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Lim Ee Ping, longtime Workers’ Party figure, passes away at 86

Lim Ee Ping, a stalwart of The Workers’ Party, passed away at 86. The news of Uncle Lim’s passing was first shared by Death Kopitiam Singapore FB page, with WP MP Assoc Prof Lim commented that Uncle Lim’s lifelong dedication leaves a lasting legacy cherished by WP members, inspiring continued commitment to their cause.



SINGAPORE: Lim Ee Ping (林依平), a steadfast figure in Singaporean politics and a pillar of The Workers’ Party for over six decades, passed away on Wednesday (29 May) at the age of 86.

Affectionately known as Uncle Lim, his departure marks the end of an era for both the party and the nation, leaving behind a legacy characterized by dedication, resilience, and an unyielding commitment to his vision of a better Singapore.

The news of Uncle Lim’s passing was first shared by Death Kopitiam Singapore, a local social media page dedicated to mourning the loss and providing a voice to grief.

The page noted that Uncle Lim had been battling poor health since 2020, although the specific cause of death was not disclosed.

Assoc Prof Lim honours Uncle Lim’s lifelong commitment, inspiring continued dedication among WP members

The page also tagged WP leaders, including Leader of the Opposition Pritam Singh and WP Chairman Sylvia Lim.

In response, WP MP for Sengkang GRC, Associate Professor Jamus Lim, expressed gratitude to the page for their kind tribute.

Assoc Prof Lim highlighted Uncle Lim’s lifelong dedication to advancing a cause he deeply believed in, a commitment for which WP members are profoundly grateful and determined to build upon.

He described Uncle Lim as a giant of his time, leaving an indelible mark on the party and the nation.

On 5 May, Uncle Lim was featured prominently in a WP Facebook post, where party leaders and volunteers gathered for a photo during their outreach efforts at Aljunied GRC and Marine Parade GRC.

Unwavering dedication to The Workers’ Party

Born in 1934, Uncle Lim joined The Workers’ Party in 1959 when he was 20, a pivotal year for Singapore as it attained self-government.

He recalled that his decision to join WP stemmed from his admiration for WP founder David Marshall’s honesty.

Reflecting on the post-Marshall years in a 2017 interview, he described WP as essentially being an ’empty city’, facing significant challenges.

Despite encountering obstacles and enduring stigmatization due to his affiliation with the political opposition, Lim remained resolute in his convictions, tirelessly advocating for a more inclusive and dynamic political landscape.

One of Lim’s notable contributions was his electrifying rally speeches delivered in Teochew, which resonated deeply with the crowds, igniting their passion and fervour.

His commitment to the party never wavered, even during the darkest days when being associated with the opposition carried significant risks.

Yet, Lim persevered, driven by his belief in the importance of constructive checks and balances in Singapore’s politics.

The retired baker’s dedication extended beyond mere rhetoric; he actively participated in grassroots organizing, rallying members, and spreading the party’s message, often traversing the city on a humble bicycle.

His contributions, though often unseen by the public eye, were instrumental in shaping the Workers’ Party into a more respectable and credible political entity.

Throughout his life, Uncle Lim embodied the values enshrined in Singapore’s national anthem and pledge.

His unwavering dedication to serving the nation through his political activism exemplifies the spirit of resilience and commitment that defines Singapore’s journey as a nation-state.

Through his remarkable journey, he witnessed the evolution of Singapore from its early years of independence to the diverse and resilient nation it is today.

“Today, I am satisfied. With the respect I earned from fellow party members, I continue to serve Singapore. In no time, the baton will be passed to the younger generation, ” said Uncle Lim in 2017.

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RIP. Thank you Uncle Lim. GB

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