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NTUC set to be designated as Politically Significant Person under foreign interference law

The National Trades Union Congress (NTUC) is set to be designated as a “politically significant person” (PSP) under Singapore’s foreign interference law due to its “close nexus and symbiotic relationship” with the ruling People’s Action Party (PAP), announced the Ministry of Home Affairs (MHA).



The National Trades Union Congress (NTUC) is poised to be designated as a “politically significant person” (PSP) under Singapore’s foreign interference law, due to its “close nexus and symbiotic relationship” with the ruling People’s Action Party (PAP), announced the Ministry of Home Affairs (MHA) on Thursday.

This designation under the Foreign Interference (Countermeasures) Act (FICA) will require NTUC to disclose annual political donations of S$10,000  or more, and report on its foreign affiliations.

MHA stated that these transparency requirements aim to mitigate the risk of foreign interference within NTUC.

NTUC has 14 days from the date of the notice to submit representations to the Registrar of Foreign and Political Disclosures, appointed by the Home Affairs Minister.

If confirmed, NTUC will become the third organization designated as a PSP, following human rights groups Maruah and Think Centre.

NTUC has indicated it will review MHA’s requirements for the designation process but is unlikely to make any representations. The labour movement emphasized that it does not accept donations from political entities and remains committed to safeguarding against foreign interference.

NTUC secretary-general Ng Chee Meng assured members, partners, and stakeholders that the labour movement remains dedicated to championing workers’ interests with accountability and transparency. “Our core work to better workers’ lives and livelihoods will continue unabated,” he stated.

Foreign Interference Law and Its Implications

Passed in October 2021 after extensive parliamentary debate and push-back from the Workers’ Party (WP) and Progress Singapore Party (PSP), FICA aims to enhance the government’s capability to prevent, detect, and disrupt foreign interference in domestic politics.

Entities defined as PSPs under FICA include political parties, political office holders, Members of Parliament, election candidates, and their agents.

The relationship between NTUC and the PAP dates back to NTUC’s founding in 1961 by pro-PAP unionists. NTUC and its affiliated unions have been members of the international labour movement since the 1960s and maintain foreign affiliations with organizations such as the International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC-Asia Pacific) and the ASEAN Trade Union Council.

Symbiotic Relationship with PAP

NTUC and PAP’s close partnership was highlighted in a May Day Rally speech by then-Deputy Prime Minister Lawrence Wong in 2023, where he described the two as “sibling organisations” that collaborate closely. Mr Wong emphasized that the basis of Singapore’s tripartism – collaboration between unions, employers, and the government – lies in the symbiotic partnership between NTUC and PAP.

NTUC’s current labour chief, Ng Chee Meng, a former Cabinet minister, was co-opted into the PAP’s central executive committee (CEC) after losing his parliamentary seat to WP in the 2020 General Election.

Ng famously posted on his Facebook page back in 2021, saying, “Indeed, NTUC Singapore has been the symbiotic partner of the PAP to enable workers towards better lives. Our core purposes are the same, and wearing the logos this morning reminded me of service to country and to fellow Singaporeans”.

In addition to Mr Ng, several members of NTUC’s central committee hold political office or are sitting MPs. This includes NTUC deputy secretary-general Heng Chee How, who serves as Senior Minister of State for Defence and is an MP for Jalan Besar GRC, and NTUC deputy secretary-general Desmond Tan, who is Senior Minister of State in the Prime Minister’s Office and an MP for Pasir Ris-Punggol GRC.

The Ministry of Manpower (MOM) clarified that NTUC’s designation as a PSP will not prohibit its ongoing activities. “MOM will continue to work with NTUC as a key tripartite partner,” a spokesperson said, noting that NTUC’s activities comply with the Trade Unions Act.

The first individual designated as a PSP under FICA was Singaporean businessman Philip Chan Man Ping in February 2024, due to his susceptibility to foreign influence.

Law and Home Affairs Minister K Shanmugam had earlier explained that the designation of PSPs under FICA involves a public interest criterion. The government must determine that the designation is necessary to protect national interests.

The designation of NTUC as a politically significant person raises questions about the effectiveness of the foreign interference law, given NTUC’s deep ties with the PAP and the fact that the government itself is run by the PAP.

This symbiotic relationship prompts a critical reflection: even if there were any foreign interference, would meaningful action be taken?

The close-knit nature of NTUC and the ruling party suggests that the safeguards might serve more as a formality rather than a robust protective measure.

In the end, the designation might highlight the inherent paradox of a system where the watchdog and the entity being watched share such a close alliance.

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What the fica is this wayang? Ntuc slept with the pap for decades and suddenly now it’s supposed to divorce and break up with the pap??? What a ridiculous farce!

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Funny FICA Shanmugam Clan.
When Keppel went to bribe in another country.
MHA should have mentioned their names & Sacked Them for such conduct.
Now Unions which are definitely affiliated with foreign unions are under scrutiny.
NTUC is a Lobang Union, anyway.

Pappy’s “open door” immigration and relentlessly employment of foreign “talents”to shore up SG economic development had nonetheless give rise to possibility of creating a significant pool of”politically significant persons”.It is well known internationally the CCP China had over several decades created their own well connected network of PSPs including police stations operating within CCP embassies and various Chinese Clan Associations internationally.US, France , Germany,Italy and even Nordic countries have already commenced clearing out those CCP ‘s PSP agents.Singapore is of no exception.The fact our government now take the initiative to name one of Sg’s icon as a PSP reads allot… Read more »


This PAP Administration Pulls a TRICK to have us DRAWN into their Aggenda of many FARCES.

What COUNTS Significantly is the way of Application and HOW.

They can label all 100 any others they choose and EVEN officially GAZETTE it to make BELIEVE their IMPARTIALITY.

Actions SPEAKS loud and CLEAR – Keppel CORRUPTION, Ridout BUNGALOWS SCANDALS. What do these SILENTLY said?

NTUC designated as Politically Significant Person only? Shouldn’t NTUC also be designated and registered as a political party? Their so call Tripartism is a scam. First Singapore National Employers Federation (SNEF) is an affiliated to NTUC, so at best it is only Bipartism. Next NTUC is always helmed by Pappy Minister (could even be given the title Minister Without Portfolio). How are they going to represent workers interests and get the best deals when their negotiating partner is another Pappy Minister helming Ministry of Manpower? So in short, there is also no Bipartism. All in all it is only Pappy… Read more »

NTUC, continues to employ more and more foreign staff.
Now the organisation is under fica. Next NTUC topbrass could be marked 365/24/7.

I am quite surprised by the news that NTUC will be put under such category and there should be something which prompted the govt to make such decision.

Singtel, Google and Nokia … All should be included in the Politically Significant Entity. Track and Troll ppl and change location as and when … Play political game on ppl without permission … No?!?

How come POSB ATM card become PAssion Card like many are carrying PAP card. I never ask for it. I want back those POSB with a key shaped logo

What happened to the CORRUPTED $2.00 AIM Company set up by dubious liars, fake politicians?

Till the AG, CPIB look into this $2.00 AIM Company then one can pay 100 per cent homage to PAP.

Keep focused wisely coming GE.
Dont get distracted with all these PAP wayang wayangs..
Tryging to make us believe PAP is transparent but it looks like just the opposite.

Include Shit times as well .

NTUC is a BLOODY fake Union. A pseudo Union. In Germany, advanced economy – that produced Rhinnemetal, BMW, Mercedes, Leica, Thyssen Haniel, MWM, Rollei, just to mention handful few, if more then a book as thick and as many as Kuan Yews story books needed – Union Members sit in the Boards of their biggest and big Companies. And can one see any downfall of any of these Companies when Unions ARE on Par with Business Board members?? This BASTARD PAP BBird what BS nonsense tripartite entity CAN’T EVEN continue the previous business of Standard Chartered Semicon for eg. and… Read more »

There must be a reason for this sudden ruling. Like sudden checking and tightening of foreign inflow of investments following the 3b money laundering case. Like why sudden deemphasis of “5C” following a million$ minister’s corruption (pending). It is known they will shoot themselves first when a big case is circulating outside the MSM (which is the LAST to report anything negative).

Anyone heard anything on the ground? Was fake video of LHL warning TWN against CHN done by someone in NTUC?

Sacrifical lamb la.

Just like when they want to plunge a knife on Nicole and Leon, they have to publicise the Dick Affairs of Tan Chuan Jin and Ms Cheng Li Hui, and make these as scape goats yo keep painting PAP white.

But the CORRUPTION of PAP CANNOT escape – because the PAP Administration uses tax money, State Reserves Funds to assist both Tan and Cheng’s amorous bedding adventures

Do we need this PSP crap to designate NTUC , It is sticking out as a sore thumb since LKY designated a cabinet minister as a Secretary General.

Can the G get on with the life by helping citizens to tackle cost of living in SG instead all this wayang.

Actually there are tons of potential legit PSP candidates – Shit Times, CASE, HDB, SLA, PCF, LTA, AG Chambers, CPIB etc etc etc.

What the Hokkien says, AI ah Xi Mai Niah.

Why ONLY pick on NTUC. Goodness, dictators in democracy fooling Singaporeans. No wonder sheeps in SG miraculous produce cotton for PAP.

First step for NTUC to become a union, is for Ng Chee Meng to step down. Second step is for all in NTUC who are members of the PAP to step down. Thirdly , thanks for the good 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 laugh trying to hoodwink the Public on the PSP. You do have a sense of humour.🤣

this one definitely fake one but gg after opposition hunt until the whole family line.

I thought only in SG Clowns are the highest remunerated on this planet.

The PAP boasts many Firsts for SG, lab grown meat, one of them. Silkworms satay. What’s next, caterpillar 🐛 cookies?

Cockroach cocks – ahem the one belongs to Tan Chuan Jin, adulterated with ingredients from Ms Cheng Li Hui. This one must be yummylicious.

Uniquely SG when all sorts of mind boggling events, happennings began to thunder – tell take sign of a Manipulated GE.

PA should by right be designated a PSP as well given its intimate link to the PAP.Possible foreign inflatration especially by the CCP into the various division of PA cannot be ignored.What about our CDC??

Comical really. Pure theatre really. Wayang actually !!!

To show the nation that no stone will be left unturned, … even if it’s a stone placed there by themselves !!!

In thee end, … it’s just another ownself check ownself, followed by ownself double-check ownself scenario, … which is an altogether regular occurrence in theatrics dominated SillyPore !!!
