Vietnamese activist and YouTuber Nguyen Chi Tuyen, known as Anh Chi, was sentenced to five years in prison for "propaganda against the state." His conviction, widely...
FORUM-ASIA expressed concern over India's deportation of Prof. Nitasha Kaul, a critic of BJP and human rights in Kashmir, raising alarms on academic freedom and free...
FORUM-ASIA and its member organizations express solidarity with Bangladeshi human rights defenders, Adilur Rahman Khan and ASM Nasiruddin Elan, following their conviction by the Dhaka Cyber...
FORUM-ASIA has called on ASEAN to exclude Myanmar's military junta from military exercises, citing fears it legitimizes and empowers their campaign of terror against the country's...
FORUM-ASIA raises alarm over ongoing repression against opposition parties in Bangladesh, emphasizing the need for peaceful protests and democratic elections. With escalating violence and arrests during...
FORUM-ASIA and CIVICUS condemn the handling of Cambodia's recent elections, underscoring government intimidation, retaliation, and suppression of dissent. Both NGOs urge respect for citizens' right to...