In his introspective piece, Methichai Thongpleo delves into the tumultuous landscape of Thai politics, highlighting the nation's struggle between traditional power dynamics and the quest for...
In his recent broadcast, Tharman Shanmugaratnam highlighted his longstanding connection with people. Yet, as Finance Minister, he raised petrol taxes amidst declining oil prices in 2015....
While the Elections Department recently stated that Tan Kin Lian incorrectly suggested the President could guide the reserves’ investment strategies and influence government policies, this position...
Amid polarized politics resembling the US's partisan divide, many Singaporeans grapple with who truly represents them, questioning the democratic integrity of the Presidential Election altogether, especially...
In response to Professor Tommy Koh’s endorsement of Mr Tharman Shanmugaratnam for president, Toh Soh Lung raises concerns about Mr Shanmugaratnam's historical stance on various laws....
In March 2023, Jeannette Chong-Aruldoss highlighted the archaic practice of reading out a 500-word legalese section during the oath of secrecy for Singaporean elections. Despite numerous...
Presidential hopeful, Tan Kin Lian (TKL), faces scrutiny over past social media posts that objectify women. Micheal Han highlights the role of a president in embodying...
Years ago, Tharman Shanmugaratnam, then the Finance Minister, stirred controversy by suggesting families earning just $1,000 monthly could afford a HDB flat. This claim was met...
ASEAN Inter-Parliamentary Assembly (AIPA)'s 44th General Assembly, recently convened in Jakarta, drew limited media attention despite crucial resolutions focusing on youth's political engagement. While AIPA's current...
Ahead of Singapore's Presidential Election, ex-NCMP Yee Jenn Jong critiques the political landscape, highlighting controversial changes, perceived PAP influences, and the struggle of balancing respect for...