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Ontario doctor reveals physician stripped and tortured in Gaza, launches #EyeWitnessGaza campaign

Canadian doctor Ben Thomson shared a video detailing the torture of a Palestinian physician in Gaza, who was stripped naked and forced to stand in his own waste for two days. Thomson’s testimony is part of the #EyeWitnessGaza campaign, urging global action against atrocities in Gaza.



On 15 August, Ontario-based doctor Ben Thomson released a video detailing his firsthand experience in the Gaza Strip during a visit in March.

Thomson recounted a shocking story about one of his patients, a fellow physician, who was tortured for two days by Israeli forces.

He refused to leave the hospital after it was bombarded by the Israeli military, staying behind to care for his patients.

The physician was stripped naked at gunpoint, forced to stand in his own urine and feces, and denied access to his diabetes medication, including insulin.

Humiliation and Long-Term Physical Effects

Thomson explained that the Israeli military eventually allowed the physician to continue treating his patients but refused to let him wear clothes.

Soldiers reportedly laughed at him for treating patients while unclothed because the remaining patients in the hospital were children.

The two days of torture left the physician physically and emotionally scarred, resulting in a heel ulcer from prolonged standing.

#EyeWitnessGaza Campaign

Thomson’s testimony is part of the #EyeWitnessGaza campaign, which he launched to bring attention to the atrocities committed in Gaza.

He testified to the International Court of Justice as part of a genocide case against Israel, stating that more health workers will soon share their stories.

On 14 August, Thomson posted a thread post on X (formerly Twitter) that 19 health workers had sent an open letter to Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, Deputy Prime Minister Chrystia Freeland, Foreign Minister Melanie Joly, and other senior politicians, demanding action.

So far, they have received no response.

Key Demands of the #EyeWitnessGaza Initiative

The #EyeWitnessGaza campaign includes six key demands:

1. Lift the blockade on Gaza to allow humanitarian aid.

2. Ensure that the World Health Organization and neutral agencies handle background checks on Emergency Medical Teams entering Gaza.

3. Allow unrestricted access to medical and surgical supplies in Gaza.

4. End the blockade on healthcare professionals of Palestinian descent.

5. Respect and comply with International Court of Justice decisions.

6. Enact a two-way arms embargo immediately.

Documenting Atrocities: The Importance of Witness Testimonies

Thomson, who has visited Gaza multiple times for humanitarian and training purposes, has kept a detailed diary since his first visit in 2013, which has supported his interviews with legal and human rights groups.

Another Canadian doctor, Yipeng Ge, also shared his experience from a week-long visit to Gaza in February in an exclusive interview with Canada’s The Breach.

He worked in two primary care clinics in Rafah and witnessed the impact of the besieged healthcare system.

Ge expressed the danger healthcare workers in Gaza face, saying, “You essentially have a target on your back simply for wearing scrubs.”

Thomson and Ge’s statements are being gathered by legal groups like the International Centre of Justice for Palestinians and Forensic Architecture, with plans to present this evidence to international bodies, including the International Criminal Court, the International Court of Justice, and Scotland Yard.

Testimonies from other doctors could also be used in war crimes investigations against Israel, as similar evidence has already been submitted by a British doctor earlier this year.

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Reports that there is an ongoing dispute between President Erdogan and Ismail Haniyeh’s sons over $3 billion held in Turkish bank accounts under Ismail’s name. Erdogan is refusing to hand over the money.

Why isn’t such news reported by the Hamas lovers? Isn’t Turkey supposedly a good friend of Hamas and the palis clause?

Also, why a place facing said genocide, famine, lack medical supplies, etc … yet its leader has $3b in a foreign account?

Glad we have recently arrested a few extremists here in SG who try to preach to Tuas workers.

Time for Hope Hamas lovers to wake up and stop supporting PS.

Palestinians protest every where. tsk tsk tsk. ….But they chose Hamas. LOL

Deaths altogether in Gaza, West Bank and south Lebanon is nothing like the KILLING FIELDS of Kampuchea.
Stop whinning !
At least Israel is conducting a fair and humanitarian war.
Pre Warning and Evacuating civilians to safe areas before any military strike.
Good Job Israel !

This story is nothing compared to the Khmer Rouge genocide of its own citizen of 2 million (25% of its population at that time from 1975 – 1979).

Only then in 2006 did the UN backed a tribunal to prosecute war crimes against Pol Pot, Khieu Samphan, Neuon Chea and Duch – 27 years too late. Many of them had already died before the trial and conviction. Some were even too old to stand trial and punished.

UN International court of justice on trying war criminals is a laughing joke.

If this isn’t Gutzy site, it would post a “testimony” of Ah Loong recommending the guaranteed high-returns of an investment scheme in Nigeria by TH/GIC, and the sotong hamas lovers would believe body and soul in such “testimony”.

Did he hear that story from “someone” who heard it from another “someone”, who swear by whatever god it is true? If it was a personal, first-hand experience, he could post some supporting evidence? Such questions we need to ask, not to discredit the doctor, but to ascertain facts, from perceptions, from lies. That’s why there are so many scams around nowadays, and the gullible people are easily conned.

Does 7th October genocides committed a crime on International Law? tsk tsk tsk? Hamas lovers?

Last edited 21 days ago by john lim

Just happened to be his patient lah. One day his country may be overtaken by them. tsk tsk tsk. What do you think?

Another man tagging on the TREND to seek attention. If the accusation is true, believe the Israeli authority will seriously dealt with it, just like the other cases. Afterall, Israel is not UN; Hamas is not terrorist, they are freedom fighters, it’s OK to to do what they did.

Another thread reported the IDF blew up a 1.5km tunnel. Wonder if that was where the 6 murdered hostages were found before blowing it. No noise from the indoctrinated terrorist lovers, must be reading only the radicalized anti-sematic news..

(For the obviously uneducated people who know nothing about war but only keep screaming things like genocide, clearing a tunnel is no joke. There are likely bobby-traps, even on the dead bodies to be recovered. Talk about rules of war? Go fuxk yourself for starting this war.)

Meanwhile, my other news sources reported IDF today found 6 of the hostages – dead in a tunnel in Khan Yunis. Wonder why such news doesn’t get reported here and labeled as genocide? Terrorist supporters must be learning from the pappies – act blur when news is not in their favor, hor.

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Noticing all the Hamas fanatics going mental and vocal here, … suggesting that this Doctor’s revelation is the be all and end all of it all !!!

One swallow does not a summer make !!!

So many reports but the Genocide continues. Perhaps China should take over the negotiations for peace settlement from the US. Wang Yi will do excellently compared to Blinken.

Writing to Justin Trudeau is pointless. He is another puppet of the so called “rules based international order” group of supposedly righteous nations. His deputy Chrystia Freeland is even worse. Find out her family history and you will know why.

Notice the 6 key demands of #EyeWitnessGaza did NOT include release of the hostages by Hamas, nor that international health workers have UNRESTRICTED access to hostages to ascertain their health status. Clearly so hypocritical, hor. Clearly this Canadian doctor only care for Palestinians but not Israelis – a clear disgrace to his profession.

This article seems like another propaganda shxt by the Hamas lovers.

When terrorists and their supporters hold hostages for more than 9 months, denied access to UN or Red Cross, no news whether who is alive or dead, what does the Hamas lovers expected? They are uncivilized but demand others mut be civilized in reply???

why don’t he reports his country is flooded with Palestine protestors? tsk tsk tsk .what do you think? Does he know protestors are every where now? LOL
