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France, Belgium, and Slovenia back ICC’s move for arrest warrants against Israeli and Hamas leaders

France, Belgium, and Slovenia support the ICC’s request for arrest warrants against Israeli and Hamas leaders for alleged war crimes, amidst Israel’s global isolation and U.S. opposition.



In a recent international judicial action that has stoked tensions, France, Belgium, and Slovenia have publicly supported the International Criminal Court (ICC) and its chief prosecutor, Karim Khan, in their efforts to secure arrest warrants against leaders from Israel and Hamas for alleged war crimes and crimes against humanity. This move comes in the wake of severe criticism from Israel and the United States.

Karim Khan has accused Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, Defense Minister Yoav Gallant, and three Hamas leaders—Yahya Sinwar, Mohammed Deif, and Ismail Haniyeh—of grave offenses in the ongoing conflict in Gaza and Israel.

Although Netanyahu and Gallant are not currently facing arrest, this action represents a symbolic and substantial blow to Israel’s international standing amidst the Gaza war crisis.

Adding to the tensions, Israeli forces conducted a raid in Jenin, a militant stronghold in the occupied West Bank, resulting in at least seven deaths and several injuries, as reported by the Palestinian Health Ministry. This raid is part of an escalation in violence in the Palestinian territories that has persisted for months.

On Monday, Khan announced the formal applications for arrest warrants against key figures such as Netanyahu and Sinwar, citing their involvement in the 7 October attacks on Israel and subsequent actions in Gaza. This followed a unanimous endorsement by a panel of international law experts, convened by Khan, affirming the ICC’s jurisdiction and the substantial grounds for the proposed arrest warrants.

The statements from France, Belgium, and Slovenia — all members of the European Union — underscore a firm commitment to the ICC’s independence and the broader international principle of accountability.

In a statement on Tuesday, France stated that it supports the International Criminal Court, its independence and the fight against impunity in every situation.

“For many months now, France has been warning about the imperative of strict compliance with international humanitarian law and particularly the unacceptable nature of the civilian losses in the Gaza Strip, and insufficient humanitarian access.”

Belgian Foreign Minister Hadja Lahbib emphasized on X earlier on Monday, a social media platform, the necessity of prosecuting crimes in Gaza at the highest level, “regardless of the perpetrators.”

Similarly, Slovenia’s Foreign Ministry declared the importance of accountability to prevent atrocities and ensure peace, welcoming the ICC’s investigative advancements in Palestine.

This stance by three EU countries reveals a divide in Western perspectives on Israel, particularly at a time when Israel faces increasing isolation and criticism from even its closest allies.

Meanwhile, U.S. President Joe Biden staunchly defended Israel, rejecting the ICC’s warrants and denying any equivalence between Israel and Hamas, highlighting Israel’s commitment to protecting civilians.

The ICC judges are set to review Khan’s application for the arrest warrants amid a backdrop of over 35,500 Palestinian and 1,139 Israeli casualties since the conflict escalated on 7 October.

Despite the non-membership of Israel and the U.S. in the ICC, the court asserts jurisdiction over Gaza, East Jerusalem, and the West Bank based on Palestinian adherence to the court’s founding treaty in 2015.

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we can see hypocrites crawling out one by one betraying Israel. tsk tsk tsk

Canaanites (Israelites) are the occupiers there for centuries.
Palestinians are migrants.

The truth is Palestine never owns any land in Israel…..That is why they ask Israel to grant them a state or piece of land.

Why keep telling the world Israel stole their land? for heavens sake !!!

Calibrated revenge, targeted revenge. All these who report, write, envisage these need their brains calibrated, proportionately operated on.

So when a platoon, meet with, inside a school with terrorists inside, they have and needed to calculate how many to shoot, which ones to injure before real action due to calibrated and proportionate calculations to inflict or not to inflict damages to account for enemies atrocities.

ICC – International Court of Corruption?

Palestine has not status, not a country, not a station = That is why they are calling the world to declare them as a state. All hypocrites. !

If Palestine is a country as claimed by the Palestinians and terrorist supporters, then why tell the world to declare Palestine as a state? why?

Wonder they really look at the root of the problems?

who started the war? etc.

They keep chanting “free Palestine” . You mean Palestine is handcuffed and not free? Real joke!!

Palestine was known as Judea. Romans changed the name to Palestine. Romans invaded part of Israel land in the 600BC. Romans (& Hamas) are invaders. Israel are the true occupiers.

Hamas are the real mess followed by the ICC, ICJ, and the UN. What do you think?

Strangely the Palestinian Authority (PA) has been rather quiet about this Gaza war. Apparently even the so-called “Palestinians” don’t agree who is representing who; they don’t even agree on Israel right to exist. Total mess.

The “International” Criminal Court has yet to issue arrest warrants against the Myanmar Junta leaders for genocide. Syrian dictator al-Assad. Xi Jinping for the genocide of Uyghurs Muslims in Xinjiang / East Turkestan.

Why are they suddenly so interested in the Arab-Israeli conflict which has been on-going since 1948?

The ICC has been undermined from within and lost all credibility. Dictators around the world are rejoicing. This is how they undermined the UN too.

It is a sign that the current global world order is reaching its end. Internationalism is dying.

Who says its genocide? please come and talk to me.

2 countries at war is called genocide?
Which country attacked Israel?

Will ICC also issue warrant of arrest for all the Presidents, Prime ministers and Chaiman of the various countries who provided arms, support to the opposing sides? Their arms, money and support contributed to the killings for sure.
China is. Asking ICC to be objective, will they also accept the ruling the ICJ on the South China Sea brought against them by Philippines?

The answer is obvious. Whether ICC or ICJ, there is no teeth. They didn’t even put on their dentures.

Why UN, ICC, France, Belgium, Slovenia, South Africa, etc.. never consider issuing arrest warrant for the military leaders in Myanmar? What about what Syrians are doing to the Yezidis?

ICC beginning to form a circus with ICJ and UN ? LOL

Israel and Hamas reject the bid. What say you ICC? LOL

ICC is really a joke. It should FIRST demand that all hostages taken in Hamas’ 7 Oct terrorist attack be released. It can’t get the perpetuators to surrender the hostages, yet it now think the perpetuators will surrender themselves???

And linking the arrest of Hamas leaders and Israeli leaders together proves ICC has nothing to show. Israeli leaders can easily be found in Jerusalem, but does ICC knows where the Hamas leaders are?

Let’s not get too excited here, given that the ICC had oso issued an arrest warrant against Pootin, … … way back in March of 2023 !!!

Has his “military operation” in Ukraine ceased or been affected/impacted ?!!! !!!

Sure, … Netanyahu is no Pootin, but d’ya believe for one millisecond, like Pootin, he embraces what disproportionate means, when Oct7 was terrorised and thrust upon him and his people !!!

Is there such a thing as “indiscriminate” killing..?
So, killing has categories…?
If a people vote for people who vote for a legislation that
says killing is ok, it is legal..

The “representatives” of the people, decides on the people’s behalf.
The “representatives” should go fight instead.

France is also a NATO member. The US is losing ground with the EU and NATO members. The Americans must remove Biden from office for their own credibility on the world stage. Biden cannot use his power to support the genocide.
