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Third alleged mistreatment case: Students tied to chairs at Kinderland preschool, Choa Chu Kang

Allegations of mistreatment continue at Kinderland preschool in Singapore, with a third case emerging.

This incident involves students allegedly being tied to chairs using belts. Concerns grow as parents reveal instances dating back to 2021.



SINGAPORE: Another case of suspected mistreatment involving a Kinderland preschool teacher and the children in their care has come to light.

This marks the third reported instance of alleged mistreatment within a Kinderland preschool.

Previously, a 48-year-old Kinderland English teacher at the Choa Chu Kang branch had been arrested due to accusations of mistreating a student, which included instances where she was observed striking the child’s head multiple times.

This third alleged mistreatment occurred at the same institution and was perpetrated by the same teacher.

Using belts to secure students in their seats

Mothership reported that the incident took place at the Kinderland preschool in Sunshine Place, Choa Chu Kang, involving an English teacher.

The information was provided by a reader named Linda (not her real name).

Linda stated that she learned about her son’s alleged mistreatment on April 20, 2023 when she saw a picture on the preschool’s app for parents, which depicted two children, including her son, secured to their chairs.

When she promptly contacted the preschool after seeing the photo, the principal clarified that her child had been restrained because he was moving the chair while the teacher was trying to take a group photo.

The teacher then allegedly took a belt to make him stay seated.

Linda reported that the principal mentioned it was the first instance she had come across such a practice, and she assured that she would instruct the teacher to cease such actions.

Furthermore, the principal supposedly explained that her son had been restrained during the teacher’s English classes as well, that he “likes it and will cooperate upon seeing the belt,” and that this practice by the teacher had continued for a duration of two weeks.

According to Linda, the photo was apparently removed around 3 pm on April 20 following the phone call.

She has since withdrawn her son to attend another preschool.

Linda also shared an email that the Early Childhood Development Agency sent in response to her feedback about the matter.

ECDA email response following Linda’s complaint. (Photo: Mothership)

In the email, the ECDA stated that, based on their investigations, the teacher’s behaviour was deemed improper, and they have implemented measures against both the center and the staff involved.

Nevertheless, the email did not provide details regarding the nature of the measures enacted against the center or its staff members.

Linda further alleged that the teacher in question is still teaching at the center.

Happened since 2021

In the meantime, another reader using the alias Becky asserted that the practice of using a belt to restrain children had allegedly persisted for a minimum of two years.

She stated that back in April 2021, the same English teacher had verbally informed her that her child had been tied up in class because he was too active and disrupted the other students.

Becky mentioned that when she brought up the matter with the principal, the principal explained that her child had been “buckled, not tied.”

However, Becky noted that she did not file a report with the ECDA at that time because she thought it was a one-time incident.

Kinderland student “buckled” to a chair. (Photo: Mothership)

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Our regulators are not performing. The teacher and the principal should have been replaced in 2021. Isn’t there a requirement for the mental health of the teachers and principals to be assessed periodically and courses conducted to teach these teachers how to handle the children. Is it any surprise our TFR is so low?
