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PM Lee’s 15 May handover date sparks sellout of 4D number 1505

After Singapore’s leadership succession announcement for 15 May, the 4D number 1505 sold out on Singapore Pools’ site for the Wednesday draw.



On Monday (15 April), Singapore’s Prime Minister’s Office officially announced Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong’s decision to step down, with Deputy Prime Minister Lawrence Wong slated to succeed him on 15 May 2024.

In a statement, the PMO announced that DPM Wong will be sworn in at 8:00 pm on 15 May at the Istana.

Following the announcement, a check on the Singapore Pools official site revealed that the 4D number 1505 was sold out for the upcoming draw on Wednesday.

While the number 0515 was initially available for some time, it later sold out as well.

While initially available, number 0515 also sold out later, with some players noting its availability for a brief period.

As a number gains popularity, Singapore Pools may impose betting limits to manage potential risks, preventing payouts from exceeding tolerance levels.

Consequently, the number may quickly sell out as demand surges, with bettors rushing to place their bets before reaching the limit.

The number 1505, linked to PM Lee’s handover to DPM Wong, likely experienced heightened demand as individuals hoped it would be among the winning numbers.

This association likely spurred an influx of bets as people sought to capitalize on the significant date.

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1505 and 0515 are lucky numbers? Are those betting trying to say that Lw is assigned as pm out of luck and not merits?

Shows Singaporeans only want money from him. Yes, please show us that he works for us.

I think the election date is more important. I do not think any higher powers care about a change in dictators.

Let’s hope it don’t happen, or, … LawLan will attribute it all to he, himself and him !!!

This is what local Sinkie are good at, not trying to get a job in their country.
Soon they will realised that all these ‘hopes of striking rich’ is going to only make the PAP Turf club richer and they poorer.
And with that and without a stable job, which are all snapped up by FTs, they will be only taking a bet as to when they want to give up….living!😆😆😆😆😆

Send huat to everyone.
Must buy, then have some hopes.
No buy, no hope at all.
Same to election.
Must change, then at least we all know is it better or worse.
If no change, forever the same and don’t complain….lol.

Lawrence Wrong already going bald. Hope he doesn’t start looking like Tharman after taking on this “assignment”.
