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Three women charged for organising letter submission to S’pore PM in solidarity with Palestine

Three women were charged on Thursday for organizing about 70 people to deliver letters supporting Palestine to the Istana without a permit. Under the Public Order Act, they face potential penalties of up to six months in jail or a fine of S$10,000 if convicted.



SINGAPORE: Three women who allegedly organized a group of about 70 people to deliver letters to the Istana in support of the Palestinian cause were charged in court on 27 June.

The individuals charged are Annamalai Kokila Parvathi, 35, an activist with the Transformative Justice Collective (TJC); Siti Amirah Mohamed Asrori, 29, a social media influencer; and Mossamad Sobikun Nahar, 25, a community worker.

Annamalai was charged with abetting the organization of a public procession in a restricted area, while Mossamad and Amirah were each charged with organizing such a procession. These charges fall under the Public Order Act.

During their court appearance, the three were accompanied by more than 10 supporters, including prominent activist Jolovan Wham.

According to a press release from the Singapore Police Force (SPF) issued on Thursday, the women allegedly organized a procession to express support for the Palestinian cause, including promoting attendance online.

On 2 February, approximately 70 people gathered along Orchard Road outside a shopping mall around 2 PM and proceeded towards the Istana.

They carried umbrellas adorned with watermelon designs as a symbol of solidarity with the Palestinian cause amid the Gaza conflict, matching the colours of the Palestinian flag.

Social media posts indicate that participants of the Letters for Palestine event walked from Plaza Singapura to the Istana to deliver letters addressed to then-Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong.

The police added that Annamalai had previously been issued a stern warning on 5 December 2017 and a 24-month conditional warning on 30 November 2021 for her involvement in other public assemblies without a permit.

Siti Amirah is under investigation for offences in a separate incident, the police said without elaborating. Police investigations into others involved in the same event are ongoing.

The police urged the public “not to engage in activities that will damage the peace, public order and social harmony which Singaporeans have worked hard to achieve, and enjoy today.”

They added, “We understand that some people may feel strongly about the Israel-Hamas conflict, but they should not break the law to express their views, nor emulate the protestors in other countries.  ”

“They could instead participate in the many forums and dialogues, and donation drives, which have been appropriately organised on the issue. ”

If convicted, each faces a jail term of not more than six months or a fine of up to S$10,000 (US$7,364).

Criticism of Government action

In response to the charges, the Transformative Justice Collective (TJC) on Wednesday issued a statement criticizing the government’s actions.

“In the face of peaceful demands to act with moral courage against the ongoing genocide in Palestine, the Government has chosen to respond vindictively with criminal sanctions,” the statement read.

“Such sanctions levelled against the three are also a continuation of the intimidation of peaceful support for Palestinian lives in Singapore.”

TJC also condemned the Public Order Act as a draconian restriction on the people’s right to peaceful assembly and freedom of expression, rights enshrined in Article 14 of Singapore’s Constitution.

They called for the charges to be withdrawn and for an end to all other investigations and intimidation of peaceful actions in support of Palestine.

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I have largely stayed mute about the current Israel-Hamas conflict because to me, the causes for the conflict are simply too deep. But, I draw the line when one side tries to bring the conflict to our shores. I can see the mayhem the pro Palestinians have caused particularly in the US universities. For me, these pro-Palestinians can protest but do it outside Singapore. This is an emotive issue. Let’s be real, this is not only a political but also a religious issue. It has the potential to ignite racial and religious sentiments that could cause damage to Singapore. The… Read more »

One small march, some men take it as challenging their activism CUP. Spew all sorts of language just to thumb ppl down. Why dun say every CUPS the men want to own it and be the overlords in that specific arena.

Our own Singapore bread and butter issues are more important or Pale ass thin?

Now doing Time: They will be
Good point John Lim.
Change the Immediate Environment you live in first.

why don’t they protest high cost of living ,high food cost ?

say no to Hamas terrorism. Please go home and sleep. Stop wasting your time. Go and take up skills futures. LOL

We want peace. Deport all of them to Gaza and fight the war

To you Protestors= Please go to Palestine to protest.

Sorry PM say bo chap !

Palestinians support terrorist Hamas.

Can we say these people and Palestinians are terrorist supporters? What do you think?

Fantasy Island’s law so scary!

How dare they criticize Israel’s actions! They are God’s chosen (apparently).

You are free to criticize anyone who’s unchosen.

another group radicalized like What Netanyahu says about Hamas?

Throw the keys after locking them up

Lock them up. Make them clean toilets. So free and nothing better to do ?

Send Them To Palestine. Sinkies on Pale Ass Time. Hahaha.
Wonder what they know about that region??

Are we a signatory to the UN declaration of human rights? If yes, how is the freedom of free speech and a peaceful march from Plaza Singapura to the Istana which is not even half a kilometre be against the law? Laws are enacted to protect the Rights of citizens not to persecute them using our Law enforcement officers. Is the PAP ruling party serving the interests of the State and Citizens? Please use your vote wisely as Parliament has been misused by the PAP for decades to serve their own agenda to intimidate the population into a controlled behaviour… Read more »
