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Advance labour report shows 100% of job growth in Q2 2024 went to foreign workers

The latest advance labour report from Singapore’s Ministry of Manpower reveals that 100% of the job growth in Q2 2024 went to non-resident workers, with resident employment experiencing a slight decline—a figure not released by MOM.



The latest advance labour report from Singapore’s Ministry of Manpower (MOM) reveals significant shifts in employment dynamics for the second quarter of 2024, with 100% of job growth going to foreign workers.

The report shows that the overall labour market expanded, with employment growth observed, stable retrenchment numbers, and declining unemployment rates.

However, despite the positive image of a healthy job market, Singaporeans may be alarmed to know that all job growth during this period was attributed to non-resident workers, while resident employment experienced a slight decline — though MOM did not provide the exact figures for the decline.

Employment Growth Dynamics

Total employment in Singapore increased by 11,300 in Q2 2024, a substantial rise compared to the 4,700 growth in Q1 2024. The report indicates that non-resident employment was solely responsible for this increase. In contrast, resident employment saw a minor decline, which MOM attributed primarily to seasonal factors in the Retail Trade sector, where temporary hiring typically spikes in the fourth quarter to cater to year-end festivities.

Non-resident employment growth was driven predominantly by lower-skilled Work Permit holders in non-PMET roles within the Construction and Manufacturing sectors. These sectors traditionally employ non-residents due to the nature of the work, which is less attractive to resident workers. The rebound in non-resident employment reflects continued demand for labour in these areas and firms’ adaptations to changes in the Dependency Ratio Ceiling.

Sector-Specific Trends

Despite the overall decline, resident employment continued to rise in growth sectors such as Financial Services, Information & Communications, Health & Social Services, and Professional Services. The slight overall decline in resident employment was expected, given the typical seasonal contraction in Retail Trade during this period. However, it should be noted that resident employment covers both Singaporeans and Permanent Residents.

Unemployment and Retrenchments

The unemployment situation showed improvement, with rates declining in June 2024 compared to May 2024. Overall unemployment dropped from 2.1% to 2.0%, resident unemployment from 2.9% to 2.7%, and citizen unemployment from 3.0% to 2.8%. These rates remained within the range of non-recessionary periods.

Retrenchments held steady at 3,100 in Q2 2024, compared to 3,030 in Q1 2024. Business reorganisation and restructuring continued to be the leading causes of retrenchments, which remained broadly stable across most sectors.

Future Outlook

Forward-looking polls on hiring and wage expectations indicate stability for the upcoming quarter. MOM expects labour market momentum to be sustained, with both wages and employment projected to grow in tandem with a gradual economic pick-up in Singapore.

However, given the slowing growth of the resident workforce and already low resident unemployment rates, further growth in resident employment is expected to be more muted.

The full Labour Market Report for Q2 2024, scheduled for release in mid-September 2024, will provide detailed insights, including a breakdown of resident and non-resident employment, sectoral analysis, job vacancies, labour turnover, and re-entry rates among retrenched residents.

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Celebrations,congrajulation,facaination ALL GOALs met as planned by PAPeee – HUAT Aaaah!!

First of all, this report is going to be sugar triple coated in the mainstream media.

Second, let’s see if the govt has the nerve to tell true blue citizens that there are bus drivers jobs paying $5000 waiting for them.

How does these benefit Singaporean workers?

It would be more meaningful to report the information on resident employment separately for Singaporeans and PRs

The current practice to lump both categories means subsuming detailed information on Singaporean employment; which we are most keen on.

Just how much can they wayang and kelong, sooner or later Singaporeans will realize all the upbeats on our labor reforms (or they termed “restructuring”) is just all talk and no results. Notice manpower minister TSL being shown less and less on MSM nowadays?

Question is, … will the majority finally see the light, or will they remain in the depth of darkness, .. for another five years !!!

Whether true or not, we sgs feel swarmed by foreigners everywhere…at public transport ..etc etc.
Everywhere is too crowded and chaotic at times..
Go out on p/hols or weekends lagi worse, we get to come face to face with the whole spectrum of asian races , all in one spot.

no owonder your Singapore passports is so reocginzed. tsk tsk tsk

Jobs go to foreginers? shshh…..quiet !

We are told to be inclusive and not xenophic. tsk tsk tsk. What do you think?

Laughable!! Where did MOM get their survey report from? from SPCA or Bedok Jetty?

100$ of Million$ of Dollar$ of Tax Payers money free gifted to Foreigners to come to SG Uni to study, free board added, even Eng free tuition provided if they are not good in English.

Who are the true stakeholders of Sheepgapore?
Answer – PAP and Foreigners.

In other countries, citizenship has positive privileges. In SG, citizenship has FRIGHTENING, HORRIFIC privileges

3.5 to 1 JIU HU KIA…Cheong ah!
Local Sinkie….YOU DIE AH…
Oh ….no….still got food delivery and PHV!😆😆😆🤣🤣

Good news

Any more such bus for the graduate

I know with the bus tax is not cheap

Even co . Lorry alao ferry FW

Boh Pian otherwise business will be high .
