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Jamus Lim urges PM Wong to address imbalance and advocating for the disadvantaged

In a Facebook post, WP MP Assoc Prof Jamus Lim noted that PM Lawrence Wong’s vision of an inclusive Singapore aligns with WP’s focus on marginalized groups. He criticized the current system for favoring traditional academic and professional success and emphasized WP’s commitment to advocating for the disadvantaged to create a more equitable and compassionate society.



SINGAPORE: Associate Professor Jamus Lim, Workers’ Party Member of Parliament for Sengkang GRC, resonates with the sentiments expressed by newly sworn-in Prime Minister Lawrence Wong, who calls for all Singaporeans to build a Singapore where everyone succeeds in being the best possible versions of themselves.

He observed that PM Wong’s call is in alignment with the WP’s advocacy for policies such as minimum wages and support for marginalized individuals.

Nonetheless, he highlighted the party’s concern that the current system often privileges those who excel in traditional academic and professional domains, leaving others at a disadvantage.

Consequently, he emphasized that the WP hopes to address this imbalance by advocating on behalf of the disadvantaged, aiming to foster a more equitable and compassionate society.

On Wednesday (15 May) evening, Assoc Prof Lim, accompanied by his WP colleagues including WP Chief and Leader of Opposition Pritam Singh, Hougang MP Dennis Tan, Sengkang MP Louis Chua, and Ms He Ting Ru, attended the inauguration ceremony of Singapore’s fourth Prime Minister, Lawrence Wong at Istana.

During his inaugural address, PM Wong emphasized the importance of supporting Singaporeans in realizing their aspirations, acknowledging the determination of younger generations to pursue their goals amidst intense competition.

Mr Wong committed to collaborating with tripartite partners to cultivate a dynamic economy, generate quality employment opportunities, and nurture innovation, all while striving for a fairer and more equitable society.

“We will look after our seniors, the vulnerable amongst us and those with special needs.”

“We will support all Singaporeans regardless of their start points age or ability to uplift themselves and Lead fulfilling lives, ” said PM Wong.

While acknowledging his team’s increased efforts in these areas, PM Wong stressed the importance of Singaporeans’ involvement in supporting their fellow citizens.

“Then we can build a Singapore where everyone succeeds in being the best possible versions of themselves. We can be a people, who are more inclusive, gracious and big-hearted,” he said.

“We can be a society where every Singaporean matters. And a Singapore that matters to every Singaporean.”

Assoc Prof Lim emphasized the importance of active citizen participation

Commenting on PM Wong’s maiden speech, specifically on Wong’s call for Singaporeans to help form the government they wish to see, Assoc Prof Lim emphasized the importance of active citizen participation.

“If we wish to have a say in the sort of policies that will shape the society we want to live it, it falls on us to step up to be the change we wish to see. ”

He emphasized that this proactive approach is exemplified by the WP team in Sengkang and its volunteers every day.

“Even when we disagree with the policies of the ruling party, we are still Singaporeans who love our country, and our qualified objections are always still in service of what we believe is for the greater good of our Little Red Dot.”

Support for marginalized voices

Assoc Prof Lim emphasized the significance of unity among Singaporeans, a theme highlighted by PM Wong.

He stressed that addressing ignored issues and championing marginalized voices are crucial for strengthening societal bonds.

Assoc Prof Lim believed that a society’s success is measured by the well-being of its least fortunate members.

“A society is only as successful as the least well-off among us, and that’s why the plight of the poor and discriminated matter so much, even if they may be a minority in the population.”

On PM Wong’s vision of a Singapore where everyone can succeed by being their best selves, Assoc Prof Lim said the WP advocates for policies such as minimum wages, smaller class sizes, redundancy insurance for unemployed workers, and recognizing an official poverty line.

“Too often, we see those who are above-average in traditional academic and professional fields thrive in the current system, but those who are different face a much greater uphill struggle.”

He reiterated the WP’s commitment to advocating for the least advantaged, aiming to create a more balanced, less stressful, and more inclusive system.

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same white wine from the same bottle will taste the same

Jamus Lim by saying this, wants to kenna another ..”fucking populist” again from another person.😆😆😆😆

PAP always BOAST, BOASTED and still continue to BOAST they are NOT POPULIST and when ez decisions taken, for eg. clearing of forests, they PROCLAIMED futuristic WISDOM, setting aside land for UNBORN. Goodness, NO PROJECTIONS, NO VALID STUDIES, NO STRATEGIES – how to convince pigs (just, like saying ‘I Recuse’, is effective and valid, binding) – just BS land for the UNBORN. Where are the eggs and sperms from? Who donate sperms and eggs? From SECRET FOREIGN TRASH? GOD going to produce Miracle Babies from the likes of Tan CJin Sleeping with Cheng Lihui? So EXPECT more PAP Adulterers? Talk… Read more »
