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A public poster and a serious oversight: More questions than answers in Amir Hamza’s entry

Opinion: A public poster on Bangladeshi preacher Amir Hamza’s Facebook page announced his 9 August event in Singapore, yet he entered undetected, bypassing security with a different passport. The lapse, only discovered after a police report days later, raises serious questions about the effectiveness of current security protocols.



The recent explanation by Minister for Home Affairs and Law K. Shanmugam regarding how Bangladeshi preacher Amir Hamza entered Singapore undetected raises more questions than it answers.

The minister pointed to a valid passport with a different name as the reason Amir Hamza “slipped through.” However, this explanation seems to overlook a glaring issue that becomes evident when examining a publicly circulated poster for an event featuring Amir Hamza.

This poster, written in Bengali and posted on Amir Hamza’s own Facebook page on 8 August 2024, clearly advertised an event scheduled for 9 August in Singapore.

The event, to be held at Tech Park Crescent in Tuas, Singapore, was not just any ordinary gathering.

Amir Hamza was explicitly listed as the featured speaker, identified by name and photograph, with the poster providing clear details about the timing of the event—after the Maghrib prayer.

Translation of poster according to Google Translate

Additionally, the poster mentioned another performer, Naim Uddin Nijami, who would deliver an Islamic music performance. The event was framed as a celebration of “Singapore’s Independence Day,” a detail that should have caught the attention of anyone monitoring public gatherings in Singapore.

The poster wasn’t hidden; it was publicly accessible on the Facebook page of a known extremist figure.

It’s akin to a person listed as a security threat openly announcing on social media that they are coming to your country to speak at a specific location and time. Yet, the authorities failed to prevent his entry or stop the event.

The question then arises: If this poster was publicly available, why wasn’t it flagged by anyone in the relevant security agencies? Why weren’t the organizers immediately informed of the need for a police permit, as is routinely done with local activists planning much less contentious events?

Singaporean activists and opposition politicians are all too familiar with receiving calls from the police notifying them that their events require permits.

Often, these calls come even before the event details have been fully publicized. Yet in this case, despite the public visibility of the event and the known background of Amir Hamza, the authorities failed to intervene.

This begs the question: Are police resources disproportionately focused on monitoring local activists and opposition politicians while questionable figures like Amir Hamza slip through the cracks?

Moreover, it is essential to highlight that Amir Hamza, assuming he entered Singapore on a Bangladeshi passport, would have required a visa to enter the country.

The fact that he obtained a visa, combined with the authorities’ failure to detect his presence—unless Amir Hamza submitted a fake photo for his visa application or was in disguise while crossing the border—suggests that this lapse was not merely an isolated incident but a significant oversight in the immigration and security screening processes.

Minister Shanmugam has stated that Changi Airport must balance security with a friendly visitor experience, and it is impossible to interview every individual entering the country.

“On the face of it, he was no different from any other person who’s coming into Singapore. So we cannot work backwards in this, but we have to see what has happened,” he said.

“We will look at it, but bearing in mind that we need to make sure that we balance the security needs with the needs of the economy too.”

While this may be true, the incident with Amir Hamza suggests that there are serious flaws in how certain individuals are prioritized for scrutiny. The fact that this event occurred, despite all the safeguards supposedly in place, indicates a need for a thorough review of the processes that allowed it to happen.

The publicized poster, posted by Amir Hamza himself, is a stark reminder that the warning signs were there for anyone who was looking. The authorities’ failure to act on these signs suggests a deeper issue with how potential threats are identified and managed.

The poster had all the relevant information—the date, time, location, and the name of the speaker who should have raised red flags—and yet it seems that no one in the security agencies picked up on it.

Instead, they only became aware after a police report was filed days — likely spurred by a Reddit post on 12 August — after the event had taken place. This raises serious concerns about the effectiveness of current monitoring and intelligence practices.

Singapore prides itself on being a safe and secure nation, but this incident has exposed vulnerabilities that must be addressed.

The public deserves more answers and assurance that such a lapse will not happen again. The focus must be on improving our systems, not justifying oversights with vague explanations.

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Fix the harmless activists and opposition, let the dangerous ones slip through our borders. We got this message from the totally incompetent home affairs idoliots, especially that chief idiot at the humongous ridout bungalow. Let’s vote out this incompetent ridout idiot!

Recall during covid, JT (in MOM at that time) forgot to turn on the radar for the FW dorms. Now in MHA, it seems she forgot to turn on radar for extremist elements entering SG. Her performance history is very consistent, hor.

Where is our Kelong queen? Why very quiet on such potential radicalization activity on home soil but very kapok about external issues like Israel’s conduct in current Gaza war? Or did she attend this Amir event herself, hence Shanmi ordered all the surrounding CCTVs to “act blur”??? LOL….

the hard truth is …
they let him enter coz he’s no threat to the pappies’ absolute power.

Some years back again on 9th August National Day, there was an unauthorised pilot who entered Singapore Airspace.
2 fighter jets were scrabbled to make radio contact & escort.
Now this incident again on 9th Aug.
I hope you people can see what some people are doing.
I think got to order 72 virgin goats for Shanmugam as well.

these radicalas definetly need to be cane and deported back….tsk tsk tsk. Perhaps send them to Gaza? What do you think?

Perhaps we should revert back to Housing workers on job sites and sending them back when the project ends. Those working for corporations like Sembawang Corp. should house the workers close to their work assignments. Congregating them in the dormitories has already shown the possibility of making us vulnerable to foreign threats and extremists. Taxpayers were made to bear billions of dollars during Covid to rehouse the workers because of overcrowding. Now as we may have to deal with Mpox. we should address the possibility of infection in the workers and begin moving them out to separate venues as it… Read more »

The ruling government can waste money, bringing out the police officers with guns to “patrol” MRT stations. Waste money on pointless security checkpoints at MRT stations, inconveniencing regular commuters. Install vehicle barriers that will only trigger against public buses, injuring innocent commuters. Spend unknown millions of $ on “public education” campaigns to make Singaporeans more suspicious and paranoid of each other. Monitor the activity of private citizens on the internet and “arrest” and detain them without trial under the ISA. But when it comes to stopping unknown religious preachers who fly in through the airport presenting full identification. Oh, they… Read more »

Last edited 19 days ago by Blankslate

Again, those who understand Failure analysis, just go figure out how many LEVELS of failures (incompetency) need to occur for this systematic fiasco to happen. Ultimately, it has to start at the top – meaning lawlanWong. Pay themselves million$ very easy money, hor?

The current FAILED team:

MHA Minister = Shanmi
2nd minister = J. Teo
MoS#1 = A.P. Muhammad Faishal Ibrahim
MoS#2 = Sun Xueling

As per typical setup for a pap ministry, hierarchy is a heavy-weight minister “supported” by at least 2 MoS. JT is a liability – as usual. Note inclusive of multi-cultural, multi-religious, multi-whatever members didn’t add anything – shouldn’t MoS#1 be more up-to-date with this particular brand of issues?

Expensive team/hierarchy yet can still fuxk-up; truly Pappie First World standards.

I would side track to comment on others but praised the police for their responsive action against these radicals.

SG cant afford radicalized people else we became like Israel Palestine. Sigh…..

7th October should not have happened.

Mr.Ridout will use all his “brilliant legal mnd” &.all the legalese “mambo jumbo” to snake & wriggle his “balls” out of the “gripping vise”

To successfully put into motion his so called “forward” initiative to bring about a “brighter” and many good years for SG voters and their loved ones,LW may have no choice but to get rid of those responsible for this unacceptable fiasco including head of MHA.Not doing so might jeopardize and undermine his future plans for SG’s sons and daughters in ways which may rock and dislodge him from that comfortable seat in ivory tower.

Some months ago, a Police Sergeant committed suicide – what WERE the GREAT EXCUSES SHAN write about in his book?

Is he GOING to Publish his BOOK to earn money?

Just wait for this mamba to mambo hisssssss way out of being caught by his balls by this security fiasco,watch out for his array of “smoke & mirrors”being prepared & line up for him to wriggle his way out!!!??

If his Home Minister has FAILED, then lawlanWong has also FAILED. But they are creative creatures, somehow they will blame the Oppies. Remember when they couldn’t get a strong mandate in last elections, they blame voters as Free Riders. Never their fault, hor.

Shanmi made into law that one person protesting is an offense. Yet a large crowd attended this Amir event, which was held without a permit. Two sets of laws . . . again?!?!

Seems like someone is taking the presence of large volumes of foreigners here for granted, hor. How we know if some groups are importing their own culture? Their own laws? Their own values? Only the monkeys are telling us that the foreigners are integrating well into our society, hor.

ICA has made many *serious mistakes* lately and painting the political discourse in terms of Sentential logic* is amusing at best… dangerous at its worst. An ugly version of reasoning — aiming to win *regardless* of whether one’s views are true — This is the issue that troubles me the most about our current national political discourse. Pertinent for LW to get to the root cause and give full accountability to voters before they cast their next ballot.

You need a police permit to hold an event in Speaker’s Corner in Hong Lim Park but you don’t need a permit to hold an event like this?

Lee Hsien Yang should also try to return to Singapore using a passport with a different name 🙂 Do you think he will be able to pull it off like this preacher?

It seems that some shit hole third world countries while seemingly lacking in everything useful nevertheless are able to produce world class “preachers”. I wonder WHY …

These must be Hamas worshippers. tsk tsk tsk..

We have some here too. LOL

Surprising. How come and anyone must wonder why PAP Administration’s Proxyman Botak nvr disclaim the poster is that of AI generated and they don’t have means to guarantee to be able to fact check.

Good job TOC..!!
You nailed him..
Trying to smoke about balancing tourism blah-blah.

All the resources used to watch WP, PSP, etc..
No one watching the front gate… even when standing there ringing the door bell.

Lets have elections right now…!!
Am eager to terminate his salary asap..
Costing too much to keep.

Did someone remove the data on Hamza or was it not put in? Please check. The fact that he was advertised to speak, means he was confident that he will walk in and.out of Changi. An accomplice in ICA, does not seem far-fetched. Mr. Shanmugam, worry about our security and let the PM take care of the economy. There is no reason for you to use the economy as an excuse to deflect the failure by your Ministry to protect our borders.

SEE ORWELL’S 1984…..where there was a perpetual state of terror. This is quite useful in the control of any population.The government and media are working hand-in-hand to perpetuate fear and outrage to garner popular support because it is at that level that our cognitive function affects behavior. What is the end game? it seems as though our recently evolved intellect* is employed to justify what our much older and crueler reptilian brains are going to do anyway. Vote wisely.

Amir Hamza, Soon To Be Going Bye Bye.

The New Operation by China is to get All The Triad Members in Taiwan, Hong Kong, Malaysia, Macau & Singapore.
The plan is to Sodomise Them & See What The Hell each of their Governments can do.
These are the people China is looking for Now.

Although this Ridout man could not be blamed for ICA failure and ICA cannot be 100% sure no elements of such passed thru, given there are hundreds of thousands of ppl crossing over the border, his failure lies in his lack of foresight in knowing outside Bangala could come in to stir shit.And the shit this Bangala stir was not so much in the mud community but rather the foreign WP and Spass workers. Ridout man thought by monitoring his own mud, placing spies within their community, he would be well informed the moment such elements surface. Never did Shan… Read more »

Shanmi: ” …. Changi Airport must balance security with a friendly visitor experience, and it is impossible to interview every individual entering the country ….. On the face of it, he was no different from any other person who’s coming into Singapore. So we cannot work backwards in this, but we have to see what has happened.” —————— Typical No Blaming Culture arrogance. How can he hope to prevent known terrorists from entering SG then, never mind even potential terrorists? They just use a different name on their passport, hor. Maybe the terrorists also handed out flyers beforehand to publicize… Read more »

Many Singaporeans can’t tell one Bangladeshi from another. Are the security personnel any better?, especially if they are scrutinising based on photographs? These are the kind of falsehoods that our POFMA should be crafted for and not alternative political voices.

Looks like know it all Shamu, doesn’t know it all after all, … especially when you hear thoughtless reasoning and mindless justification like, “must balance security with a friendly visitor experience and it is impossible to interview every individual entering the country” !!!

Not everyone Snakey, … just interview the terrorists, dictators, money launderers and thieves !!!

Whatever happened to that, … “we take an awfully awfully serious view over border and national security and all that” !!!

Are the securities personnels Working From Home?…. which is actually sending kids to school, kopi with friends… they are humans afterall. And if anyone wants to report something, they need to write in thru email and with singpass, and the agencies will response in 3 working days. The response is usually a template written by some genius and approved the some big shots, a cannot be wrong response. Encountered many times when I seek answers from different agencies, SAD. Singapore was much better.

Caught with his pants down with no one else to blame. Maybe that’s why it took 9 days from the time police reports were made to his acknowledgement of failure to for him to come up with the “don’t want to impact tourism” lame excuse. A monumental failure coming from someone who has over the years, amassed unaccountable powers for himself, MHA and SPF. And his refusal to blame himself or anyone from his team means we will see this, or worse incidents happen again. Shanmugam’s ego and inability to take responsibility for any mistake he makes is the gift… Read more »

There are 1001 balances, that WERE UNBALANCED – don’t tell lies after lies, Chief LIAR..

U take locals for rides, u snapped at them to preserve yourself, u had a go at Dr Thumb, U told Sir Richard Branson off, what F sir you are?

U sent 5 adult policeman to go after a student molest suspect, WHERE were your sense of BALANCE, of 5 adult Policemen towards One INNOCENT school boy, NOT GUILTY till proven ? U said they were in plain clothes, better they should have been in ONLY Blue Police Underwear!

He has a very strong base in Yishun

In the old days ,I think Yishun is a Pig Farm too .
