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PM Wong’s non-commitment to GE timing raises questions about his integrity and leadership

Possible reasons behind why PM Lawrence Wong cannot provide the election dates ought to be troubling for Singaporeans, raising concerns about the new Prime Minister’s transparency with the public or his ability to plan ahead in the future.



Speculation is rife about the timing of Singapore’s next General Election, with many suggesting it could take place in the coming months, possibly in September.

On Wednesday (12 June), Prime Minister Lawrence Wong addressed these speculations, stating that there is “still a lot of work to be done” both domestically and internationally.

“Eventually, at the time when we decide it’s appropriate and the election has to be called, people will know. Same for the EBRC (Electoral Boundaries Review Committee). Eventually, when it is convened and it has done its work, people will know, and then I suppose everyone will get ready for the elections,” he said.

“But for now, there’s still a lot of work to be done, both for our own domestic agenda and also for me to engage with our external partners and to take Singapore forward,” PM Wong added.

His comments followed his introductory visits to Brunei and Malaysia, where he was questioned by Singapore media about whether his upcoming international meetings would preclude an electoral contest this year.

PM Wong highlighted the transparency of the schedule for high-level international and regional gatherings, such as the ASEAN Summit in October, the G20 Summit in November, and the APEC Economic Leaders’ Meeting also in November. He suggested that the public could mark out the dates when he would be busy or away, leaving room for speculation about the election timing.

Before delving into the questions arising from PM Wong’s ambiguous answer, let’s examine some points from his recorded response.

The EBRC is a committee set up to determine the redrawing of electoral boundaries in each election. This committee is determined by the Prime Minister, who is currently PM  Wong, and therefore, PM Wong has control over when it should be created.

Saying that it has not been formed yet is not a satisfactory answer when he is the decision-maker.

Furthermore, it is not as if no one asked about when the EBRC will be formed, as Workers’ Party Member of Parliament for Aljunied GRC, Mr Gerald Giam Yean Song, had asked this question in Parliament and was given a response by Mr Chan Chun Sing, Minister-in-Charge of the public service, echoing what PM Wong said about the EBRC having not yet convened.

Mr Giam also asked for a commitment by the Prime Minister to announce its establishment as soon as it’s formed, but Mr Chan sidestepped that question.

It should be noted why a WP MP had asked for this commitment.

Back on 8 July 2019, WP leader Pritam Singh asked if the EBRC was formed, and Mr Chan wrote back to say no. Then, out of the blue, the Elections Department announced on 4 September 2019 that the EBRC had been formed by then-PM Lee Hsien Loong. When asked again by Mr Singh as to when the EBRC was formed, Mr Chan revealed that the EBRC had, in fact, been formed on 1 August 2019.

So, the above tells you that the Prime Minister can say the EBRC is not formed yet and, without any indication, form the committee shortly after the previous denial without announcement.

Also, for PM Wong to say that he will be busy due to international and regional meetings is not particularly informative as to whether the election will be held soon and when it will be held.

Back in 2015, I warned several opposition party members about the impending election due to various sources that had prompted The Online Citizen, but those whom I contacted dismissed the possibility of a September election because of their participation in a regional forum along with other People’s Action Party (PAP) MPs that month. However, we all know that the General Election was indeed held in September, proving that international commitments are hardly an indication of election timing.

According to the Constitution of Singapore, the President has the power to dissolve Parliament upon the advice of the Prime Minister. Once dissolved, a general election must be held within three months, and the new Parliament must convene within one month after the election. The maximum term of Parliament is five years from its first sitting, though it can be dissolved earlier.

Given that the current Parliament was opened in August 2020, the latest date for the election to be called is November 2025, with Parliament having to be dissolved by August 2025. With the election just over a year away, it is puzzling why Mr Wong cannot specify a date.

The above points lead to two pressing questions: Is Mr Wong deliberately withholding the election dates despite the PAP already having decided on the date and seemingly preparing the ground for the upcoming election, or is he unable to plan ahead by foreseeing the future as a leader, even with the election just over a year away?

If Mr Wong is deliberately withholding the date from public knowledge while his party has already decided when the election will be held, can he be trusted as a leader to be truthful to Singaporeans on issues that concern them when he prioritizes the interests of his political party over transparency and keeping citizens informed?

And if he is unable to reveal the election date because he cannot decide when to hold it, what does this say about his calibre as a political leader? If he cannot foresee trends and possible outcomes within just over a year, how can Singaporeans trust him to have the foresight to make policies that extend beyond his term and even over decades?

Either scenario should worry Singaporeans about the future. Whether the newly appointed Singapore Prime Minister is prioritising party interests over transparency or demonstrating an inability to plan ahead, both situations raise serious concerns about his leadership and the direction of the nation.

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Probably waiting for Loong’s greenlight to go ahead.?

This Lawless Wong is just a Pappy puppy with an electric dog collar. He will be following Pappy traditions as he had mentioned. No matter how many motherhood statements he made, it is just the same old shit on a different day only. He knows very well that it is governance issue if his decision to calls a GE was based on insider information like when the EBRC had convened, when the report is out, etc. Isn’t this conflict of interest? He should resigned just like the SNEF president Robert Yap unless he is above the law. Make no mistake… Read more »

Rigged election to keep importing their own kakis foreigners to ensure the rigged elections and no qualms disturbing all those not theirs. No?!?

That why they so confident. They can spin the stories anyhow. No?!?

Whether there is election or not ,the results always the same, PAP always win then more bad years to come

He was chosen by LHL…and LHL appointed himself as SM.
nothing more needs to be said.
LW needs to tow the party line..
Hes LHL’s pet puppy…

The SG Constitution if it’s and when it’s the States SOVEREIGN Law and Statute MUST direct politicians when to hold ELECTION for the Good of SG and for the Good of its people – the PAP BASTARDS DO NOT have a direct Constitutional RIGHT to dictate elections timings.

The PAP is ONLY a Party. Workers Party is also a Political Party. So ARE SDP, PSP, PV et al. All these are PARTIES of Politicians to contest Elections. PAP IS NO DIFFERENT!!


Sounds like, … peo~ple are act~tually hoping against all hope, that this LawLan might be different, … different as in better than the previous PM and different as in being true to serving the interests of the peo~ple of SillyPore !!!

C’mon lah, … pleaseeee lah !!!

He’s chosen for a reason, … to continue with all that’s gone on and perpetuate it further !!!

For SillyPore’s sake, please do not believe for one moment, … what your propagated and primed with pap godliness mind is trying oh so very hard to tell you !!!
