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Indonesia prepares for 2024 elections with increased security measures

Indonesia readies for challenging 2024 elections with increased security, citing an expanded province count and a call for unity by top officials.



Indonesia is gearing up for the Indonesian presidential election in 2024, and the country’s top law enforcement officials are emphasizing the need for heightened security measures due to several key factors, including an increase in the number of provinces.

Indonesia’s Chief of Police (Kapolri), General Listyo Sigit Prabowo, recently stated that the upcoming 2024 elections present a greater challenge in terms of security and logistics compared to previous elections.

One of the contributing factors is the expansion of the country’s provinces from 34 to 38. General Listyo made this announcement during an event at ‘Aisyiah Yogyakarta University (Unisa), underlining the importance of a secure and stable electoral process.

General Listyo Sigit Prabowo, the Indonesia’s Chief of Police (Kapolri). (Photo: Republika)

General Listyo stressed that the Indonesian National Police (Polri) and the Indonesian National Armed Forces (TNI), along with relevant stakeholders, are fully prepared to ensure the safety of all election-related activities.

He called upon academics, community leaders, and civil society to actively participate in maintaining peace and fostering a conducive environment for the elections.

He emphasized the need to uphold unity and solidarity among the people, regardless of their political affiliations.

Reflecting on the 2019 presidential elections, General Listyo acknowledged the polarization that occurred due to differing political choices.

He cited international examples from countries like the United States, Brazil, and Nigeria, where elections had led to divisions, often fueled by misinformation and social media conflicts.

General Listyo urged Indonesians to prioritize unity and reminded them that a divided populace would struggle to address global challenges effectively.

To ensure the security of the 2024 elections, the Indonesian National Police deployed a total of 434,197 personnel as part of Operation Mantap Brata.

This deployment comprises officers from both the national headquarters (Mabes Polri) and regional police forces (Polda). The goal of this extensive operation is to create a peaceful environment throughout the entire electoral process, from candidate registration to inauguration, including polling days.

Inspector General Sandi Nugroho, Head of the Public Relations Division (Kadiv Humas) at Polri, explained that the operation’s strategy and personnel deployment would be adjusted according to the specific security risks in each region. The focus will be on addressing potential issues proactively.

Furthermore, Kapolri has instructed all police units to take any security threats seriously and address them promptly in the lead-up to the 2024 elections. This proactive approach aims to prevent disruptions and maintain order during the electoral process.

Interior Minister Tito Karnavian has also urged the Indonesian National Police to map potential conflicts to support the success of both the 2024 elections and the simultaneous regional elections (Pilkada). He stressed that the security forces’ role is crucial in ensuring a safe and stable environment during these events.

The Interior Minister Tito Karnavian. (Photo:

Minister Tito emphasized that many conflicts have underlying causes, and a better understanding of potential conflict areas through accurate mapping is essential to prevent these conflicts from erupting.

He called for strengthened intelligence efforts at both the local and national levels, especially because regional elections will take place simultaneously, making inter-regional security support less feasible.

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