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U.S. House passes sanctions bill against ICC following war crimes charges against Israeli leaders

The U.S. House passed a bill imposing sanctions on the ICC after it sought war crimes charges against Israeli PM Netanyahu. Despite condemning the ICC’s request for warrants, the Biden administration voiced concerns over the bill.



The U.S. House of Representatives passed a bill on Tuesday targeting the International Criminal Court (ICC) in response to the court’s recent move to pursue war crimes charges against Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

The vote saw a rare bipartisan split, with a 247 to 155 tally, as 42 Democrats joined Republicans in supporting the contentious bill.

Named the “Illegitimate Court Counteraction Act,” the legislation spearheaded by Texas Republican Representative Chip Roy, mandates sanctions and visa restrictions against any foreign individuals engaged in ICC actions that implicate the U.S., Israel, or other non-ICC member allies.

This legislative move comes after the ICC’s chief prosecutor, Karim Khan, sought arrest warrants for Netanyahu and Israeli Defense Minister Yoav Gallant on 20 May, alleging their involvement in war crimes in Gaza.

The accusations laid out by Khan include severe charges such as the starvation of civilians and intentional attacks against civilian populations.

Furthermore, Khan’s office has also moved to issue arrest warrants for Hamas leaders Yehya Sinwar, Mohammed Deif, and Ismail Haniyeh, accusing them of orchestrating violence that led to the deaths of numerous Israeli civilians.

In response to the claims, U.S. President Joe Biden strongly defended Israel, saying Israeli forces are not committing genocide in their military campaign against Hamas militants in Gaza.

Prime Minister Netanyahu vehemently rejected the ICC’s allegations, labelling them as “absurd” and a “hit job” during an interview on ABC’s “Good Morning America.” He criticized the charges as tarnishing the ICC’s reputation.

The nine-page bill mandates sanctions against any individual participating in ICC investigations or prosecutions targeting Americans or citizens of U.S. allies not party to the ICC, including Israel.

The passage of the bill was met with mixed reactions within the U.S. political landscape.

While Speaker Mike Johnson argued the necessity of the bill to counter what he deemed illegitimate investigations by the ICC, the White House expressed its reservations. Despite condemning the ICC’s request for warrants, the Biden administration voiced concerns over the bill, advocating for alternative measures to defend Israel and uphold international justice standards without endorsing the legislation.

The leaders of the House Foreign Affairs Committee from both the Republican and Democratic parties have recognized that the bill is unlikely to be enacted into law. They remain open to additional negotiations with the White House and expressed that it would be preferable for Congress to present a united front against the court based in The Hague.

As debates continue, the bill’s fate in the Senate remains uncertain, and its implications on U.S.-ICC relations and broader international diplomacy are yet to be fully realized.

Additionally, a joint investigation by the Guardian, +972 Magazine, and Local Call shed light on Israel’s extensive efforts to impede the ICC’s investigation into alleged war crimes in the occupied Palestinian territories. The report details how Israeli intelligence services, including Mossad, actively monitored and exerted pressure on key ICC personnel.

The investigation even claimed that the head of Mossad directly threatened the ICC’s former chief prosecutor to obstruct the inquiry, highlighting the lengths to which Israel has gone to challenge the ICC’s proceedings.

The ongoing conflict in Gaza began when Hamas militants attacked southern Israel on 7 October, killing 1,139 people and taking 251 others hostage, according to Israeli authorities.

At least 36,470 people have since been killed in Gaza during Israel’s military campaign, according to the Hamas-run health ministry.

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Hamas still holding civilians as human choice.

Just goes to show that if you’re a lap dog for Uncle Sam, you’re untouchable.
Bit like here in Stinkapore, if you’re with the lightning party, you’re a deity of some kind.

Pigs are lying Palestine is a state. LOL

Then why is Palestine begging the whole world to grant them a state status?

So good and satisfying to observe that the US must be doing things right, … if any innocuous or innocent statement from them can illicit so many, … so so many proHamas or proRussia or proCommChina or proTerrorist cum proDictator declarations !!! !!!

Due to oppressions, Hamas committed genocides in Gaza by killing and kidnapping civilians on 7th October 2023.

When 2 countries are at war, we don’t call Israel genocides. Hamas are the ones who started the attack.

Lets see …. The US wants Russian President Putin to be arrested because the ICC issued an arrest warrant for him. But when the same ICC issues an arrest warrant for Netanyahoo, the US sanctions the ICC and instead INVITES Netanyahoo to address their Congress for the FOURTH time!

This coming from the leader of that “rules based” international order pack of countries. Wonder what our 4G foreign minister Vivian thinks of this. You see, when you virtue signal that you take a PRINCIPLED approach towards issues, you have to be CONSISTENT in your application of your “principles”.

Does Biden even know how many high profile individuals worked towards getting the warrants out? Amal Clooney, a human rights lawyer and head of the Clooney Foundation for human rights is one of them. She is also the wife of actor George Clooney. The jurisdiction of the ICC is to member state. Unfortunately for Biden and Nethanyahu, the PLA is a signatory to the ICC and therefore International Law under the ICC and ICJ can be applied to the Zionists. So the Americans can legislate any LAWs. It will have no bearing as they are not a member of the… Read more »
