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MAS asserts no conflict of interest in appointment of Morgan Stanley as financial advisor in Allianz deal

Second Minister for Finance Chee Hong Tat confirmed MAS reviewed and approved Morgan Stanley’s appointment as advisor for the Allianz-Income deal, as the chairman recused himself from the decision.



The Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS) has assured itself that there is no conflict of interest in the appointment of Morgan Stanley as the financial advisor for the sale of a majority stake in Income Insurance to Allianz.

This was said by the Second Minister for Finance and Deputy Chairman of MAS, Mr Chee Hong Tat, on Tuesday in response to parliamentary questions regarding the deal.

According to Income’s statement on 17 July, Morgan Stanley was named the exclusive financial advisor to Income Insurance on the purchase offer by Allianz Europe of 51% of Income’s shares for approximately US$1.6 billion. The offer includes S$40.58 per share, resulting in a transaction value of S$2.2 billion (US$1.64 billion) for 51 percent of the shares in Income Insurance.

NTUC Enterprise, currently holding a 72.8 percent stake in Income, will remain a substantial shareholder if the sale is finalized but will no longer be the majority shareholder.

The proposed sale of Income Insurance to German multinational financial services company Allianz has sparked significant public discontent and raised serious questions about corporate governance within the organization.

Industry experts and concerned citizens have voiced worries about potential conflicts of interest and the future of the homegrown insurance company.

Mr Chee addressed the MPs’ concerns, stated, “MAS has reviewed and was satisfied with the relevant processes Income’s board had put in place to address conflicts of interest. With respect to the appointment of his financial adviser on this proposed deal and the decision to enter into the deal with Allianz, the chairman of Income’s board had recused himself.” He further added, “The decision to enter into the deal was made by the board, comprising a majority of independent directors.”

Corporate Governance Questions

Morgan Stanley’s role as the exclusive financial advisor for the transaction was put under scrutiny due to the involvement of Mr Ronald Ong, the Chairman of Income Insurance Limited, who also holds a high-ranking position at Morgan Stanley.

Mr Ronald Ong has been with Morgan Stanley for over 20 years and currently serves as the Chairman and CEO for Southeast Asia. His dual roles have prompted questions about the integrity of the decision-making process behind the appointment of Morgan Stanley as the financial advisor.

Mr Ong was co-opted to the Board of NTUC Income Insurance Co-operative Limited on 23 August 2018 and later elected as a non-independent non-executive director on 24 May 2019.

Since 1 August 2022, he has been the Chairman of the Board and Board Executive Committee of Income Insurance Limited. Additionally, he serves as a Board Member of NTUC Enterprise Co-operative Limited, the majority owner of Income Insurance.

Concerns about potential conflicts of interest were highlighted by authoritative voices in corporate governance.

Professor Mak Yuen Teen, a corporate governance expert and former Vice Dean of the NUS Business School, expressed his astonishment on LinkedIn. “So his firm is the financial advisor, and he’s chairman of Income and chair of its exco, and director of Enterprise. I certainly hope he’s not involved in the decision to appoint MS [Morgan Stanley] as financial advisor as MAS CG guidelines for FIs state that directors should recuse if they have a conflict of interest,” he wrote.

Retired banker Chris Kuan also voiced his concerns on Facebook, highlighting the potential conflict of interest involving Mr Ong and other key figures in NTUC Enterprise.

Kuan stated, “Thanks to a Biz Times, we now know that Income’s chairman is on the board of NTUC Enterprise, the majority owner who sold to Allianz. Income’s deputy chairman is NTUC Enterprises’ CEO. NTUC Enterprises’ best interest may not be in the best interest of Income, having these executives from NTUC Enterprises in key decision-making positions of Income in the event of a sale is a clear conflict of interest and can only be resolved if the two of them recuse themselves from the decision to sell 51% of Income.”

Kuan elaborated on the complexities of the situation, drawing parallels with past instances of conflicts of interest in the financial sector. He emphasized the need for transparency and proper governance to maintain the integrity of the financial market in Singapore.


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Never believe anything until the pap starts denying it. Now we know there’s blatant conflict of interest big time! Did we taxpayers pay this chee millions $ $$$ to lie to us?

When MAS lost Millions of money belong to Singaporeans from National Reserves, they BLAMED on Currency factors.

Was that an assertion?

, …… be~cause they said so !!!

So Morgan Stanley is not being paid fees for doing this deal because Mr. Ong works for them, as well as in NTUC Enterprises and NTUC Income? No Conflict of Interest? It reminds me of 1MDB and Goldman Sach. CHT seems to lack corporate experience in saying “No Conflict of Interest. ” It is not whether “relevant processes, ” were put in place but whether there already was an existing Conflict of Interest. CHT must grasp that first. If he cannot, he is the wrong man for the job. It is the same with Ridout. There was an existing Conflict… Read more »

The empress sitting at the top of our SWF is already the pinnacle of the conflict of interest here.
And they approved it!
This is nothing compared to it.

Where is LW? So many hot button issues but not a squeak from him?

Too busy holed up in writing his coming beautiful speech

Yeah,yeah,yeah, no conflict of interest,what about accountability!!????

Anyone found, proven it, PAP Administration assertions are legally binding, enforceable in courts?

In SG probably it can, because SG is an Arbitration Centre or Hub.

Someone is lying BIG time.! even this joker! while already presented by Tan, documents minutes and meetings record, why this Joker is adamant to warrant his standing that he knows everything? Strange is under stated here, something very very wrong in the making,

Every time CHT handles something or takes charge, either it’s big, big problem or blunder.

Is CHT suay or xia suay?

What do you think?

Ownself assures ownself.

How’s nice. Life is good!

Poor Singapore; suppossedly a major business hub and financial centre. And we can’t find anybody else to act as financial advisor to the deal. We are led to think that only Morgan Stanley has the experience and credentials to handle the deal. Looks like the “intelligent” people at MAS didn’t think it necessary to ask more pointed questions. The job of MAS seems to be to bless any such dealings once the stars are aligned and the same song sheets are distributed. Singaporeans must continue to voice their unhappiness so that the message is conveyed; even if the deal is… Read more »

This behaviour and response from PAP is very good.
It assures a higher loss of votes..!!

We can assure them that too…
It is so heart warming to assure each other that the PAP will be gone..

And very, very easily done… just mark X below the PAP on the ballot box.

This beautiful word recuse works like Harry Porter magic wand. Use it and everything will turn out to be in order.

Never heard of this word before until someone introduced it in parlowment for oxlay thingy

When there exists explicit and glaring signs of blatant Conflicts of interest, cronies will apply recuse –recuse and recuse as prerequisites to clean themselves.Husbands and wives;heads of ministry and individuals ;fathers and sons.Everyone seem to be related someone up or down there!!! So sad to witness such unusual things continue to happen in our once shining and sunny Singapore !!!

Anyone who thinks he will be in a conflict of interest will and must recuse himself proactively or even retrospectively before a decision is made.

The million dollar question is who in the board floated the idea to consider Morgan Stanley in the first place?

No Conflict of Interest? Who made the decision to change Income from a corporative to a corporate and then introduced Allianz? MAS, in itself with many PAP members in its committee is in a Conflict of Interest. So we actually do not have a Regulator.

Bye Bye

