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Soh Rui Yong launches leadership workshop at Run Soh Fast Academy

Soh Rui Yong expands Run Soh Fast Academy’s services with a new leadership workshop, drawing from his 20-year journey in elite sports and corporate settings. He shares insights on effective leadership from encounters with political figures and officials.



SINGAPORE: Run Soh Fast Academy will now be adding a leadership workshop to its list of services, Mr Soh Rui Yong announced on his Facebook page on Wednesday (15 May).

Founded in 2023 by Mr Soh Rui Yong, a renowned Singaporean long-distance runner, Run Soh Fast Academy offers coaching for all runners across various distances.

The academy also provides training in triathlon, strength and conditioning, injury rehabilitation, and sports psychology.

Mr Soh emphasized the unique value of the new leadership workshop, noting that while many can conduct such workshops, few possess the elite sports background and experience in leading sports teams to success.

“Coaching for high-level performance is a different ball game altogether,” he explained.

“It involves honest feedback, planning, mental clarity, and focus.”

Drawing on his extensive experience, Mr Soh highlighted that he has honed these traits through 20 years in high-performance sports.

“In my 20 years of running and nine years in government and corporate environments, I have encountered a range of leaders and leadership styles, both good and bad,” he stated in the registration poster.

Mr Soh also plans to share his personal experiences working with leaders, illustrating how positive leadership has brought out the best in him, while negative examples have led to detrimental outcomes for all parties involved.

Soh Rui Yong shares insights on leadership encounters

Mr Soh shared his diverse experiences with political leaders and officials, shaping his views on effective leadership.

He recounted encounters with figures like Pritam Singh, Leader of the Opposition, whom he admired for his humility and resilience during challenging times.

Similarly, meetings with ministers such as Edwin Tong left Mr Soh impressed by their humor and willingness to assist.

Reflecting on his interactions with Minister Lawrence Wong during the 2015 SEA Games, Mr Soh praised Wong’s enthusiasm and humility despite lacking a sports background.

However, he also encountered leaders who, despite their titles, fell short of expectations.

Notably, a senior director struggled with basic tasks, while a former sports administrator faced scandalous revelations that undermined his credibility.

Drawing from his broad experiences, Mr Soh emphasized the importance of effective leadership.

Despite his reputation for being headstrong, he acknowledged leaders who brought out the best in him and his team.

Mr Soh highlighted that as a leader himself, he coaches over 50 athletes at his academy and has delivered keynote speeches at prestigious events like the Hugo Boss ‘Power Within Yourself’ Conference 2024.

Leveraging his background in Business Administration and athletic success, he offers unique insights into elite training principles that transcend sports, benefiting leadership and professional environments alike.

Interested individuals can register for Mr Soh’s leadership sessions for S$300 and reach out for more details via email at [email protected] or through the registration link

Netizens’ reactions to the announcement

In response to Mr Soh’s announcement about adding a leadership workshop to Run Soh Fast Academy, one netizen labeled Mr Soh as an opportunist.

Another netizen speculated about potential case studies for negative leadership examples, to which Mr Soh responded by humorously suggesting inviting some of these negative examples as guest speakers at his academy.

It is known that Mr Soh commented on the post concerning Tan Chuan-Jin’s poster on SMF leadership masterclass before it was removed, providing lengthy suggestions about what the course might entail in a sarcastic tone.

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Isn’t they are BUYING medals in sports? Or discontinued when Li Jia Wei said by bye PAP, thank you?

Good Luck!!! You should do in more countries than just Singapore.

I believed that pple should support Soh RY since he has been an asser
