Residents in Punggol, frustrated by months of harassment from teenagers, took matters into their own hands, leading to a confrontation. Netizens defended the residents' actions, criticizing...
A fire broke out early Friday in a Hougang flat, hospitalizing three people. SCDF firefighters rescued a resident trapped inside, while about 30 neighbouring residents were...
Singapore’s Olympians were celebrated with a citywide parade on 14 August, as an open-top bus carried the athletes through key locations in town. Despite the rain,...
The online community has expressed skepticism about the effectiveness of the S$200 to S$400 Cost-of-Living Special Payment in addressing the rising cost of living. Critics argue...
A TikTok video shows a Malaysian flag displayed alongside a Singapore flag outside an HDB flat. According to Singapore's National Emblems (Control of Display) Act, displaying...
In Hong Kong's Kwun Tong District, a tragic incident occurred last week when a 60-year-old son and his 82-year-old bedridden mother were found dead in their...
The Singapore government is seeking to empower a new Community Relations Unit (CRU) to investigate and intervene in severe neighbor disputes, including noise disturbances, through mediation,...
A hawker at Marine Parade Central Market and Food Centre set a new island-wide record with a S$10,158 bid for a vacant stall. The National Environment...
An allegation has emerged against Hun Ming Kwang, a self-proclaimed "ICF certified Professional Life Coach." A Redditor claims he spent his life savings and incurred S$100,000...
Home Minister K Shanmugam said the Police do not track the number of individuals who die alone and remain undiscovered for extended periods, in response to...