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Singapore blocks nearly 100 social media accounts linked to exiled Chinese billionaire Guo Wengui under FICA

Singapore is set to block nearly 100 social media accounts linked to exiled Chinese billionaire Guo Wengui, suspecting they could launch hostile information campaigns within the country. These accounts form a network aimed at driving traffic to Guo’s news sites, which then lead viewers to predominantly anti-CCP political content.



SINGAPORE: Singapore is set to block nearly 100 social media accounts linked to exiled Chinese billionaire Guo Wengui, suspecting they could launch hostile information campaigns within the country.

This marks the first use of account restriction directions under the Foreign Interference (Countermeasures) Act (FICA) since its enactment in October 2021.

The Ministry of Home Affairs (MHA) announced on Friday (19 July) that five social media platforms — X, Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, and TikTok — have been instructed to block a total of 95 accounts from being accessible to Singapore users.

The ministry confirmed that there is no evidence suggesting any of these accounts are operated by Singaporeans.

The directions were issued after the ministry identified a network of accounts linked to Guo and his affiliated organisations, which are known to disseminate disinformation across multiple platforms.

These accounts had published posts alleging that Singapore is “in the pocket of a foreign actor” who was “behind the scenes in the selection of Singapore’s fourth-generation leader,” MHA said in a press release.

Account restriction directions are one of several actions that can be taken under FICA. Individuals and organisations can also be designated as “politically significant persons” under the law.

Between 17 April and 10 May this year, 92 accounts across five platforms published over 120 posts featuring videos on Singapore’s leadership transition.

MHA investigations revealed that these accounts are linked to Guo Wengui and his affiliated organisations, the New Federal State of China (NFSC) and the Himalaya Supervisory Organisation.

The New Federal State of China is a right-wing political and lobbying group founded by Guo and former Donald Trump adviser Steve Bannon. The Himalaya Supervisory Organisation, also started by Guo and Bannon, supports the NFSC.

These accounts primarily featured anti-CCP content. The main objective of the NFSC network is to drive traffic to Guo’s news sites, which then lead viewers to political content that is predominantly anti-CCP.

MHA noted that three of the accounts belong to a Singapore chapter of the Himalaya Supervisory Organisation, known as Himalaya Singapore.

“We had also noted that according to a study by Graphika in 2021, Guo Wengui is at the centre of a vast network of interrelated media entities and social media accounts that disseminate disinformation across multiple platforms,” said MHA.

The coordinated actions and past use of Singapore to further its agenda show that this network is both willing and capable of spreading false narratives detrimental to the country’s interests, the ministry added.

“The timing of the coordinated posts, which coincided with Singapore’s political leadership transition, indicates deliberate planning and actions.”

On 15 May, 51-year-old Lawrence Wong was sworn in as Singapore’s fourth Prime Minister at Istana, succeeding Mr Lee Hsien Loong, marking the nation’s first leadership transition in two decades.

Republished Guo’s videos with English dubbing between April and May 2024

A review of the accounts blocked by MHA found that these accounts republished Guo Wengui’s videos from 2021 to 2022, complete with English dubbing, between April and May 2024.

These videos asserted that ‘Singapore is merely something in the pocket of the CCP,’; ‘Singapore will be worse than Hong Kong,’ and claimed that ‘CCP has already deployed a massive force in Singapore,’ intending to ‘firmly control post-Lee Kuan Yew Singapore through Communist-aligned individuals.’

MHA stated that there are grounds to believe Guo’s network could utilize the 95 accounts to launch hostile information campaigns targeting Singapore.

Such campaigns have the potential to undermine the country’s sovereignty and social cohesion.

“As observed in overseas incidents, these campaigns can erode confidence in democratic processes, sow discord within communities, and undermine trust in governments and public institutions,” said the ministry.

Law and Home Affairs Minister K Shanmugam authorized the issuance of the directions, having determined that the conditions under FICA were met.

The directions require social media platforms to “take all reasonable steps to terminate any functionality of their services that enables interactions between the specified accounts and end-users physically present in Singapore,” said MHA.

“We urge Singaporeans to be discerning when consuming and sharing information online. Always fact-check information against credible sources to ensure its accuracy and authenticity,” it added.

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Another WHACK the dog tactic by the jelly legs papee minions,using a sledge hammer to swat a fly???? What happened the black mamba dry out of poison????

Something fishy here. Pap only blocks websites when these either threaten their vote counts or when they are speaking truth to power. “You can’t handle the truth!”

No use wan lah

The use of FICA is to justify its enactment. Who is to justify what is true or false? Pappy or our Shitty Times or our Media Cock? This could be just a ploy by Pappy to instil fear leading up to the impending GE. Remember what that Cotton Come from Sheep (CCS) General told a closed door crowd that leaked out. Pappy will fare better in GE when Singaporeans are under fear.


Ignore this Guo.
Every Singaporean in Singapore here should be warned that our Singapore, by the “courtesy” of PAP, has already been invaded by lots of foreigners now.
Can the citizens issue FICA to the Singapore Government?

I don’t know whether it is the PRCs or the South Indians but it is not the true blue Singaporeans in control. I was told an American who was invited to give a speech in a company was surprised that all the participants were South Asians. There were no Singaporeans. While giving the speech, he thought he was in India. He apparently commented that such a situation can never happen in the U.S.

There are a handful of accounts HERE that I suggested Shanmugam may want to have designated as foreign agents under FICA. So far, none of them has commented yet on this article. We can all be hopeful … 🙂

After welcoming in 1000s of foreign aliens to live & work here …most prcs ( & cecas ) in all sectors of our workforce..
This is what SG gets in return by these ingrates.
Our country is under threat..
Good job PAP🤬😠
Our little country has been taken advantage of..courtesy of the present gov in charge..

Who is the foreign actor so BIG can control Singapore scene. He must be joking. The trio biggest overlords Loong, Yang and Mrs Lee are the biggest and sovereign here. All must fall in line behind them. Who else is bigger?! Joking man. All the actors and actresses are appointed or approved by these three plus cronies plus outside overlords Xi and Biden …. Who else?

The “arbiter of truth” has spoken !!!

POFMA and FICA in operation !!!

For the safety and well being of it’s citizens !!!

No, … there is no alternative second or third opinion or worldview.

Not when there is an “arbiter of truth”, … created by a group of men and women, .. democratically elected by the people !!!

Then come the Singtel dabble Cult issue. They started the cult using Telco yet refuse to admit it and claim serving the country. Which country or businessman function in this manner. Charge high yet with lower cos plan with higher data. They did not improve the previous. Not becos they can’t but becos they dun wan. Singtel did it once and increase the data once But like I owe them a fuck girl. Always harrassing me, my cousins trying to stumble me and them into their Cult Media. Why is this Telco not a Politically significant entity. Which part of… Read more »

So who is the One deciding what is True or Lies. Again is the authority who refuse to answer questions when being ask. But quick to tell others this or that is false.

All are humans BUT the authorities seem to be always right like Loong. Always right never wrong. Wrong oso won’t admit! No?!?
