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Haresh Sharma slams NUS for lack of transparency over last-minute course cancellation

Despite NUS’s explanation for the last-minute cancellation of his playwriting course, Singaporean playwright Haresh Sharma expressed dissatisfaction. In a 16 August Instagram post, he pointed out that NUS’s earlier communication failed to clearly state the cancellation was due to a lack of “sizeable numbers.” Sharma reiterated his call for greater transparency to protect part-time artists from disruptions and financial losses.



SINGAPORE: Despite The National University of Singapore (NUS)’s explanation for the last-minute cancellation of his playwriting course, Singaporean playwright Haresh Sharma expressed his dissatisfaction and raised broader concerns about the processes and systems in place for engaging part-time artists at tertiary institutions.

He reiterated his call for greater transparency from NUS in handling the cancellation of part-time appointments to avoid disruptions and financial losses for freelancers.

As reported by Singapore’s state media CNA, on 15 August, a spokesperson from NUS’s Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences (FASS) explained that Mr Sharma’s playwriting course “lacked sizeable numbers” to be conducted “meaningfully.”

The spokesperson added that the faculty considers various factors, including enrollment and the broader curriculum, when appointing external instructors.

“We lacked sizeable numbers to conduct the playwriting course meaningfully.”

The spokesperson also noted that they have reached out to both Mr Haresh Sharma and another theatre actress Ms Noorlinah Mohamed regarding this matter.

However, FASS’s statement did not address why Mr Sharma and the two other artists were informed of the course cancellations on such short notice.

On 16 August, Mr Sharma took to Instagram to highlight that NUS’s email did not clearly state that his class was canceled due to a lack of “sizeable numbers.”

In his Instagram post, Mr Sharma emphasized that the issue extends beyond his own situation and affects all artists engaged part-time by tertiary institutions.

“What are the processes involved in engaging these artists? Are there systems in place to protect these artists/educators so that their livelihoods are not affected? ”

He further questioned are there systems in place to ensure that there is a clear timeline of the hiring process – and to inform artists promptly should any factor result in the university not being able to continue with the module.

He sought clarity on whether hiring decisions are made by the specific faculty, the university’s HR department, or an external source.

Mr Sharma expressed concern about the lack of transparency in this process, emphasizing that understanding how these decisions are made is crucial for resolving issues and ensuring fair treatment for part-time artists and educators.

NUS FASS criticised for lack of transparency in Sharma’s playwriting course cancellation

Since Sharma took to Instagram to recount the incident, he has received an outpouring of support from the arts community. Among those who have expressed their backing are playwright Alfian Sa’at and actresses Sharda Harrison and Neo Swee Lin.

Kok Heng Leun, theatre practitioner at Drama Box, also took to Facebook post to criticized the abrupt cancellation of Mr Sharma and the other two artists course in NUS FASS.

The former art Nominated Member of Parliament (NMP) asked why NUS FASS did not initially communicate the reason for the cancellation—insufficient enrollment—directly to the artists. He questioned what was at stake in revealing this reason upfront.

He also wondered why NUS FASS chose to reveal the reason only after the public statement and not beforehand. If the reason could be shared publicly, it raised doubts about why it wasn’t communicated to the artists from the start.

“So if the reason can be shared so publicly then logic follows that maybe what is now given, may not be the real one? “Mr Kok questioned.

“If it is not the real reason, what other real reason that cannot be shared to the artists in the first instant? It is frustrating.”

Mr Kok expressed frustration and described the situation as a farce that disrespects and undermines the artists affected by the cancellation.

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In time, much like everything that happens in the absent minded and amnesia ridden island, … all will be consigned to faint memories in free fall !!!

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I would imagine the following process to engage Sharma in the first instant: 1. NUS approaches Sharma to conduct a class or Sharma may have pitched to NUS about starting a class 2. Both parties agree on the course title and content 3. Renumeration is agreed upon 4. There maybe stipulations eg the minimum number of attendees before the course can proceed 5. Penalties may be imposed in case of non fulfilment of the agreement 6. NUS may include that course contents and materials have to be vetted and subject to NUS’ final decision (altho I think this is unlikely)… Read more »

NUS, pay him the cancellation fees. It is the right course of action. Present & past students and Public are watching. Please pay him.

It seems much more likely to me that high profile institutional failures involving groupthink, cronyism, corruption, or heedlessness led to this distrust. So institutions must be worthy of public trust.

But this is easy to understand if you merely “follow the money”.

This system had made many people run away , bankrupt , poofma .

Courtesy of the 60 .

Are you also one of them ?

Hello ,

You just know the System ?

The entire SG Govt Services to serve the SG population has shrunk their balls to serve PAP.

SG Police Force bow to Ridout Emperor.

AG schemed to attack many public prominent public people loyal to SG.

Is the SG Govt Services be CONSIDERED CORRUPT?

Why SGX did NOT take ACTION against Keppel Corp, a public listed Corp using public money for it’s ops?

Don’t dance with the devil’s minions, even if they promise you the world.
They don’t care about you even in the least.

Just like the 5 cents plastic bags that they charged you, they will use and throw away anyone without 2nd thought, if it suits them.

Learn from this and go do your own thing.
Don’t lean on them, don’t be desiring their endorsement or favour.

Education Institution Serving SG is politicized by PAP to SUPPLEMENT it’s POWER GRAB.

Singaporeans – HOW you Vote ❎?

Can sue or not?
Only if Mr Sharma & co have deep pockets…
Even that…???
PAPs use their own dictionary and self made laws to absolve themselves from any wrongs..
