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CNA Forum: PE2023 contenders unveil unique visions for an inclusive and compassionate Singapore

When addressing the question of how they plan to establish a more inclusive and compassionate society, the contenders in PE 2023 offer distinct approaches.

Mr. Tharman Shanmugaratnam envisions an active presidential role, advocating for initiatives to support and assist those facing disadvantages.

Tan Kin Lian, a former NTUC Income chief emphasizes special attention to elderly citizens. His focus involves not only providing care but also alleviating the burdens faced by their families.

Ng Kok Song, the former GIC investment chief, aspires to embody the role of a “chief volunteer” as president.



SINGAPORE: In response to the question of how they intend to build a more inclusive and compassionate society if elected as Singapore President, the three contenders in the 2023 Presidential Election (PE2023) all share the common goal of fostering a society that prioritizes the well-being of all its members, especially those who are vulnerable and disadvantaged.

However, they each bring their unique approaches to achieving this goal, focusing on diverse forms of support, empowerment, and inclusivity.

During the hour-long live Singapore Presidential Forum held on Monday (28 Aug) night, the three contenders engaged in a comprehensive discussion that encompassed a broad spectrum of topics, ranging from their suitability for the presidency to their strategies for fostering unity and nurturing a more compassionate society.

Mr Tharman Shanmugaratnam, a former senior minister of the People’s Action Party (PAP), envisions taking an active role as president, championing initiatives by Civil Society organizations, NGOs, and volunteer groups aimed at assisting those facing disadvantages.

Mr Tan Kin Lian, a former NTUC Income chief and contender alongside Tharman, identifies a particular focus on elderly citizens, and aims not only to care for them but also to alleviate the burdens on their families.

Meanwhile, 75-year-old Ng Kok Song, the former GIC investment chief Aims to be a “chief volunteer” as president, inspiring and encouraging volunteers to do their best.

During the hour-long live Singapore Presidential Forum held on Monday (28 Aug) night, the three contenders engaged in a comprehensive discussion that encompassed a broad spectrum of topics, ranging from their suitability for the presidency to their strategies for fostering unity and nurturing a more compassionate society.

Tharman emphasizes life’s purpose of constructing a fairer and more inclusive society

Mr Tharman views his role as an embodiment of his life’s purpose – to construct a fairer and more inclusive society.

This commitment has persisted since his days as a student activist and has remained steadfast throughout his over 40 years of service in government, he said.”

“If I’m fortunate to be elected as president, I intend to be an active president, supporting ground-up initiatives by Civil Society organizations, NGOs, groups of volunteers, and every initiative to help everyone with disadvantage.”

He emphasizes that his approach goes beyond mere charity; it’s about fostering upliftment.

He particularly underscores the importance of focusing on children in their early developmental stages, especially those who begin with less advantage, “focused on the earlier stages of their lives, early lives matter.”

Furthermore, he is dedicated to addressing mental stress and wellness issues that affect individuals of all age groups.

He advocates for the creation of second and third chances for those who have erred and seek to reintegrate, relying on the collective moral support from society as a trampoline for their resurgence.

“As we get to be an older society, never lose sight of the fact that it’s easy to be lonely as you get older. help the elderly, particularly those living alone.”

Tharman’s belief is that every ground-up initiative aimed at unity and upliftment contributes not only to the cohesion of society but also to its overall positive morale.

Tan Kin Lian envisions a comprehensive government effort to address the needs of the elderly population

75-year-old Mr Tan Kin Lian has expressed his commitment to carrying forward the commendable legacy of the president’s charity and added that this tradition holds value as it involves a substantial participation of people contributing towards causes that hold significance.

Originating before the era of President Ong Teng Cheong, these charity initiatives were expanded during his tenure.

Mr Tan Kin Lian recalls the honour of being asked by the late President Ong to oversee his charity initiatives, specifically focusing on promoting the Singapore dress.

He proudly dons the same orchid tie that President Ong wore, a tie that was gifted to Ong by the charity during his time. This tie serves as a symbolic connection to the shared values and dedication to charitable causes.

He notes his intention to thoroughly evaluate and determine the charities that warrant continuation, highlighting his thoughtful approach to this commitment.

Additionally, he shares an initiative close to his heart: the provision of care for elderly citizens, particularly those aged 80 and above.

“It’s not only looking after them, it is also relieving the burden on their children, ” Mr Tan asserted.

For Mr Tan Kin Lian, this focus on the elderly isn’t confined to charity alone; he envisions it as an integral part of a comprehensive government effort dedicated to addressing the needs of the elderly population.

Ng Kok Song aspires to personify the role of a “chief volunteer”Β 

Ng Kok Song places significant emphasis on the idea that a society characterized by compassion and inclusivity naturally fosters a greater sense of care and kindness among its members.

Mr Ng said the role that he would play is to encourage Singaporeans to understand that our most fundamental identity is that we are all Singaporeans, and thereby emphasizing the responsibility to support one another.

He underscores the prevalent vulnerability of various segments of society today, including the elderly, the sick, and the economically disadvantaged.

“I would like to see more efforts being given to supporting volunteers, and caregivers who spend so much time looking after the less fortunate members of our society.”

Furthermore, he aspires to personify the role of a “chief volunteer” in his capacity as president, aiming to ignite inspiration among all volunteers and encourage them to give their utmost efforts.

“I would also like to see a more inclusive society embracing everyone who lives in Singapore. ”

“For example, migrant workers, and domestic helpers, are also members of society, so a compassionate inclusive Society must include these people who are helping our society.”


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Ah Neh special ah still in the WEF and that’s against the criteria for PE isn’t it?

If inclusive, then why no updates on the investigations into the million$ minister corruption case? Media very quiet, just focusing the public’s attention on the PE, hor? Remember Tharman was Coordinating Minister for Social Policies – so he must be very experienced acting blur and diverting public attention away from any social blunders made by his party.

Don’t talk cork . Where is yr compassion for people struggling with less opportunities very high cost of living and uncertain job prospects. Don’t talk nonsense. Before election : for u , after elections : who are u?

If so inclusive and compassionate, botak and his merry gang lead by ‘let’s allow money washing, son” would NOT be increasing GST loh!πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜†

Still not yet resign from WEF?

It is quite apparent the MSM, the political analysts invited by the MSM to air their views, are tasked to make TKL look a bad choice.
Singaporeans therefore should lend all their support to TKL because in doing so, they are actually doing themselves a favour. Otherwise, it’s continuing to be a β€œI tell, you do” arrogance from the establishment.
