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MND refutes Ex-WP NCMP Yee Jenn Jong’s remarks on AHTC saga with POFMA order

National Development Minister Desmond Lee instructed the POFMA Office to issue a Correction Direction to former NCMP Yee Jenn Jong. MND criticised Yee for making ‘false and misleading statements’ suggesting that MND’s actions during the prolonged saga involving Aljunied-Hougang Town Council (AHTC) were ‘politically motivated.’ MND defended its actions as crucial for safeguarding public funds, citing financial governance issues at AHTC revealed by audits.



SINGAPORE:  On Monday (26 August), Desmond Lee, Minister for National Development, instructed the POFMA Office to issue a Correction Direction under the Protection from Online Falsehoods and Manipulation Act 2019 (POFMA) to former Non-Constituency Member of Parliament (NCMP) Yee Jenn Jong, concerning his Facebook posts on 25 and 27 July 2024.

MND alleged that the former NCMP from the Workers’ Party (WP) made “false and misleading statements” about the ministry’s basis and motivation for actions during Aljunied-Hougang Town Council (AHTC) saga, which embroiled in long-standing legal disputes that were finally resolved through mediation last month.

MND disputed Mr Yee’s claim that MND was “wrong to call in external auditors” due to Action Information Management Pte Ltd (AIM)’s termination of the Town Council Management System (TCMS), asserting that such a termination did not cause AHTC’s reporting failures.

MND also criticised Mr Yee’s suggestion that MND’s decisions to withhold grants, engage external auditors, and appoint an Independent Panel were “politically motivated” rather than based on legitimate concerns.

The ministry defended its actions as necessary to safeguard public funds, given the serious deficiencies in AHTC’s financial governance identified by various audits.

Mr Yee has since complied with the POFMA order.

In his original 25 July post, Mr Yee mentioned that AHTC developed alternative TCMS software during the saga and suggested that such matters should not be politicised, emphasizing that residents’ welfare should be prioritized regardless of their voting choices.

In the Monday statement, MND explained that they called for further audit checks by the Auditor General’s Office (AGO) in 2014 and KPMG in 2016, because AHTC’s own auditors at the time, Foo Kon Tan Grant Thornton, had “flagged numerous issues with AHTC’s financial and accounting systems, raising serious questions about whether public funds in AHTC were properly applied.”

“MND therefore had legitimate and sufficient basis to call in the external auditors, ” the statement wrote.

“A substantial portion of TC funds are public funds. TC funds include the Service & Conservancy Charges (S&CC) collected from residents by the TCs and the S&CC Operating Grants disbursed by MND to the TCs.”

MND clarified that AHTC’s auditors had submitted a disclaimer of opinion for AHTC’s Financial Statements for two consecutive years – FY2011/12 and FY2012/13. Such disclaimers of opinion by auditors are highly unusual and serious matters.

“In this case, the disclaimer meant that AHTC’s own auditors could not say that the financial statements were a true and fair account of AHTC’s financial position.”

MND said Foo Kon Tan Grant Thornton identified significant lapses in AHTC’s financial practices, including the failure to transfer S&CC funds to the Sinking Fund and the inability to verify over $20 million in financial statements.

Consequently, a special audit by the AGO in February 2014 revealed further governance and compliance issues, raising concerns about the reliability of AHTC’s accounts and the proper use of public funds.

MND said AHTC then appointed KPMG as its Independent Accountants (IAs) to identify AHTC’s non-compliances with the TCA, advise the TC on appropriate remedial steps, and establish whether any past payments made by the TC were improper and ought to be recovered.

“This was pursuant to a ruling by the Court of Appeal in May 2015, made in response to MND’s application to Court for IAs to be appointed. ”

MND also viewed Mr Yee’s remark as insinuating that MND placed excessive and unnecessary pressure on AHTC paints a misleading picture.

AIM’s Termination of TCMS Contract Not to Blame for All TC Weaknesses, MND Asserts

“Contrary to Mr Yee’s claims, there is no reasonable basis to suggest that AIM’s termination of the TCMS contract on insufficient notice or handover issues had caused all the TC’s process and system weaknesses.”

MND said KPMG found that AHTC’s lapses were primarily due to inherent issues within its governance, accounting practices, and financial management, rather than the termination of the TCMS or handover issues in 2011.

These control failures were pervasive and persisted over several years, with many issues still unresolved as of 2016.

MND noted that AHTC had successfully submitted arrears reports without using the TCMS for 19 months and that Hougang TC had done so since 2008.

Additionally, MND clarified that AIM had granted AHTC two extensions to use the TCMS, and there was no basis for alleging that the system was terminated on insufficient notice.

Regarding the allegation related to withhelding grants to AHTC, MND explained that given the deficiencies in AHTC’s financial governance processes flagged by the various audits, ” it would have been irresponsible for MND to have disbursed the S&CC Operating Grants to AHTC without any safeguards.”

MND said they offered to disburse grants to AHTC in October 2014 and August 2015 under conditions requiring AHTC to ensure accountability and provide accurate information, but AHTC did not accept these offers.

The grants were eventually disbursed in April 2016 after AHTC appointed KPMG as its Independent Accountant and met MND’s conditions, said MND.

“This was because as AHTC’s appointed IA, KPMG would help AHTC identify its non-compliances with the TCA, advise the TC on appropriate remedial steps, and establish whether any past payments made by the TC were improper and ought to be recovered.”

MND clarified that the formation of the Independent Panel (IP) was not a precondition for the disbursement of withheld S&CC Operating Grants, which were released in April 2016, well before the IP was established in February 2017.

Additionally, MND noted that KPMG’s report on past payments, submitted in October 2016, uncovered significant improper payments, leading HDB to request AHTC to appoint an independent third party to recover these funds and avoid potential conflicts of interest involving Town Councillors.

MND also refuted Mr Yee’s claim that the members of AHTC’s IP were selected by MND and were not independent.

MND stated that AHTC appointed the IP Chairman in 2017, who then chose the other two members either from a shortlist provided by AHTC and HDB or based on his discretion, with no input from MND.

“Per the IP’s Terms of Reference, the IP did not take any direction or instruction from HDB, MND or any other person,” MND asserted that the IP was independent and impartial, and as an agent for AHTC, supposed to act in the best interests of AHTC.

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MND can say whatever.
The people know with certainty, the entire AHTC saga was orchestrated by PAP affiliated people.

Since everything, every agency is controlled by Government, and the Government is the PAP.
The PAP has its fingers in everything… including their own arseholes..

It cannot be any other party.
The evidence is more than overwhelming.

Vote opposition now..!!

Looks like it’s going to be an extraordinary upcoming GE, IMO. Are Singaporeans ready for a mindset change? SM Lee stated Singaporeans need to change. So will Singaporeans change and demonstrate they are ready to change. Will we know soon? Otherwise, Singaporeans should live and let live and forever hold their peace. IMHO.

We can’t look into the book of this AIM Pte Ltd

A 2 Dollar start up company

The RUDE and EGREGIOUS PAP Administration still think Sheeps DO NOT understand they CONTROLLED and MANIPULATE SG Govt Services Serving Singaporeans. The LINE IS GREY, THIN and VAGUE – Govt Services staff GIVE LEEWAY to PAP Administration when doing their jobs. Singapore Government Services Staff – WORK INDEPENDENTLY. Question your bosses, go against them when do work on conscience, when ABIDE by The SG PLEDGE when they COERCE u, or FORCED to reduce your promotion chances, offer bonuses U Deserved. The future of SG is the same as us all, for your children, WHEN CORRUPT PAP is dead. Do NOT… Read more »
