A Thai court dropped murder charges against park officials linked to the 2014 disappearance of activist Porlajee Rakchongcharoen, known as Billy. The decision stirred disappointment, emphasizing...
The UNODC's policy report criticizes the disorganized and reactive responses to trafficking in Southeast Asia. These efforts have failed to dismantle Transnational Organized Crime groups, allowing...
The Chinese crime action film "No More Bets" is causing anxiety among Chinese travelers, impacting holiday destinations like Myanmar and Cambodia. The film explores cybercrime in...
Budi Hartini, a paralyzed Indonesian migrant worker returning from Riyadh, prompts a human trafficking investigation, raising concerns about migrant worker safety.
Brigadier Setyo Herlambang's mysterious death in North Kalimantan prompts calls for a thorough investigation amid doubts of accidental firearm mishandling.
A man is sentenced to five months of jail time for the outrage of modesty of an 11-year-old- girl. The girl was returning from school when...
Crime syndicates in Myawaddy, Myanmar target a wide spectrum of victims, from recent graduates to unexpected individuals like multimillionaire Xin Weilin, to support their ever-growing scamming...
Eight Malaysians have been ensnared in a job scam, initially lured by Facebook job offers in Thailand but ultimately forced to work as scammers in Myanmar....
In a disturbing incident, a student attacked his teacher in a Central Java school, leaving the educator critically injured. The assailant's act of violence was reportedly...
Wang Bingang, known for his illegal gambling empire, reportedly remains at large following Singapore's 15 August Islandwide anti-money laundering crackdown. He was residing in a lavish...