In a tragic incident, a 67-year-old Singaporean woman was found dead in a rental unit, with her 70-year-old husband unconscious beside her. A neighbour, who noticed...
In a devastating loss for the Singapore Democratic Party (SDP), Manimaran Ashukumar, their Assistant Treasurer and Young Democrats leader, passed away at the age of 33....
Nanyang Technological University (NTU) has named Assoc Prof Yow Cheun Hoe as Acting Head of the Chinese department, effective since last Friday (28 July), amidst investigations...
In a heartwarming TikTok video, a couple embraces their situation despite challenges. Their newly purchased but unfurnished home becomes the setting for a touching moment as...
Reddit users dispute Singaporean Ministers' interpretation of LHY's comments as defamatory, arguing his remarks don't explicitly suggest corruption. Encouraging a court case, they seek transparency and...
A 'unity dinner' organized by a Malaysian political party MCA in Selangor turned chaotic when a dispute erupted among members, resulting in a physical altercation and...
A Tianjin-born associate professor at NTU faces a plagiarism accusation after allegedly copying a student's graduation thesis in a published academic paper. Reddit user revealed similarities...
In a swift response to a fire outbreak at Block 34 Cassia Crescent on Thursday (27 Jul) at 12:45 pm, SCDF firefighters battled the smoke-filled unit,...
Nisshaa Muniandy, a determined 27-year-old with dystonia and epilepsy, seeks financial aid for life-changing surgery. Within three weeks, the community's overwhelming response surpassed the initial RM...
Muhamad Faisal bin Abdul Manap, Member of Parliament for Aljunied GRC and Workers’ Party (WP) vice-chairman, was hospitalized due to a cardiac condition on Monday (24...