyahu’s speech was full of lies, and it will not succeed in covering up for the failure and defeat in the face of the resistance,” Abu Zuhri told Reuters.

He added that the address would also not “cover up for the crimes of the war of genocide his army is committing against the people of Gaza.”

In a statement, Izzat al-Rishq, a member of Hamas’s political bureau, condemned Netanyahu’s speech as “a party of lies” delivered by “the criminal Netanyahu.”

Netanyahu, facing charges of fraud, bribery, and breach of trust in Israel, remains a controversial figure. Critics allege that he is clinging to power to avoid legal repercussions.

It bears noting that Benjamin Netanyahu has been charged with fraud, bribery, and breach of trust in three cases filed in 2019. He can be sentenced to up to 10 years in jail and/or a fine if convicted in a bribery case.

Netanyahu’s continued tenure as prime minister is seen by many as a strategic move to evade prosecution. His critics argue that he is willing to jeopardize both regional stability and global peace to stay in office, as holding power may shield him from imprisonment where he could potentially spend the rest of his life.

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Israel will win

Hezbollahs continue attacking Israel with missiles.

Soon they will cry Israel genocides?

Well , Isarel gave food to Palestinians & Gaza, but was hijacked by Hamas terrorists.

Will a genocide country wants to supply food and medical aid to Palestine?

Must Watch !!!

It’s a war between barbarism and civilization

Say no terrorism

Say no to radicalizations.

Authorities please keep track of radicals.thank you

His speech belongs to the previous century. The young do not support war. While he was in Washington, China has already stepped in as a world power in an effort to bring peace. It has brought together Fatah, Hamas and others to form an interim coalition government in Gaza before elections can be held. The Agreement was signed in Beijing. By doing this, it is ousting out the future presence of the Zionists and the US from Gaza. Kudos to Xi and Wang Yi. A strategic move to remove the influence of the US, the war criminal, Netanyahu hides behind.… Read more »

Terrorism do not justify oppressions. Palestinians have chosen Hamas. Stop blaming Israel.
Israel= Self Defense. (Houthis are still firing missiles)

A power unchecked is usually result in very bad things. Frons of the PxP

He thinks he did the right thing?
Previously, I thought no one would be as foolish and evyl as Putin.
I am wrong.

No cease fire untill Hamas terrorists free all the innocent hostages. Thanks Netanyahu.GB!
