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Viral video chronicles thief’s hilarious and unconventional encounter with a snake in Aceh

A daring thief’s scheme takes an astonishing twist as an unlikely opponent, a snake, triggers an unforeseen encounter.

Viral footage from Aceh, Indonesia shows the would-be robber trapped, tearful, and pleading for mercy, marking a bizarre turn of events in their criminal endeavor.




INDONESIA: In a surprising turn of events, a thief’s audacious heist took an unforeseen twist as a surge of fear overcame them during the criminal act.

Instead of executing a swift escape, the thief found himself ensnared and imploring for leniency upon encountering an unconventional hindrance.

A captivating video has taken the internet by storm, showcasing a thief’s encounter with an unexpected deterrent in Aceh.

The 23-second clip, posted on Tuesday (22 Aug) by a TikTok user with the handle “mufti0307,” has rapidly gone viral.

Accompanying the video, the user humorously captioned it, “Even thieves fear snakes.”

The video depicts a scene where three individuals gather around a locked room, their attention fixed on what unfolds within.

In the footage, one individual clad in a pink T-shirt can be seen holding a snake, attempting to introduce the serpent into the room through a vent positioned above the door.

From inside the room, piercing screams resonate, accompanied by fervent attempts to force open the barricaded door.

In a mix of panic and desperation, the thief’s voice can be heard, pleading, “Retreat, don’t do it!” The emotions reach a point where the thief breaks into tears, a stark contrast to their initial intent.

The video, now boasting over a million views, has triggered a cascade of responses from internet users.


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A prevailing sentiment among netizens is amusement at the irony of the trapped thief’s predicament. Many find solace in the thief’s apparent distress, while others derive satisfaction from the echoes of their terrified cries.

Netizen comment on TikTok.

Netizen comment on TikTok.

Comment also speculates on the lasting impact of the encounter, suggesting that the traumatic experience with the snake might dissuade the thief from future criminal pursuits.

Netizen comment on TikTok.

One observer notes that the incident could potentially lead to a change of heart for the thief, as the profound fear evident in their tearful cries might spark genuine remorse.


Netizen comment on TikTok.

This unexpected confrontation, immortalized in the viral video, serves as a stark reminder that even in the world of criminal pursuits, the unpredictability of circumstances can transform the narrative in unforeseen ways.

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