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Four Singapore political parties forge informal coalition for stronger representation

Singapore’s political parties, NSP, RDU, SPP, and SUP, have announced the formation of an informal coalition, aiming for enhanced electoral representation while maintaining distinct party identities.



In a significant move, four opposition parties in Singapore have united under a non-formal partnership, “The Coalition,” built on the pillars of support, respect, and synergy.

The alliance, unveiled at a press conference at the Copthorne Kings Hotel on Saturday, comprises the National Solidarity Party (NSP), Red Dot United (RDU), Singapore People’s Party (SPP), and Singapore United Party (SUP). These parties have marked their collaboration by signing a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU), pledging a unified strategy for the forthcoming elections.

Their combined approach encompasses key strategies: collaborative campaigning, strategic electoral positioning to prevent multi-cornered fights, and unified efforts in developing a manifesto and selecting candidates.

RDU’s secretary-general, Ravi Philemon, highlighted the coalition’s distinctive nature. “This partnership is grounded in mutual respect, allowing each party to maintain its unique identity while finding common ground for cooperation,” he stated.

Addressing the leadership structure, Steve Chia, secretary-general of the SPP, elaborated, “Within this non-formal Coalition, there is no hierarchy or dominant leadership. All parties stand on equal footing, guided by a Secretariat responsible for administrative tasks.”

This initiative comes on the heels of the “People’s Alliance,” formed earlier in June by Peoples Voice, the Reform Party, People’s Power Party, and the Democratic Progressive Party. The Coalition’s goal diverges by focusing on consolidating public visibility and outreach for each member party, strengthening the representation for voters desiring alternative options in government.

As the anticipation for the next General Election builds, the timing of this coalition is tactically significant. “By presenting a united front, we offer a compelling choice for voters, confirming that we are primed for the electoral challenge,” affirmed Mr Philemon.

Instead of aiming for a change in government, the coalition’s objective is to reinforce representation and accountability in Parliament, particularly by challenging the People’s Action Party’s two-thirds parliamentary majority. This stance is designed to ensure the essential checks and balances within a healthy democracy. The targeted approach considers contesting 8 to 10 constituencies, depending on the preservation of current electoral boundaries.

Reiterating the nature of the coalition’s leadership, Mr Chia, a former Non-Constituency Member of Parliament, stated, “There’s no overarching authoritative figure. Every decision is made through collective agreement, promoting unity and concerted progress.”

The Coalition is strategically withholding their joint manifesto, acknowledging the importance of addressing current and forthcoming national concerns comprehensively. Although the manifesto will tackle pivotal issues like the cost of living and legislative matters impacting everyday Singaporeans, its publication is planned for the period closer to the election for maximum relevance.

“But central to our discussions and proposals will always be the fundamental issues — the ‘bread and butter’ concerns of Singaporeans such as the cost of living, inflation, and wages,” Mr Chia pointed out, emphasizing the coalition’s commitment to delving deeply into these subjects to devise detailed solutions.

Concluding the announcement, Mr Philemon stressed the historical importance of this coalition: “This alliance represents a unified stride towards fostering a diverse, representative, and prosperous future for Singapore.”

SUP’s secretary-general, Andy Zhu, resonated with these thoughts, adding, “Our strength lies in our diversity, steering us towards a future of solidarity, mutual respect, and combined effort.”

The Coalition has shared that it remains open to discussions with other opposition entities, affirming a shared goal of stronger, more balanced national governance.  Mr Philemon said, “We are always talking to our friends from the opposition fraternity, including the Workers’ Party, the PSP and SDP, we are not opposed to working together; in fact, we welcome working together with the other opposition parties.”

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I already ask youngers to graduate here or overseas and migrate.

Do you really see more good years? LOL

I can see many stalls closing, wondering where these PR’s going to work in Singapore. What do you think?

Join forces? For how long? Before election, internal disagreements then split..

I see 4 stupid clowns standing side by side. You expect Singaporeans to vote for clowns?

My opinion: Honestly speaking we need more young blood between the age 24 to 35 years old to serve Singaporeans and Singapore.

HSK: My runway is too short.

Focus more on coming with different policies that the average Singaporean can understand. No boutique issues like “Climate Change” or “Green energy.” Nobody really cares about that.

Asset bubble, cost of living, HDB flat costs. Also if you really want to make a splash, the reserves.

Last edited 11 months ago by Blankslate

That their TWO state Solution. After Gods investiture, we have the Demi-gods investiture … Neverending spawning of overlords and overlords. One to reign the Top class and the other the lower class for reality SHOW.

Better title would be :

Good luck to all these parties. If they are NOT Against Singapore, it’s AGAINST the PAP, so be it.

Whats so great about this PAP Administration NOWADAYS. Count on OUR fingers other than thanking this BASTARD PAP for Raising Cost of Living, Costs of Accomodation, Costs of travelling, Costs of ALMOST EVERYTHING, what good the PAP Administration DID??

Yes they CRIMP birth rates, THEY STOPPED productivity, they CAUSE all the scams, I T breakdowns losses if 100s if 1000s of dollars bcz of super PAP Education.

More Hamas Overlords …


Good news
